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The Top 10 Useful Plants for Home - Why Do You Need Them?

The Top 10 Useful Plants for Home - Why Do You Need Them?

There is nothing more satisfying than having a garden to serve as a beautiful corner with amazing and beneficial plants. The best part is that you don't have to be a trained gardener for cultivating these useful plants.

All you need is a sapling, and some basic knowledge about the plant and you are ready to give your family some amazing herbs.

Sourcing your plants from a good nursery is essential to ensure they are free from harmful pesticides. Organically grown herbs in nurseries can prove valuable for your home, health, and your family. But always make sure you should consult Ayurveda medical practitioner before consuming any plant part as a medicine.

Having your little garden corner is exciting, but it involves a conscious decision about which plants to opt for amongst the many options available. The process does seem a delight to work on and can make a part of your day enjoyable.

If you have a sunny place or a small area to turn into a garden, and a zest for useful plants, then we have got you covered. Listed below are the top 10 useful plants for your home that will also revive your palate for different delicacies.

1. Queen of Herbs - Krishna Tulsi Plant

Buy Krishna Tulsi Seeds

The scientific name for the Krishna Tulsi plant is Ocimum tenuiflorum. This miraculous herb has been known to the world for centuries for its medicinal properties. It is a special part of Indian religious and spiritual legacy. The legacy that it carries has caused it to be known as the Holy Basil in India.

Krishna Tulsi is known for its immunity-boosting properties, and also aids in weight loss, throat or respiratory infections, and curing skin diseases. It is added to tea, kadha, and other food items to enhance the taste and utilise its medicinal purpose.

2. The Nectar of life - Giloy Plant

Buy Giloy Plant

Also called Gulvel, the Giloy plant is the herb best known for boosting immunity and is a useful plant for diabetic patients. It is often advised to be used during high fever as it fights infection, boosts metabolism, and brings down body temperature.

Giloy plant purifies the blood and fights bacteria, which is why it is called “Amrita” in Sanskrit, the age-old miraculous herb. Being the active ingredient in several Ayurvedic medicines, Gulvel is easy to grow and maintain in your home.

3. The Kitchen Favourite - Curry Leaves

Buy Kadi Patta Plant

Commonly known as Kadi Patta or Meetha Neem in Hindi, this culinary and medicinal plant is native to India. The highly aromatic curry leaves are used in various delicacies to enhance the flavour.

The scientific name of Kadi Patta is Murraya Koenigii, and apart from local dishes, it is a useful plant for skin and hair problems. Drinking the curry leaves tea removes harmful toxins from the body, cleanses it to aid in weight loss.

4. The Mood Elevator - LemonGrass

Buy Lemon Grass Plant

This herb is widely known to be an ingredient in herbal teas. This useful plant is believed to cure stomach pain, digestive disorders, and high blood pressure. It is also effective in relieving cough, joint pain, vomiting, fever, and the common cold.

Lemongrass is also very beneficial to relieve anxiety. It can also be used as a flavouring in many food and drinks because of its slightly citrusy taste.

5. The Flavouring Queen - Common Mint Plant

Buy Common Mint Plant

The aromatic plant, also known as Pudina in India, the Common Mint is a prevalent herb found in almost all Indian households. It is used as flavourings for both homemade food items and commercial ones.

Pudina maintains oral hygiene and boosts normal digestion. It can be used as an insect repellent too. This small leaf can nicely flavour your boring salad.

Pudina can also be included to make mouth-flavouring chutneys that can be easily stored. The common mint plant is a fast and easy growing plant in nature when given the right conditions.

6. The Aromatic herb - Thyme

Buy Thyme Plant

Thyme is a medicinal plant, also known as Thymus Vulgaris. It is used for a variety of purposes, like calming down inflammation, cough, stomach disorders, and lung inflammation. This herb can also be used for treating scalp issues like hair thinning and hair fall.

Being a very commonly used herb, thyme is included in a lot of cuisines too.
This herb can also be used for decorative purposes in your household, considering its aromatic nature.

7. The Miracle Plant - Bryophyllum

Buy Bryophyllum Plant

Bryophyllum is a tropical and sub-tropical plant also known as Panfuti. It is used for various medicinal properties, and is commonly used in the treatment of ulcer, diarrhoea, burns, and earache. It also acts as an astringent, and is used in various traditional medicines for anxiety and hypertension.

These plants enjoy the sun and dry weather with moist soil. Add this miracle plant today and reap its benefits for long.

8. The Seasoning Savory - Marjoram Marwa

Buy Marjoram Plant

Also called the Origanum Marjoram, it is an aromatic herb belonging to the mint family. Marjoram Marwa is used to garnish salads and soups, and is grown mostly in middle-eastern countries. It can be used fresh, or as dry leaves in the spices.

Origanum Marjoram can be planted indoors with good sunlight, and in moist to well-drained soil. You can have the next pasta and pizza flavoured with this delectable seasoning if you get one today.

9. The Delectable herb - True Cinnamon

Buy True Cinnamon Plant

Another name for True Cinnamon is Bay leaf or Tamala Patram. They are common to every Indian household as a flavour enhancing herb. It is tabbed brown with high medicinal properties. It is highly effective in the treatment of heart diseases, as an antioxidant, and for diabetic patients.

With full to part sunshade and good humidity, the useful plant of true cinnamon can be easily planted in containers.

10. The Taste-buds pleasing - Piper betel

Buy Piper Betel Plant

Also commonly known as Maghai Paan, Piper betel is a vine that is useful for its medicinal and cultural purposes. It is believed to prevent indigestion, bronchitis, constipation, cough, and asthma. It is also used as an antiseptic, and a mouth freshener.

This creeper is usually found in Indian households. Bring home this plant and amaze your guests by making a paan as a mouth freshener after every meal.

The richness of these useful plants can be seen in the myriad of benefits they bring. Age-old Eastern traditions have already offered the miraculous benefits of these plants to us. All you need now is a will and the above tips, and if you can just remember to water them to keep them alive, it's a win-win.

Find your pick from these useful plants and get one for your home from Nurserylive today.

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Ashu - May 16, 2021
Ye sabhi plants containers me laga sakte hai ?

Plants ki price kya hai?
Sabhi outdoor plants hai kya?
Dekhbhal k bare me aap jankari de payenge to kaise?

Shamim Yusuf Tankiwala - May 15, 2021

I want tulse plant and cinnamon plant . please give me information . how to take care them. I have lemon grass. Pipe beetle plant. Money plants many more

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