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Garden Plants Names - Nurserylive

Garden Plants Names

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Result: 541 products. Flowering plants: Flowers are not just beautiful to look at; they can also have therapeutic benefits. Research has shown that exposure to flowers can he. . . read more >


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About Garden Plants Names

  1. Flowering plants: Flowers are not just beautiful to look at; they can also have therapeutic benefits. Research has shown that exposure to flowers can help reduce stress and improve mood. So, why not add some color to your garden with a variety of flowering plants? With a range of colors, shapes, and sizes to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect plants to brighten up your outdoor space.

  2. Herb plants: Not only are herb plants great for adding flavor to your cooking, but they can also have health benefits. For example, basil has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, while rosemary has been shown to improve memory and concentration. With a variety of herbs to choose from, you can create your own herb garden and enjoy fresh herbs all year round.

  3. Foliage plants: Foliage plants are a great way to add some greenery to your garden without the need for flowers. They come in a range of shades and textures, from glossy greens to velvety purples. Foliage plants can also be used to create interesting contrasts and patterns in your garden design.

  4. Succulents: Succulents are a popular choice for gardeners due to their low-maintenance nature and unique shapes and sizes. They come in a variety of colors and textures, from prickly cacti to smooth, rounded succulents. With their ability to store water in their leaves and stems, succulents are also great for hot, dry climates.

  5. Climbing plants: Climbing plants can add some height and dimension to your garden design, as well as providing shade and privacy. They can be trained to grow up trellises, walls, and fences, and come in a range of colors and sizes. Climbing plants can also attract pollinators to your garden, such as butterflies and bees.

  6. Fruit plants: Fruit plants are a great way to add some functional beauty to your garden. With a variety of fruit plants to choose from, you can enjoy fresh fruit all year round. Fruit plants can also attract wildlife to your garden, such as birds and squirrels.

  7. Shade plants: Shade plants are a great way to add some greenery to areas of your garden that don't get a lot of direct sunlight. They come in a range of sizes and shapes, from delicate ferns to bold hostas. Shade plants can also help cool down your garden and provide a relaxing atmosphere.

  8. Groundcover plants: Groundcover plants are a great way to fill in gaps between larger plants and create a cohesive garden design. They come in a range of colors and textures, from low-growing moss to creeping vines. Groundcover plants can also help prevent erosion and provide a natural weed control.

  9. Ornamental grasses: Ornamental grasses are a great way to add some movement and texture to your garden design. They come in a range of heights and colors, from tall, swaying grasses to low-growing tufts. Ornamental grasses can also provide habitat for wildlife, such as birds and insects.

  10. Water plants: Water plants are a great way to add some life to your garden pond or water feature. They come in a range of sizes and colors, from delicate water lilies to bold lotus plants. Water plants can also help oxygenate the water and provide habitat for fish and other aquatic wildlife.

Flowering plants

Flowering plants are a great way to add color and beauty to your garden. With a range of colors, shapes, and sizes to choose from, you can create a unique and vibrant outdoor space. Whether you prefer delicate petals or bold blooms, there's a flowering plant for every gardener.


Herbs are not just great for cooking; they can also have medicinal properties and be used for natural remedies. For example, chamomile tea can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, while peppermint can help soothe an upset stomach. Growing your own herbs can also be a fun and rewarding hobby.


Succulents are a popular choice for gardeners due to their low-maintenance nature and unique shapes and sizes. They come in a variety of colors and textures, from prickly cacti to smooth, rounded succulents. With their ability to store water in their leaves and stems, succulents are also great for hot, dry climates.

Climbing plants

Climbing plants can add some height and dimension to your garden design, as well as providing shade and privacy. They can be trained to grow up trellises, walls, and fences, and come in a range of colors and sizes. Climbing plants can also attract pollinators to your garden, such as butterflies and bees.

Groundcover plants

Groundcover plants are a great way to fill in gaps between larger plants and create a cohesive garden design. They come in a range of colors and textures, from low-growing moss to creeping vines. Groundcover plants can also help prevent erosion and provide a natural weed control.

Shade plants

Shade plants are a great way to add some greenery to areas of your garden that don't get a lot of direct sunlight. They come in a range of sizes and shapes, from delicate ferns to bold hostas. Shade plants can also help cool down your garden and provide a relaxing atmosphere.

Water plants

Water plants are a great way to add some life to your garden pond or water feature. They come in a range of sizes and colors, from delicate water lilies to bold lotus plants. Water plants can also help oxygenate the water and provide habitat for fish and other aquatic wildlife.

Fruit trees

Fruit trees are a great way to add some functional beauty to your garden. With a variety of fruit trees to choose from, you can enjoy fresh fruit all year round. Fruit trees can also attract wildlife to your garden, such as birds and squirrels.

Ornamental grasses

Ornamental grasses are a great way to add some movement and texture to your garden design. They come in a range of heights and colors, from tall, swaying grasses to low-growing tufts. Ornamental grasses can also provide habitat for wildlife, such as birds and insects.


Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in one growing season, which means they need to be replanted each year. They come in a variety of colors and sizes and can be used to add some seasonal color to your garden. With a range of options to choose from, you can create a unique and vibrant garden each year.


What are the best garden plants for Indian climates?

India has a diverse climate, so it's important to choose plants that are suited to your specific region. Some plants that are generally well-suited to Indian climates include marigolds, roses, hibiscus, and bougainvillea.

How do I care for my garden plants?

Caring for garden plants involves regular watering, fertilizing, and pruning as needed. It's also important to keep an eye out for pests and diseases and take appropriate action to prevent and treat problems.

What is the best time to plant garden plants in India?

The best time to plant garden plants in India depends on the specific plant and the region you're in. Generally, the cooler months from October to February are ideal for planting, as this is when temperatures are lower and the soil is moist.

How often should I water my garden plants?

The frequency of watering will depend on the specific plant and the environment it's in. In general, most garden plants prefer to be kept moist but not waterlogged, so watering once or twice a week is usually sufficient.

What type of soil is best for growing garden plants?

Plants generally prefer well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Adding compost or peat moss to the soil can help improve its quality.

How do I fertilize my garden plants?

Fertilizer requirements vary depending on the plant, but in general, a balanced fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium can be applied every 4-6 weeks during the growing season.

How do I prevent pests and diseases in my garden plants?

Keeping the plants healthy and properly watered is the first step in preventing pests and diseases. Regularly inspecting the plants for signs of damage or infestation and using appropriate pesticides or fungicides can also help prevent problems.

How do I choose the right garden plants for my space?

Consider factors such as the amount of sunlight and space available, as well as the desired colors and textures. Researching the specific requirements of different plants can also help you make an informed decision.

How do I prune my garden plants?

Pruning involves removing dead or damaged branches and shaping the plant as needed. It's important to use sharp, clean pruning tools and make cuts at a slight angle just above a leaf node.

How do I propagate my garden plants?

Propagation involves creating new plants from existing ones through various methods, such as stem cuttings, division, or layering. Researching the specific requirements for each plant can help you choose the best method.

What are some popular garden plants in India?

Some popular garden plants in India include roses, marigolds, geraniums, petunias, dahlias, and hibiscus. These plants can add some color and life to your outdoor space.

Can I grow fruits and vegetables in my garden?

Yes, many fruits and vegetables can be grown in gardens, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and strawberries. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy fresh produce from your own backyard.