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Peace Lily Plants

Peace Lily Plants

Result: 66 products.
Result: 66 products. Peace Lily Plants is one subject that has been written about for years, with an emphasis on its exotic flowers. This plant prefers a sunny location in a s. . . read more >


  • peace lily for wonderful day - gift plant
    peace lily for wonderful day - gift plant
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    Original price ₹ 299
    Original price ₹ 299
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    Peace Lily for Wonderful Day - Gift Plant

    DescriptionThe gift pack contains Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum plant along with the plastic pot and sticker. One of the rarest indoor flowering plant...

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    Original price ₹ 299
    Original price ₹ 299
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About Peace Lily Plants

Peace Lily Plants is one subject that has been written about for years, with an emphasis on its exotic flowers. This plant prefers a sunny location in a shaded area-a window facing east or south is often the right choice. This plant is excellent for gardening beginners. Peace lily is also known for its air purifying qualities.

The Genus Spathiphyllum is, in fact, a large family of around 47 varieties of monostyla flowering plants native to the warm regions of central and southern America and adjacent Asia.

This plant has a fleshy taproot, a pair of pointed ovate leaves, and many white hairs on its leaves’ undersides. This plant has air purifying abilities can be a perfect addition to your work table plants. The peace lily is ideal for gifting too.

When taking care of Peace Lily plants, you will have to give them a fair amount of space-more than half the plant's total height should be allowed for mature growth; otherwise, the roots may contract and cause the plant to wither prematurely.

  • Domino Peace Lily
  • Jetty Peace Lily
  • Little Angel Peace Lily
  • Patricia Peace Lily
  • Piccolino Peace Lily
  • Sensation Peace Lily
  • Sonia Peace Lily
  • White Stripe Peace Lily

Peace Lily plants are a favourite among gardeners because of their versatility and easy maintenance, with its unparalleled features, such as -

  • They growing up to 15" in height
  • Easily adaptable
  • Thick stem with upright growth
  • Flower stems grow in clusters of three to four alternate leaves and pinnately compound.
  • Blooms in the spring, and fades after winter.
  • Prefer acidic soil

Why choose NurseryLive?

Peace Lily plants bloom with attractive flowers of white in colour.
If you want to improve your landscape and get the best value for the money you have been dreaming of, consider picking your favourite Peace Lily plants from Nurserylive's online site. And the best varieties to choose!

Peace Lily Plant Care

Peace lily plants are popular indoor plants that are known for their beautiful foliage and white blooms. Proper care is essential for their growth and long-term health. From watering to pruning, understanding the basics of peace lily plant care can help you keep your plants happy and healthy.

Peace Lily Plant Propagation

Propagating peace lily plants is an excellent way to expand your plant collection and share your love for these beautiful plants with others. Whether you prefer division or stem cuttings, learning about the different propagation methods can help you propagate your peace lily plants successfully.

Peace Lily Plant Diseases

Peace lily plants are susceptible to several diseases, including root rot, leaf spot, and powdery mildew. Understanding the common peace lily plant diseases and their symptoms can help you prevent and treat them before they cause serious damage to your plants.

Peace Lily Plant Pests

Pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects can damage your peace lily plants and affect their growth and health. Learning about the common peace lily plant pests and their control methods can help you keep your plants pest-free and thriving.

Peace Lily Plant Watering

Peace lily plants require adequate watering to thrive, but overwatering or underwatering can be harmful to their growth and health. Learning about the right watering techniques and frequency can help you keep your peace lily plants healthy and beautiful.

Peace Lily Plant Fertilization

Fertilizing peace lily plants can help promote healthy growth and beautiful blooms. Understanding the right type of fertilizer, timing, and frequency can help you provide the best nutrition for your peace lily plants.

Peace Lily Plant Light Requirements

Peace lily plants thrive in medium to low light conditions, making them an excellent choice for indoor spaces. However, understanding their light requirements can help you provide the best growing environment for your plants.

Peace Lily Plant Soil

Choosing the right soil for your peace lily plants is essential for their growth and health. A well-draining soil mix that is rich in organic matter can provide the right nutrients and moisture for your plants.

Peace Lily Plant Repotting

Repotting your peace lily plants is necessary when they outgrow their current container or when their soil becomes depleted. Learning about the right time, method, and soil mix for repotting can help you keep your peace lily plants healthy and thriving.

Peace Lily Plant Blooms

Peace lily plants produce beautiful white blooms that can last for several weeks. Understanding their blooming habits and requirements can help you enjoy their beauty and fragrance for longer periods.

Peace Lily Plant Air Purification

Peace lily plants are known for their air purification properties, which can help remove toxins and pollutants from indoor spaces. Learning about their air-purifying abilities and requirements can help you create a healthier living environment for you and your family.

Peace Lily Plant Temperature Requirements

Peace lily plants prefer moderate temperatures and can be sensitive to extreme heat or cold. Understanding their temperature requirements can help you provide the best growing environment for your plants.

Peace Lily Plant Humidity Requirements

Peace lily plants thrive in humid environments, but excessive humidity can lead to fungal growth and other problems. Learning about their humidity requirements can help you provide the right growing conditions for your plants.

Peace Lily Plant Pruning

Pruning peace lily plants is necessary to maintain their shape and promote healthy growth. Learning about the right pruning techniques and timing can help you keep your peace lily plants looking beautiful and healthy.

Peace Lily Plant Toxicity

Peace lily plants are toxic to pets and humans if ingested. Learning about their toxicity and symptoms can help you prevent accidental poisoning and keep your loved ones safe.

Peace Lily Plant Placement

Choosing the right placement for your peace lily plants is essential for their growth and health. Understanding their light and temperature requirements can help you find the best spot for your plants to thrive.

Peace Lily Plant Varieties

Peace lily plants come in different varieties, each with unique characteristics and growing requirements. Learning about the different peace lily plant varieties can help you choose the best plant for your home or office.

Peace Lily Plant Benefits

Peace lily plants offer several benefits, including air purification, stress reduction, and aesthetic appeal. Understanding their benefits and how they can improve your living environment can help you appreciate and enjoy your peace lily plants even more.

Peace Lily Plant Symbolism

Peace lily plants are often associated with peace, harmony, and tranquility. Learning about their symbolism and cultural significance can add a deeper meaning to your plant collection and enrich your life.

Peace Lily Plant Gifts

Peace lily plants make great gifts for friends, family, and colleagues. They are easy to care for, have beautiful blooms, and offer several benefits. Learning about the different ways to give peace lily plants as gifts can help you spread joy and positivity to those around you.


What is a peace lily plant?

The peace lily plant, also known as Spathiphyllum, is a popular indoor plant with broad, glossy green leaves and white or yellow flowers.

How do I care for a peace lily plant?

Caring for a peace lily plant involves providing it with bright, indirect light, regular watering, and occasional fertilization. It's also important to keep the plant away from cold drafts and to remove any dead or yellowing leaves.

Can I grow a peace lily plant outdoors?

Peace lily plants are typically grown indoors, but they can be grown outdoors in warm, humid climates.

How often should I water my peace lily plant?

Peace lily plants should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry. It's important not to overwater the plant, as this can lead to root rot.

How do I fertilize my peace lily plant?

Fertilizing a peace lily plant involves using a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every two to three months during the growing season.

How do I repot my peace lily plant?

Repotting a peace lily plant involves gently removing the plant from its current pot, loosening the root ball, and replanting it in a larger pot with fresh potting soil.

How do I propagate my peace lily plant?

Propagating a peace lily plant involves dividing the plant at the root ball and replanting the divisions in fresh potting soil.

What are the benefits of having a peace lily plant in my home?

Peace lily plants help to purify the air and improve indoor air quality. They also provide a calming, decorative touch to any room.

How do I prevent pests and diseases in my peace lily plant?

Preventing pests and diseases in your peace lily plant involves proper care and maintenance, including regular watering, fertilizing, and pruning. You can also use organic or chemical treatments to prevent and control pests and diseases.

What are the common pests and diseases that affect peace lily plants?

Common pests include spider mites and mealybugs, while common diseases include root rot and leaf spot.

How do I clean the leaves of my peace lily plant?

Cleaning the leaves of your peace lily plant involves wiping them down with a damp cloth or misting them with water. This helps to remove dust and debris and keeps the leaves looking shiny and healthy.

Can I use my peace lily plant as a gift?

Yes, peace lily plants make great gifts for any occasion. They are easy to care for and provide a lasting, decorative touch to any home or office.

How do I know when my peace lily plant needs to be repotted?

A peace lily plant needs to be repotted when its roots become overcrowded in the pot or when the soil dries out too quickly.

How do I choose the right pot for my peace lily plant?

When choosing a pot for your peace lily plant, consider factors such as the size of the plant, the size of the root ball, and the type of potting soil. The pot should have drainage holes to prevent overwatering.

How do I prune my peace lily plant?

Pruning a peace lily plant involves removing dead or yellowing leaves and cutting back any overgrown stems. This helps to promote healthy growth and keeps the plant looking neat and tidy.

How do I encourage my peace lily plant to bloom?

Encouraging a peace lily plant to bloom involves providing it with bright, indirect light and regular fertilization. It's also important to keep the plant away from cold drafts and to ensure proper watering.

How do I troubleshoot problems with my peace lily plant?

Troubleshooting problems with your peace lily plant involves identifying the issue, researching potential causes, and implementing appropriate solutions such as adjusting watering and lighting, or using organic or chemical treatments.

How do I find a reputable peace lily plant supplier?

When looking for a reputable peace lily plant supplier, consider factors such as their selection of plants, their experience and expertise, and their customer reviews and testimonials. You should also check if they are certified and licensed by local authorities. At NurseryLive, we offer a wide selection of high-quality peace lily plants and our team of experts is available to answer any questions you may have.

How do I prevent my peace lily plant from wilting?

Preventing your peace lily plant from wilting involves providing it with regular, consistent watering and avoiding overwatering or underwatering.

How do I propagate my peace lily plant from cuttings?

Propagating your peace lily plant from cuttings involves taking a stem cutting with at least two leaves and rooting it in water or potting soil.

Can I place my peace lily plant in direct sunlight?

Peace lily plants prefer bright, indirect light and should not be placed in direct sunlight as this can scorch the leaves.

How do I prevent my peace lily plant from becoming root-bound?

Preventing your peace lily plant from becoming root-bound involves repotting it when the roots become overcrowded or the plant outgrows its current pot.

Can I use tap water to water my peace lily plant?

Yes, tap water can be used to water your peace lily plant, but it's important to let it sit for a few hours to allow any chlorine to dissipate.

How do I know if my peace lily plant needs more or less water?

You can tell if your peace lily plant needs more or less water by checking the soil moisture level. If the top inch of soil feels dry, the plant likely needs water. If the soil feels wet, the plant may be overwatered.

Can I fertilize my peace lily plant during the winter?

Peace lily plants may not require fertilization during the winter months when their growth rate slows down.

How do I keep my peace lily plant from becoming too leggy?

Keeping your peace lily plant from becoming too leggy involves providing it with adequate light and regular pruning to promote bushier growth.

Can I use my peace lily plant to clean the air in my home?

Yes, peace lily plants are known for their air-purifying properties and can help to remove pollutants from indoor air.

How do I prevent my peace lily plant from getting too tall?

Preventing your peace lily plant from getting too tall involves regular pruning and maintaining adequate light levels to promote compact growth.

Can I grow my peace lily plant hydroponically?

Yes, peace lily plants can be grown hydroponically as long as they receive proper nutrients and lighting.

How do I know when it's time to repot my peace lily plant?

It's time to repot your peace lily plant when its roots become overcrowded in the pot, or when the soil dries out too quickly. Signs that your peace lily plant needs repotting include roots growing out of the bottom of the pot or water draining too quickly through the soil.