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Office Plants Packs

Office Plants Packs

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Result: 0 products. We spend more time at our workplace or offices than we think. And if we’re spending so many hours at a place, the least we can do is, make it visually ple. . . read more >


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About Office Plants Packs

We spend more time at our workplace or offices than we think. And if we’re spending so many hours at a place, the least we can do is, make it visually pleasing. That’s where the task of incorporating gorgeous plants comes in. And our office plant packs are the perfect starting point for the same.

Be it an employee at an organization or a freelancer who works from home, everyone with an office space deserves to be surrounded by nature. In addition to being a visual treat, plants are also famous for their air-purifying qualities and positive vibes.

Our office plant packs grow plants that provide you with all this and much more.
In this fast-paced environment, feeling stressed out or anxious is common. These office plant packs will help you in furnishing your workplace with plants that’d relieve stress and add positivity to your life.

According to studies, merely adding some greenery in the form of indoor plants can have significant positive effects on people and their workplaces. The same is true for those who work from home or from a remote location. Additionally, they’d also help in boosting productivity.
Nobody likes mundane cubicles or desk areas. So why not add some nature around you in the form of plants? A grave benefit of having plants in your office is enhanced concentration. The office plant packs would help you with that while also providing you with clean air.
At Nurserylive, our goal is to make nature accessible. And our office plant packs have been curated accordingly. They’d help you in making your work experience more pleasant.
Our office plant packs collection includes Pandanus plants, ZZ plants, colorful foliage garden, Snake plants, amongst others. They’re easy to maintain and come in various shapes and sizes.
Along with the office plant packs, we also provide decorative containers, pebbles, miniature garden toys, and much more that you could pair with your plants to make them more alluring.

Succulent Packs

Succulent packs are a great way to add some greenery to your office without the maintenance requirements of traditional plants. These drought-resistant plants come in a variety of colors and textures, making them a stylish addition to any workspace.

Air Plant Packs

Air plant packs are a low-maintenance way to add some natural beauty to your office desk. These unique plants don't require soil to grow and can survive with just a weekly misting, making them a great option for busy professionals.

Herb Garden Packs

Herb garden packs are a great way to bring some fresh flavor to your office. These packs often include a variety of herbs such as basil, cilantro, and parsley, which can be used to spice up your lunch or add some fragrance to your workspace.

Cactus Packs

Cactus packs are a great way to add some desert vibes to your office. These low-maintenance plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can survive in dry, sunny conditions, making them a great option for offices with lots of natural light.

Flower Packs

Flower packs are a great way to add some color and fragrance to your office. These packs often include a variety of blooms, such as daisies, sunflowers, and roses, which can add some cheer to your workspace and boost your mood.

Fern Packs

Fern packs are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office while also improving air quality. These plants are known for their ability to purify the air and can survive in low light conditions, making them a great option for offices with limited natural light.

Aloe Vera Packs

Aloe vera packs are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office while also promoting health and wellness. Aloe vera has been used for centuries for its healing properties and can be used to treat minor burns and cuts.

Spider Plant Packs

Spider plant packs are a great way to add some greenery to your office while also improving air quality. These plants are known for their ability to remove toxins from the air and can survive in a variety of conditions, making them a great option for any workspace.

Snake Plant Packs

Snake plant packs are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office while also improving air quality. These plants are known for their ability to remove toxins from the air and can survive in low light conditions, making them a great option for busy professionals.

Jade Plant Packs

Jade plant packs are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office while also promoting good luck and prosperity. These plants are believed to bring good fortune and can survive in a variety of conditions, making them a great option for any workspace.

Pothos Plant Packs

Pothos plant packs are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office while also improving air quality. These plants have attractive, variegated leaves and can survive in low light conditions, making them a great option for busy professionals.

Bamboo Plant Packs

Bamboo plant packs are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office while also promoting good luck and prosperity. These plants are believed to bring good fortune and can survive in low light conditions, making them a great option for busy professionals.

ZZ Plant Packs

ZZ plant packs are a great way to add some visual interest to your office while also improving air quality and reducing stress. These plants have attractive, glossy leaves and are very low maintenance, making them a great option for busy professionals.

Dracaena Packs

Dracaena packs are a great way to add some tropical vibes to your office while also improving air quality. These plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are known for their ability to remove toxins from the air.

Ivy Packs

Ivy packs are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office while also improving air quality. These plants have trailing vines and can be grown in hanging baskets or trained to climb a trellis, making them a versatile option for any workspace.

Philodendron Packs

Philodendron packs are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office while also improving air quality. These plants have attractive, glossy leaves and can be grown in a variety of conditions, making them a great option for busy professionals.

Rubber Plant Packs

Rubber plant packs are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office while also improving air quality. These plants have attractive, shiny leaves and can grow quite large, making them a statement piece in any workspace.

Pilea Peperomioides Packs

Pilea peperomioides packs are a great way to add some trendy style to your office. Also known as the "Chinese money plant," these plants have attractive, round leaves and are believed to bring good fortune and prosperity.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Packs

Fiddle leaf fig packs are a great way to add some dramatic flair to your office. These plants have large, lush leaves and can grow quite tall, making them a statement piece in any workspace.

Monstera Deliciosa Packs

Monstera deliciosa packs are a great way to add some tropical vibes to your office while also improving air quality. These plants have distinctive, perforated leaves and can grow quite large, making them a statement piece in any workspace.


What are Office Plants Packs?

Office Plants Packs are pre-arranged plant collections designed specifically for use in office spaces. They contain a variety of plants that are suitable for indoor environments and require minimal maintenance.

How do Office Plants Packs benefit my workspace?

Office Plants Packs offer numerous benefits to your workspace, including improved air quality, reduced stress and anxiety, increased productivity, and a more aesthetically pleasing environment.

What types of plants are included in Office Plants Packs?

The types of plants included in Office Plants Packs vary depending on the specific pack. Some common options include snake plants, ZZ plants, pothos, and succulents.

How much light do Office Plants Packs require?

Most Office Plants Packs require moderate to bright indirect light. However, some packs are designed specifically for low-light environments and contain plants that can thrive in these conditions.

How often should I water my Office Plants Pack?

The frequency of watering for your Office Plants Pack depends on the specific pack and the plants included. However, as a general rule, most indoor plants should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

What type of soil should I use for my Office Plants Pack?

Most Office Plants Packs come with pre-packaged potting soil that is specifically formulated for indoor plants. However, if you need to repot your plants, it is important to use a high-quality potting mix that is well-draining and nutrient-rich.

Can I fertilize my Office Plants Pack?

Yes, fertilizing your Office Plants Pack can help promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage. It is recommended to fertilize once a month with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

How often should I prune my Office Plants Pack?

Pruning requirements vary depending on the specific plants in your pack. However, as a general rule, you should remove any dead or yellowing leaves as soon as possible to promote healthy growth.

Can I customize my Office Plants Pack?

Yes, Nurserylive offers a variety of pre-made Office Plants Packs, as well as the option to customize your own pack based on your specific needs and preferences.

How do I choose the right Office Plants Pack for my workspace?

Choosing the right Office Plants Pack for your workspace depends on several factors, including the amount of natural light available, the size of your workspace, and your personal aesthetic preferences. Nurserylive's customer service team can assist you in choosing the right pack for your specific needs.

How do I care for my Office Plants Pack when I am on vacation?

If you are going on vacation, it is important to ensure that your Office Plants Pack is well-watered and cared for in your absence. You can use self-watering devices or ask a friend or colleague to take care of your plants while you are away.

How do I prevent pests in my Office Plants Pack?

Preventing pests in your Office Plants Pack involves regular inspection and maintenance. If you notice any signs of pests, such as webbing or tiny insects, it is important to remove the affected plant and treat the remaining plants with a natural insecticide.

How do I clean my Office Plants Pack?

Cleaning your Office Plants Pack involves removing any dead leaves or debris from the soil, wiping the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust, and occasionally misting the plants with water to keep them hydrated and clean.

How long do Office Plants Packs last?

Office Plants Packs can last for several years with proper care and maintenance. However, some plants may require more frequent replacements or repotting.

Are Office Plants Packs eco-friendly?

Yes, Office Plants Packs are eco-friendly as they promote the use of natural and sustainable materials, and help improve the overall air quality and well-being of the workspace.

Can Office Plants Packs be used in small workspaces?

Yes, Office Plants Packs can be used in small workspaces as they come in various sizes and shapes. Nurserylive offers small and compact packs that are suitable for small workspaces.

How do I know if my Office Plants Pack is getting enough water?

You can check if your Office Plants Pack is getting enough water by feeling the soil. If the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, it's time to water your plants. You can also use a moisture meter to determine the level of moisture in the soil.

Can Office Plants Packs improve the indoor air quality?

Yes, Office Plants Packs can improve the indoor air quality by removing harmful pollutants from the air and releasing oxygen. They are known to be natural air purifiers.

Can I return my Office Plants Pack if I'm not satisfied?

Yes, Nurserylive has a return policy that allows customers to return their Office Plants Pack if they are not satisfied with the quality or condition of the plants.

Are Office Plants Packs affordable?

Yes, Office Plants Packs are affordable and can be a cost-effective way to add greenery to your workspace. Nurserylive offers a variety of packs at different price points to suit different budgets. Additionally, the long-term benefits of having indoor plants, such as improved air quality and productivity, can make them a worthwhile investment.