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Popular Indoor Plants to Get Rid of Annoying Lizards

Popular Indoor Plants to Get Rid of Annoying Lizards

Sure lizards are good for the gardens and keep insects away. Yet, there is something very displeasing about this reptile that makes people cringe at its first sight. If you are looking for an eco-friendly way to keep the lizards at bay, then there are some great options available in our collection.

There are several plants that work wonders when it comes to lizards. Herbs with a strong, pungent smell particularly work well in dealing with these creepy crawlers.

Here we are suggesting some beautiful  Indoor Plants to Get Rid of Annoying Lizards.

1. Mentha Piperita or Peppermint Plant

Buy Peppermint Plant

Mentha Piperita, also commonly known as Peppermint Plant, is a perennial herb. They can grow up to 90 cm. Mentha piperita has a very strong scent that overpowers every other smell. This confuses lizards and their ability to find insects to eat. Hence, they avoid staying in the proximity of Mentha Piperita.

  • Ideal Growth Condition: Keep in moist but well-drained soil. Protect from direct sunlight and water daily.
  • Other Uses: Peppermint plants are primarily used for medical and cooking purposes. Their leaves are also used for adding flavours to food and making summer drinks like Mojito. Peppermint helps in treating digestive problems like stomach bloating, ingestion and gas.

2. Herb-of-Grace Plant

Buy Herb Of Grace

Herb-of-grace, Ruta Graveolens or Rue is an ornamental herb of European origin. It is used for decorative purposes because of its bluish-green leaves. Its musty smell keeps lizards at bay.

  • Ideal Growth Condition: It requires well-drained soil, direct sunlight or partial shade and watering at an interval of 2-3 weeks.
  • Other Uses: Rue is used for treating diseases like anxiety, headache, sprains, toothaches, menstrual cramps, etc. It has a bitter taste and thus very rarely used for cooking. Some chefs use its oil for flavouring.

3. Eucalyptus or Nilgiri Plant

Buy Eucalyptus or Nilgiri Plant

Eucalyptus is a multi-stemmed plant that can grow up to 10 cm. It has smooth or slightly fibrous branches and oil glands in leaves. They are also popularly known as Nilgiri Plant because of their abundant cultivation in the Nilgiri area of Tamil Nadu.

Oil glands of Eucalyptus’ leaves give it a strong smell. This scent keeps the lizards away from gardens. Some people plant them around the doors and windows of the house to prevent the entry of lizards.

  • Ideal Growth Condition: Soil with a low amount of phosphorus and abundant sunlight. Water when the soil gets dry.
  • Other Uses: Eucalyptus oil is used to make industrial solvents, insect repellents, and antiseptic creams. Their leaves are known for reducing pain, soothing irritated skin, promoting relaxation and treating cold.

4. Mentha Arvensis or Japanese Mint

Buy Japenese Mint

Mentha Arvensis is a herbaceous plant of 10 to 60 cm height. It has flowers of pale purple colour and 2 -7 cm long leaves. Lizards get irritated by the smell of Mentha Arvensis. Hence, they avoid lurking around. Mentha Arvensis is also popularly known as Japanese mint, corn mint, wild mint, and field mint.

  • Ideal Growth Environment: Grow in humus-rich soil. Avoid direct sunlight and water daily.
  • Other Uses: Leaves of Mentha Arvensis are used for the treatment of cold and digestion problems. Menthol, a popular chemical substance added in toothpastes, soaps and creams, is extracted from this plant.

5. Euphorbia Tirucalli or Pencil Tree

Buy Pencil Tree

Euphorbia tirucalli is a succulent shrub with pencil-thick branches. Its latex is toxic to lizards as well as other insects and causes skin irritation. It can also result in severe burn inside the mouth and tongue if swallowed. Humans are also advised to be cautious around this plant.

  • Ideal Growth Condition: Keep in abundant sunlight and well-drained high-quality soil. Water once a week in summers and once a month in winters.
  • Other Uses: Medicines prepared from Pencil trees can heal broken bones, nose ulcers, swellings and haemorrhoids. Its root extract has properties that can improve digestion. The hardwood of Euphorbia Tirucalli is used for making rafters and toys.

Getting a few lizard repellent plants to your gardens is the least harmless way of getting rid of these creatures. Not only will they act as a repellent, but they will also add a sweet aroma to your house. Some of them can also be used for cooking and medical purposes too.

Some other organic lizard repellents are onion, lemongrass and garlic. So if you want to prevent lizards from entering your house or move them out, get a lizard repellent plant now from nurserylive today!

Stay tuned for more related content!

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Thanks for sharing this useful information,regards.
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