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Result: 14 products.
Result: 14 products. Sedum is a plant with squishy stems succulent leaves and star-shaped flower clusters Sedums with beautiful flowers that resemble jewels are eyecatching Ta. . . read more >


  • sedum rubrotinctum aurora - plant
    sedum rubrotinctum aurora - plant
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    Original price ₹ 240
    Original price ₹ 240
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    Current price ₹ 199

    Sedum rubrotinctum Aurora - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionSedum rubrotinctum Aurora is an interesting succulent plant that displays jelly bean like leaves. Sr Item name 1 Sedum rubrotinctum A...

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    Original price ₹ 240
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    Original price ₹ 240
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  • graptosedum species - plant
    graptosedum species - plant
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    Original price ₹ 324
    Original price ₹ 324
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    Current price ₹ 259

    Graptosedum species - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionIt has striking grey-green coloured, fleshy spoon-shaped leaves growing in a rosette on a stem. It is a popular groundcover plant in roc...

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    Original price ₹ 324
    Original price ₹ 324
    Original price ₹ 324
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    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259
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  • sedum angelina (golden) - plant
    sedum angelina (golden) - plant
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    Original price ₹ 305
    Original price ₹ 305
    Original price ₹ 305
    Current price ₹ 259
    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259

    Sedum Angelina (Golden) - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionTerrific low evergreen groundcover for sunny areas with poor dry soil. This forms a trailing mat of succulent golden-yellow leaves. Cons...

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    ⚡ 4+ Offers Inside
    Original price ₹ 305
    Original price ₹ 305
    Original price ₹ 305
    Current price ₹ 259
    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259
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  • japanese golden ogon sedum - plant
    japanese golden ogon sedum - plant
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    Original price ₹ 298
    Original price ₹ 298
    Original price ₹ 298
    Current price ₹ 259
    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259

    Japanese Golden Ogon Sedum - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionBrilliant solid golden-yellow foliage flushed with pink provides a striking color accent in rock gardens, walls or containe Makes an exc...

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    ⚡ 4+ Offers Inside
    Original price ₹ 298
    Original price ₹ 298
    Original price ₹ 298
    Current price ₹ 259
    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259
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  • sedum confusum - plant
    sedum confusum - plant
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    Original price ₹ 240
    Original price ₹ 240
    Original price ₹ 240
    Current price ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    Current price ₹ 199

    Sedum confusum - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionMake a Mesmerizing, impressive glossy evergreen display in your home garden with an excellent succulent Sedum plant. Sr Item name 1 ...

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    Original price ₹ 240
    Original price ₹ 240
    Original price ₹ 240
    Current price ₹ 199
    ₹ 199
    Current price ₹ 199
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  • sedum angelina (green) - plant
    sedum angelina (green) - plant
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    Original price ₹ 320
    Original price ₹ 320
    Original price ₹ 320
    Current price ₹ 259
    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259

    Sedum Angelina (Green) - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionTerrific low evergreen groundcover for sunny areas with poor dry soil. This forms a trailing mat of succulent golden-yellow leaves. Clus...

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    ⚡ 4+ Offers Inside
    Original price ₹ 320
    Original price ₹ 320
    Original price ₹ 320
    Current price ₹ 259
    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259
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  • sedum adolphii - plant
    sedum adolphii - plant
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    Original price ₹ 288
    Original price ₹ 288
    Original price ₹ 288
    Current price ₹ 259
    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259

    Sedum adolphii - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionThe succulent foliage of many types of Sedum is topped by starry flowers in late summer and fall. Constituents: Sedum adolphii - Succul...

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    Original price ₹ 288
    Original price ₹ 288
    Original price ₹ 288
    Current price ₹ 259
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    Current price ₹ 259
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  • graptosedum darley sunshine - plant
    graptosedum darley sunshine - plant
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    Original price ₹ 294
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    Graptosedum Darley Sunshine - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionIt is a beautiful, hybrid succulent up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall, with lovely bright colors that offsets freely. The leaves are thick, su...

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    Current price ₹ 259
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  • silver sedum - plant
    silver sedum - plant
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    Original price ₹ 305
    Original price ₹ 305
    Original price ₹ 305
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    Current price ₹ 259

    Silver Sedum, Sedum lineare - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionSilver sedum has gorgeous blue-green to silver foliage giving an elegant and classy look to your house.Constituents: Silver Sedum, Sedum...

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    Original price ₹ 305
    Original price ₹ 305
    Original price ₹ 305
    Current price ₹ 259
    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259
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  • sedum rubrotinctum pork and beans - plant
    sedum rubrotinctum pork and beans - plant
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    Original price ₹ 320
    Original price ₹ 320
    Original price ₹ 320
    Current price ₹ 259
    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259

    Sedum rubrotinctum Pork and Beans - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionIt is a succulent plant originating in Mexico. It is a species of Sedum from the Crassulaceae family of plants. Constituents: Sedum rub...

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    ⚡ 4+ Offers Inside
    Original price ₹ 320
    Original price ₹ 320
    Original price ₹ 320
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    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259
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  • sedum pachyphyllum - plant
    sedum pachyphyllum - plant
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    Original price ₹ 288
    Original price ₹ 288
    Original price ₹ 288
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    ₹ 259
    Current price ₹ 259

    Sedum pachyphyllum - Succulent Plant

    DescriptionSedum Pachyphyllum - PlantDescriptionThis silver-green succulent has short, thick leaves and a woody stem. Once it begins to trail, this...

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    Original price ₹ 288
    Original price ₹ 288
    Original price ₹ 288
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About Sedum

Sedum is a plant with squishy stems succulent leaves and star-shaped flower clusters Sedums with beautiful flowers that resemble jewels are eyecatching Tall sedum is one of the hardiest perennials on the market.

Plant a few and you'll be surprised at how well they thrive with little effort throughout the spring-summer fall and even winter.

Tall sedum features succulent like foliage in green chartreuse variegated or burgundy colors with pink burgundy white or chartreuse yellow blooms that mature to russet reds and browns.

how many varieties of sedum are there

Stonecrops or Sedumare part of the Sedum genus which is a vast genus of flowering plants in the Crassulaceae family The genus was once thought to have up to 600 species but that number has since been reduced to 400500 many of which have become popular garden plants.

Stonecrop gets its name from the fact that these plants not only withstand but thrive in dry rocky soil.

how to care for sedum

Most sedums are incredibly easy to grow and propagate and the only way to kill them is to overwater them or plant them in excessively moist soil Sedum shouldn't require any additional watering as long as your area receives rain at least once every two weeks.

They're perfect for areas of your yard that get too much sun or too little water to support other plants Sedum thrives on poor sandy soils with good drainage If cultivated in soil that retains too much moisture it is prone to root rot.

After the plants have finished flowering trim them back to keep their shape or confine them to one area.

sedum succulent

Many gardeners recognize upright sedum species such as Sedum Autumn Joy as good plants for color in late summer and early autumns hot dry days Sedum plants are among the most forgiving plants when it comes to sun and poor soil.

Tall sedum blooms with flat tops bloom in late summer and fall providing a wonderful landing platform for hungry bees and butterflies.

Sedum plant

The Sedum plant is a succulent that comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. It is easy to care for and can be used in a variety of garden settings.

Autumn Joy Sedum

Autumn Joy Sedum is a popular variety of Sedum that produces clusters of pink flowers in the late summer and fall. It is a favorite among gardeners for its long-lasting blooms and easy care.

Sedum reflexum

Sedum reflexum is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of yellow flowers in the summer. It is a hardy and easy-to-grow plant that is perfect for rock gardens and borders.

Sedum spurium

Sedum spurium is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of pink, red, or white flowers in the summer. It is a popular choice for groundcovers and edging.

Sedum morganianum

Sedum morganianum, also known as Burro's Tail or Donkey's Tail, is a trailing succulent that produces long, hanging stems covered in plump green leaves. It is a popular choice for hanging baskets and containers.

Sedum sieboldii

Sedum sieboldii is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of pink flowers in the late summer and fall. It is a favorite among gardeners for its attractive foliage and easy care.

Sedum dasyphyllum

Sedum dasyphyllum is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of pink or white flowers in the summer. It is a hardy and easy-to-grow plant that is perfect for rock gardens and borders.

Stonecrop Sedum

Stonecrop Sedum is a general term used to refer to the many varieties of Sedum that are commonly used as groundcovers and rock garden plants. They are generally low-growing and easy to care for.

Sedum album

Sedum album is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of white flowers in the summer. It is a popular choice for groundcovers and rock gardens.

Sedum spectabile

Sedum spectabile, also known as Showy Stonecrop, is a tall and upright variety of Sedum that produces clusters of pink flowers in the late summer and fall. It is a favorite among gardeners for its striking appearance.

Sedum acre

Sedum acre is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of yellow flowers in the summer. It is a hardy and easy-to-grow plant that is perfect for rock gardens and borders.

Sedum kamtschaticum

Sedum kamtschaticum is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of yellow flowers in the summer. It is a hardy and easy-to-grow plant that is perfect for rock gardens and borders.

Sedum tetractinum

Sedum tetractinum is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of pink flowers in the summer. It is a hardy and easy-to-grow plant that is perfect for rock gardens and borders.

Sedum sarmentosum

Sedum sarmentosum, also known as Stringy Stonecrop, is a trailing succulent that produces long, thin stems covered in small, round leaves. It is a popular choice for hanging baskets and containers.

Sedum adolphii

Sedum adolphii, also known as Golden Sedum, is a trailing succulent that produces long, hanging stems covered in yellow-green leaves.

Sedum hispanicum

Sedum hispanicum is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of pink or white flowers in the summer. It is a hardy and easy-to-grow plant that is perfect for rock gardens and borders.

Sedum rupestre

Sedum rupestre is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of yellow flowers in the summer. It is a hardy and easy-to-grow plant that is perfect for rock gardens and borders.

Sedum nussbaumerianum

Sedum nussbaumerianum, also known as Coppertone Stonecrop, is a trailing succulent that produces long, hanging stems covered in copper-colored leaves. It is a popular choice for hanging baskets and containers.

Sedum lydium

Sedum lydium is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of pink or white flowers in the summer. It is a hardy and easy-to-grow plant that is perfect for rock gardens and borders.

Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood'

Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood' is a low-growing variety of Sedum that produces clusters of red-pink flowers in the summer. It is a popular choice for groundcovers and edging, and its foliage turns a deep burgundy color in the fall.


What is Sedum?

Sedum is a genus of flowering plants in the Crassulaceae family that comprises over 400 species of perennial succulents. They are commonly known as stonecrops and are native to many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, North America, and South America.

How do I care for my Sedum plant?

Sedum plants are easy to care for and require minimal attention. They prefer well-draining soil and moderate watering. It is best to water them when the soil is dry to the touch, usually once a week. They thrive in full sun but can also tolerate partial shade. Prune them in spring to remove dead foliage and promote new growth.

How often should I water my Sedum plant?

Sedum plants are drought-tolerant and do not require frequent watering. They can go several weeks without water, depending on the weather conditions and the type of Sedum plant. It is best to water them when the soil is dry to the touch, usually once a week.

Can Sedum plants grow in containers?

Yes, Sedum plants are great for container gardening. They have shallow roots and do not require deep soil, making them ideal for small pots and containers. Ensure that the container has adequate drainage to prevent waterlogging.

Can I propagate Sedum plants?

Yes, Sedum plants are easy to propagate through stem cuttings or leaf cuttings. Take a cutting from the parent plant and let it dry for a day or two before planting it in well-draining soil. Keep the soil moist and place the cutting in a bright, indirect light until roots develop.

What pests and diseases affect Sedum plants?

Sedum plants are generally pest and disease-free. However, they may be susceptible to mealybugs, spider mites, and fungal diseases if they are overwatered or placed in poorly ventilated areas.

How do I prevent root rot in Sedum plants?

Root rot is caused by overwatering and poor drainage. To prevent root rot, ensure that the soil is well-draining and the container has adequate drainage holes. Water the plant only when the soil is dry to the touch and avoid overwatering.

Can Sedum plants tolerate frost?

Most Sedum plants are hardy and can tolerate frost and cold temperatures. However, some species may be sensitive to frost and require protection during winter.

How do I fertilize my Sedum plant?

Sedum plants do not require frequent fertilization. You can fertilize them once a year in spring with a balanced fertilizer. Avoid over-fertilizing as it can cause the plant to become leggy and weak.

How do I prune my Sedum plant?

Prune your Sedum plant in spring to remove dead foliage and promote new growth. Cut back the stems to about an inch above the soil level. This will encourage the plant to produce more branches and become bushier.

Can I grow Sedum plants indoors?

Yes, Sedum plants can be grown indoors in bright, indirect light. Choose a compact variety that does not grow too tall, and ensure that the soil is well-draining. Water the plant only when the soil is dry to the touch.

How do I prepare my Sedum plant for winter?

Most Sedum plants are hardy and can tolerate winter temperatures. However, some species may require protection during winter. To prepare your Sedum plant for winter, reduce watering in fall and cover the plant with a layer of mulch to protect the roots.

Can Sedum plants attract bees and butterflies?

Yes, Sedum plants are great for attracting bees and butterflies to your garden. The flowers are rich in nectar and provide

How do I propagate Sedum plants?

Answer: Sedums are very easy to propagate. You can propagate Sedums by taking stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, or division. To take stem cuttings, simply cut a healthy stem with a few leaves and let it dry for a few days. Then, dip the cut end in rooting hormone and plant it in well-draining soil. To take leaf cuttings, simply remove a leaf from the plant and let it dry for a few days. Then, plant the leaf in well-draining soil. To divide Sedums, simply dig up the plant and separate the stems, making sure that each stem has some roots attached.

How often should I water Sedum plants?

Answer: Sedums are drought-tolerant plants and don't require frequent watering. You should water your Sedum plant only when the soil is completely dry. Overwatering can cause the roots to rot, so make sure not to water the plant too frequently.

Can Sedum plants be grown indoors?

Answer: Yes, Sedum plants can be grown indoors. They prefer bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Make sure to water the plant only when the soil is completely dry.

Are Sedum plants edible?

Answer: Some species of Sedum plants are edible, and are used in salads or as a garnish. However, not all Sedum plants are edible, so it's important to identify the species before consuming it.

Can Sedum plants survive in hot climates?

Answer: Yes, Sedum plants can survive in hot climates. They are drought-tolerant and prefer well-draining soil. However, it's important to provide some shade during the hottest parts of the day to prevent the plant from drying out.

How do I control pests on my Sedum plants?

Answer: Common pests that can affect Sedum plants include mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids. To control these pests, you can use insecticidal soap or neem oil. It's also important to regularly inspect your plants for any signs of pests, and to remove any infected leaves or stems.

How do I fertilize Sedum plants?

Answer: Sedum plants don't require much fertilizer, as they can grow in poor soil conditions. However, you can fertilize them once a month with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season. Avoid fertilizing them during the dormant season.

Can Sedum plants grow in shade?

Answer: Most Sedum plants prefer full sun, but some varieties can tolerate partial shade. If you want to grow Sedum plants in shade, make sure to choose a variety that is suited to those conditions.

Can Sedum plants be used as groundcover?

Answer: Yes, Sedum plants can be used as groundcover. They are low-growing and spread easily, making them an excellent choice for filling in bare spots in your garden.

How do I prune Sedum plants?

Answer: Sedum plants don't require much pruning, but you can pinch back the stems to encourage bushier growth. You can also remove any dead or damaged stems to keep the plant looking tidy. Make sure to prune your Sedum plant in the spring or early summer, before it starts to bloom