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Aster Plants

Aster Plants

Result: 5 products.
Result: 5 products. If you have just started gardening or even if you are a master at gardening, the aster plants can be a great addition to your garden. They look impressive. . . read more >


  • aster (violet) - plant
    Sold out
    Original price ₹ 199
    Original price ₹ 199
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    ₹ 199
    Current price ₹ 199

    Aster (violet) - Plant

    DescriptionAsters get their name from the Latin word for star, and their flowers are indeed the superstars of the fall garden Sr Item name 1 Ast...

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    Original price ₹ 199
    Original price ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    Current price ₹ 199
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  • aster (red) - plant
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    Original price ₹ 199
    Original price ₹ 199
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    ₹ 199
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    Aster (Red) - Plant

    DescriptionAsters get their name from the Latin word for star, and their flowers are indeed the superstars of the fall garden Sr Item name 1 Ast...

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    ⚡ 4+ Offers Inside
    Original price ₹ 199
    Original price ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    Current price ₹ 199
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  • aster (pink) - plant
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    Original price ₹ 199
    Original price ₹ 199
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    ₹ 199
    Current price ₹ 199

    Aster (Pink) - Plant

    DescriptionAsters get their name from the Latin word for star, and their flowers are indeed the superstars of the fall garden Sr Item name 1 Ast...

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    ⚡ 4+ Offers Inside
    Original price ₹ 199
    Original price ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    Current price ₹ 199
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  • aster (white) - plant
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    Original price ₹ 199
    Original price ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    Current price ₹ 199

    Aster (White) - Plant

    DescriptionAsters get their name from the Latin word for star, and their flowers are indeed the superstars of the fall garden Sr Item name 1 Ast...

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    ⚡ 4+ Offers Inside
    Original price ₹ 199
    Original price ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    Current price ₹ 199
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  • aster (any color) - plant
    Sold out
    Original price ₹ 244
    Original price ₹ 244
    ₹ 244
    ₹ 244
    Current price ₹ 244

    Aster (Any Color) - Plant

    DescriptionAster (Any Color) - PlantPlant Specifications*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10% Aster careAst...

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    ⚡ 4+ Offers Inside
    Original price ₹ 244
    Original price ₹ 244
    ₹ 244
    ₹ 244
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About Aster Plants

If you have just started gardening or even if you are a master at gardening, the aster plants can be a great addition to your garden. They look impressive. They brighten the whole ambience and have so many benefits for the environment around you.

Imagine a meadow full of pretty little flowers in vibrant colours. How does that make you feel? Now imagine having those flowers in your own garden or house!

They are pretty, daisy-like flowers with star-shaped heads. They come in a variety of colours such as bright purple and white.

They are an ode to summer and spring and make for wonderful home additions. At Nursery Live, you can bring Aster Plants home to give a dash of beauty to your surroundings.

At Nursery Live, we have a wide range of Aster Plants in colours like red, pink, violet, peach and even lavender. A lot of people, including influencers, these days use Aster Plants to liven their homes and photographs.

Owing to their vibrant colours and cute shape, these flowers make wonderful props for a home or even an office.

Aster plants are used widely for beautifying a place. These plants are even used to make a place up for a real estate house showing.

In terms of maintenance, Aster Plants are easy to maintain. They are quite a joy for someone who has a green thumb. They require a thin layer of compost and need to be watered regularly so as not to droop. Place them in an area with significant sunlight exposure, and you’re good to go.

Aster plants also make wonderful gifting items. Looking to brighten someone’s day up? Send them a little pot of Aster Plants for them to care for! Choose from Nursery Live’s selection of Aster Plants as a decorative add-on to your home or to set the mood for someone else.

Aster Care

Aster plants are easy to grow, but still need some care to thrive. This article will guide you on how to care for your Aster plant, including watering, fertilizing, and pruning tips.

Aster Flowers

Aster plants produce daisy-like flowers in a range of colors, from white to pink, purple, and blue. This article will delve into the anatomy of the Aster flower and the symbolism behind its colors.

Aster Varieties

There are over 600 Aster species, each with unique characteristics. This article will introduce you to some of the most popular Aster varieties, including the New England Aster, Michaelmas Daisy, and China Aster.

Aster Potting

Choosing the right pot and soil for your Aster plant is crucial to its growth and health. This article will provide tips on how to pot your Aster plant, including selecting the right pot size, soil type, and drainage.

Aster Light Requirements

Aster plants thrive in full sun to partial shade. This article will discuss the light requirements of Aster plants and how to ensure they get the right amount of light.

Aster Watering

Overwatering and underwatering are common mistakes in Aster care. This article will teach you how to water your Aster plant properly, including how often to water and how to tell when your plant needs water.

Aster Fertilizer

Fertilizing your Aster plant is essential for promoting growth and flowering. This article will cover the different types of fertilizer you can use for Aster plants and how to apply them.

Aster Propagation

Propagating Aster plants can be done through division, cuttings, or seeds. This article will guide you through each method and provide tips on how to propagate your Aster plant successfully.

Aster Diseases

Aster plants can be susceptible to various diseases, including powdery mildew and leaf spot. This article will discuss the common diseases that affect Aster plants and how to prevent and treat them.

Aster Pests

Pests like aphids and thrips can infest Aster plants and cause damage. This article will introduce you to the common pests that affect Aster plants and how to control and prevent them.

Aster Soil Requirements

Aster plants prefer well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. This article will cover the ideal soil requirements for Aster plants and how to prepare the soil for planting.

Aster Leaves

Aster leaves come in different shapes and sizes, from lance-shaped to heart-shaped, and can provide clues to the plant's health. This article will discuss the different types of Aster leaves and what they indicate about the plant's condition.

Aster Roots

Healthy roots are essential for the growth and survival of Aster plants. This article will cover the anatomy of Aster roots and how to ensure they stay healthy and strong.

Aster Temperature Requirements

Aster plants prefer cool to moderate temperatures and can tolerate light frosts. This article will discuss the ideal temperature range for Aster plants and how to protect them from extreme temperatures.

Aster Humidity Requirements

Aster plants thrive in moderate to high humidity environments. This article will cover the ideal humidity requirements for Aster plants and how to maintain a proper humidity level.

Aster Blooming

Aster plants are known for their abundant blooms that can last for weeks or even months. This article will discuss the factors that influence Aster blooming and how to encourage your plant to produce more flowers.

Aster Toxicity

Aster plants are non-toxic to humans and pets, making them safe to have around. This article will cover some of the health benefits of Aster plants and how they can be used in herbal medicine.

Aster Decor

Aster plants make excellent cut flowers and can add a pop of color to any floral arrangement. This article will provide tips on how to incorporate Aster plants into your home decor.

Aster Gift

Aster plants make thoughtful and long-lasting gifts for any occasion, from birthdays to thank-you gifts. This article will discuss the benefits of giving Aster plants as gifts and how to care for them after gifting.

Aster Art

Aster plants have inspired many artists and designers, and their vibrant colors and unique shapes make them popular subjects for art and decor. This article will showcase some of the creative ways that Aster plants have been incorporated into art and design.


What are aster plants?

Aster plants are a group of flowering plants that belong to the Asteraceae family. They are known for their daisy-like flowers and come in a range of colors, including white, pink, purple, blue, and red.

Are aster plants easy to grow?

Aster plants are relatively easy to grow and care for, making them a popular choice for home gardeners.

What is the best time to plant aster seeds?

Aster seeds should be planted in the spring, after the danger of frost has passed. They can also be planted in the fall, but may not flower until the following year.

How do I plant aster seeds?

Aster seeds should be sown directly into the soil or started indoors and transplanted outdoors once they have germinated. They should be planted in well-draining soil and kept moist until they sprout.

How long does it take for aster seeds to germinate?

Aster seeds typically take 7-14 days to germinate, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

How do I care for my aster plants?

Aster plants require regular watering, full sun to partial shade, and well-draining soil. They should be fertilized once a month during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer.

Do aster plants attract pollinators?

Yes, aster plants are known for attracting bees, butterflies, and other pollinators to the garden.

Can aster plants be grown in containers?

Yes, aster plants can be grown in containers as long as they are given adequate space and moisture.

How do I prevent my aster plants from getting powdery mildew?

To prevent powdery mildew, aster plants should be planted in an area with good air circulation and spaced apart to prevent overcrowding. They should also be watered at the base of the plant to avoid getting water on the leaves.

How do I deadhead my aster plants?

To deadhead an aster plant, use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to remove spent blooms. Cut just above a leaf node to encourage new growth and more blooms.

How do I propagate my aster plant?

Aster plants can be propagated by division or by taking stem cuttings. To propagate by division, carefully separate the plant into smaller sections with healthy roots and stems. To propagate by stem cuttings, take a cutting from a healthy, mature plant and plant it in well-draining soil.

How do I overwinter my aster plants?

Aster plants should be cut back to the ground in the fall and covered with a layer of mulch to protect the roots from frost. In areas with severe winters, they may need to be dug up and stored indoors until the spring.

Can aster plants be grown indoors?

Aster plants can be grown indoors as long as they are given adequate light and moisture. They should be placed near a sunny window and watered regularly.

How do I know if my aster plant is getting enough sunlight?

Aster plants require full sun to partial shade to thrive. If the leaves begin to turn yellow or brown, it may be a sign that the plant is not getting enough sunlight.

How do I know if my aster plant is getting too much water?

Aster plants should be watered whenever the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other problems, so it is important to allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.

What is the best way to display aster plants in a bouquet or floral arrangement?

Aster plants make beautiful additions to bouquets and floral arrangements. To display them, cut the stems at an angle and place them in a vase with fresh water. Keep the vase out of direct sunlight and change the water every few days.

Can aster plants be used for medicinal purposes?

Some species of aster plants are used in traditional medicine for their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using any plant for medicinal purposes.

Are aster plants toxic to pets or children?

Aster plants are not considered toxic to pets or children, but ingestion may cause mild gastrointestinal upset. It is still important to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Can I grow aster plants in a shady area?

While aster plants prefer full sun to partial shade, some varieties can tolerate shady conditions. It is important to choose a variety that is appropriate for the level of shade in the area.

How tall do aster plants grow?

Aster plants can range in height from a few inches to several feet, depending on the variety.

Do aster plants have any special soil requirements?

Aster plants prefer well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. It is important to avoid soil that is too heavy or compacted.

How do I prevent my aster plants from getting aphids?

To prevent aphids, keep the area around the aster plants free of debris and weeds, as this can attract the pests. You can also use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control infestations.

How do I know if my aster plant is too crowded?

If the leaves and stems of the aster plant are starting to overlap, it may be a sign that it is too crowded. This can lead to poor air circulation and an increased risk of disease.

Can I grow aster plants in a container garden?

Yes, aster plants can be grown in containers as long as they are given adequate space and moisture. They should be planted in a well-draining potting mix and watered regularly.

How often should I fertilize my aster plants?

Aster plants should be fertilized once a month during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer. It is important not to over-fertilize, as this can lead to poor growth and other problems.

Can aster plants be used as a ground cover?

Some varieties of aster plants can be used as a ground cover, but it is important to choose a variety that is appropriate for the growing conditions and the desired effect.

How do I prune my aster plants?

To prune an aster plant, use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to remove any dead or damaged branches. Cut just above a leaf node to encourage new growth and more blooms.

How long do aster plants typically live?

Aster plants can live for several years with proper care and maintenance.

Are aster plants native to India?

Aster plants are not native to India, but they can be grown successfully in many parts of the country.