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Plants' Packs by Features

Plants' Packs by Features

Result: 212 products.
Result: 212 products. Looking for a convenient way to add some greenery to your home or garden? Check out our selection of Plants' Packs by Features at NurseryLive.Whether you'. . . read more >


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About Plants' Packs by Features

Looking for a convenient way to add some greenery to your home or garden? Check out our selection of Plants' Packs by Features at NurseryLive.

Whether you're looking for air-purifying plants to improve the quality of your indoor air or low-maintenance plants that require minimal care, we've got you covered.

Our Plants' Packs by Features are carefully curated to provide a variety of plants that share common features, making it easy for you to find the perfect pack for your needs.

From packs that include plants with bright, colorful flowers to packs that focus on plants with unique foliage patterns, we've got something for everyone.

Studies have shown that having plants in your environment can have numerous health benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving air quality. Our Plants' Packs by Features are an easy and affordable way to incorporate the benefits of plants into your life.

At NurseryLive, we take pride in providing high-quality plants that are sustainably grown and responsibly sourced. We also offer a range of helpful resources and tips to help you care for your plants and ensure they thrive in their new environment.

So why not add some greenery to your life with our Plants' Packs by Features? With a variety of options to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect pack to suit your needs and preferences.

Customizable Plant Packs

Looking to spruce up your space with some fabulous foliage? Customizable Plant Packs are here to save the day! Choose from an array of unique and trendy plants that cater to your aesthetic and functionality needs. Mix and match to your heart's content to create the perfect plant pack to fit your green oasis.

Low-Maintenance Plant Packs

No green thumb? No problem! Low-Maintenance Plant Packs are specially curated for those who love plants but lack the time or skill to care for them. These packs feature hardy, easy-to-grow plants that require minimal attention, making them the perfect companions for your busy life.

Air-Purifying Plant Packs

Clear the air and breathe easy with these Air-Purifying Plant Packs. Each pack includes a selection of plants that excel at removing toxins and improving air quality, ensuring that your indoor environment stays fresh and healthy. Inhale, exhale, and let these green friends work their magic!

Pet-Friendly Plant Packs

Don't let your furry friends miss out on the joys of indoor greenery. Pet-Friendly Plant Packs contain non-toxic plants that are safe for your beloved pets to nibble on. Now you can enjoy the best of both worlds – a lush indoor space and happy, healthy pets!

Aesthetic Plant Packs

Add a touch of class to your living space with Aesthetic Plant Packs. These packs are designed with beauty and visual appeal in mind, featuring stunning plants with eye-catching shapes, colors, and textures. Enhance your décor and make your space truly Insta-worthy with these stylish selections.

Edible Plant Packs

Grow your own food with these scrumptious Edible Plant Packs. From herbs and veggies to fruit-bearing plants, these packs offer a delicious and sustainable way to bring farm-to-table freshness right into your home. Bon appétit!

Fragrant Plant Packs

Aromatherapy, anyone? Transform your space into a fragrant paradise with Fragrant Plant Packs. These packs feature plants that produce delightful scents, creating a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. Say goodbye to synthetic air fresheners, and let Mother Nature do the talking!

Shade-Tolerant Plant Packs

Don't let the lack of sunlight get in the way of your plant dreams! Shade-Tolerant Plant Packs are designed for those dimly lit corners of your home. These plants thrive in low-light conditions, ensuring that your space remains lush and vibrant, no matter the lighting situation.

Drought-Tolerant Plant Packs

Conserve water and embrace eco-friendly living with Drought-Tolerant Plant Packs. These plants require minimal watering, making them perfect for the environmentally conscious plant enthusiast. Go ahead – save the planet, one plant at a time!

Hanging Plant Packs

Elevate your indoor jungle game with Hanging Plant Packs. These packs feature trailing and cascading plants that look stunning when suspended from the ceiling or perched on high shelves. Turn your home into a vertical garden wonderland and watch your space come alive!

Rare Plant Packs

Stand out from the crowd with Rare Plant Packs. These packs boast unusual and hard-to-find species that are sure to turn heads and spark conversations. Be the envy of all plant lovers with these unique and exotic additions to your collection.

Fast-Growing Plant Packs

Watch your green oasis flourish before your eyes with Fast-Growing Plant Packs. These packs include plants that experience rapid growth, providing you with the satisfaction of seeing your indoor garden quickly transform into a lush, vibrant space.

Succulent Plant Packs

Succulents are all the rage, and for good reason! Succulent Plant Packs offer an assortment of these charming, low-maintenance plants that add a touch of whimsy.

Vertical Garden Plant Packs

Maximize your limited space with Vertical Garden Plant Packs. These packs include plants that thrive in vertical arrangements, making them perfect for small apartments or balconies. Go vertical and create a living wall that's both functional and fashionable.

Tropical Plant Packs

Transport yourself to a lush, tropical paradise with Tropical Plant Packs. These packs feature vibrant, exotic plants that infuse your space with a sense of warmth and relaxation. Let the tropics come to you, and bask in the beauty of your own personal paradise.

Cold-Hardy Plant Packs

Embrace the chill with Cold-Hardy Plant Packs, specially curated for plant lovers in cooler climates. These packs contain plants that can withstand lower temperatures, ensuring that your indoor garden stays green and gorgeous all year round.

Aquatic Plant Packs

Dive into the world of water gardening with Aquatic Plant Packs. These packs include an assortment of water-loving plants that thrive in ponds, aquariums, or other aquatic environments. Create a serene, underwater sanctuary and watch your aquatic friends flourish!

Office Plant Packs

Boost productivity and elevate your workspace with Office Plant Packs. These packs are designed with the modern workplace in mind, featuring plants that require minimal care and improve air quality. Impress your colleagues and clients with a thriving, green office environment.

Windowsill Plant Packs

Make the most of your windowsills with Windowsill Plant Packs. These packs include plants that love basking in the sun and are perfectly suited for a life perched on your windowsill. Brighten up your space and enjoy the view with these sun-loving selections.

Colorful Foliage Plant Packs

Add a splash of color to your indoor garden with Colorful Foliage Plant Packs. These packs feature plants with vibrant, colorful leaves, providing a striking visual contrast to your space. Ditch the dull, and embrace a world of vivid, lively hues with these colorful companions.


What are plant packs?

Plant packs are a collection of different plants that are bundled together and sold as a set. These packs are designed to help customers easily create a beautiful and functional garden with a variety of plants.

What types of plants are included in plant packs?

Plant packs can include a variety of plants, including flowers, vegetables, herbs, and shrubs. The types of plants included in the pack will vary depending on the pack's theme and purpose.

What are the benefits of buying plant packs?

Plant packs offer several benefits, including cost savings, convenience, and the ability to easily create a beautiful garden with a variety of plants.

Can I customize the plants in my plant pack?

At Nurserylive, we offer a variety of pre-designed plant packs that are carefully curated to meet specific themes and purposes. However, customers can always choose to buy individual plants and create their own custom plant pack.

How do I care for the plants in my plant pack?

Each plant pack comes with detailed care instructions for each plant included in the pack. These instructions will help you keep your plants healthy and thriving.

How long will it take for my plants to grow?

The growth rate of plants in a pack will depend on the individual plants and the growing conditions. However, we provide information on the growth rate and expected height of each plant in the pack, so you can plan your garden accordingly.

Can I plant my plant pack in a pot or container?

Yes, you can plant your plant pack in a pot or container. Make sure the pot is large enough to accommodate the plants and has proper drainage.

Can I plant my plant pack in a shaded area?

Yes, there are plant packs available for shaded areas. Make sure to choose the right pack based on the light requirements of the plants.

Are plant packs suitable for indoor gardening?

Yes, there are several plant packs designed specifically for indoor gardening. These packs typically include plants that thrive in low light conditions and require minimal care.

How do I know if my plants are getting enough water?

Make sure to follow the watering instructions provided with your plant pack. You can also check the soil moisture level by inserting your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry, it's time to water your plants.

Can I grow plants from my plant pack in different seasons?

Some plants are suitable for growing in different seasons. However, it's important to choose a plant pack that's suitable for the current season and growing conditions.

How do I protect my plant pack from pests and diseases?

Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests or diseases. You can also use organic pest control methods, such as neem oil, to keep your plants healthy.

Can I plant my plant pack directly in the ground?

Yes, you can plant your plant pack directly in the ground. Make sure to prepare the soil and provide adequate drainage before planting.

How do I fertilize my plant pack?

Each plant pack comes with detailed instructions on fertilizing your plants. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure your plants receive the proper nutrients.

Can I plant my plant pack in a raised bed?

Yes, you can plant your plant pack in a raised bed. Make sure to choose the right size and depth for your plants.

Are plant packs suitable for beginners?

Yes, plant packs are suitable for beginners. They provide a convenient and cost-effective way to start gardening without the hassle of choosing individual plants.

Can I buy plant packs online?

Yes, at Nurserylive, we offer a variety of plant packs that can be purchased online. Our website provides detailed information on each plant pack, including the types of plants included, their care instructions, and the expected growth rate.

Can I buy plant packs for gifting purposes?

Yes, plant packs make a great gift for gardening enthusiasts. We offer a variety of plant packs that are suitable for gifting occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and festivals.

What is the cost of plant packs?

The cost of plant packs will vary depending on the types of plants included, the size of the pack, and other factors. At Nurserylive, we offer a range of plant packs to suit different budgets.

Can I return or exchange my plant pack?

At Nurserylive, we have a hassle-free return and exchange policy. If you are not satisfied with your plant pack, you can return or exchange it within the specified time frame.