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Did you know there are 4 type of Tulsi in India? - Nurserylive

Did you know there are 4 type of Tulsi in India?

It is known as Holy Basil in English and Tulasi in Sanskrit. Other names used for the Tulsi are Manjari, Krishna Tulsi, Trittavu, Tulshi, and Tulsi.

Tulsi is one of roughly 60 species of the genus Ocimum, the basil genus. Within the Tulsi family, there are several kinds grown in India. Most varieties are native to India, including the foothills of the Himalayas; they are also found throughout the Middle East.

Tulsi is grown as an annual herb in temperate climates that may grow to a height of three feet. The root grows as a branched taproot.

The stem has a square or quadrangular shape characteristic to Lamiaceae plants and is branched, green to red with a fine layer of pubescence. The leaves are opposite, simple, ovate, serrate and petiolate.

The flowers grow in a verticillaster inflorescence and are complete with a blue to purple color.

There are four types of tulsi mentioned in ayurvedic texts 

Although all three types of Tulsi have their uses in Ayurveda, the Rama and Krishna are the most widely used.

Purple Leaf Tulsi

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Also known as 'Krishna or Shyama Tulsi', the Purple leaf tulsi is famous for its peppery, crisp taste. It comprises purple-colored leaves and dark stems. Although it is grown in many regions in India, it is relatively more difficult to find than the green varietals. Purple leaf Tulsi is known to be beneficial to treat throat infections, respiratory system, nasal lesions, earache, and skin diseases.

Green Leaf Tulsi

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Also known as 'Rama Tulsi', Sri or Lakshmi Tulasi, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Ocimum sanctum, the Green Leaf Tulsi is known for its cooling, mellower taste. This variety of Tulsi is found in China, Brazil, Eastern Nepal, as well as in Bengal, Bihar, Chatgaon, and the southern states of India.

All the parts of the plant emit a strong aroma. Ram Tulsi has a characteristic fragrance. Crushing its leaves between the palms releases a stronger fragrance than other varieties of Tulsi.

Wild Type 'Vana' Tulsi

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Vana Tulsi is found in the Himalayas as well as the plains of India, where it grows as a naturalized plant. Vana Tulsi is also cultivated and grows wild throughout Asia and Africa.

Kapoor Tulsi

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Kapoor is the short, annual, heavily-flowered plant that was originally introduced to the US as "Holy Basil," and it is the most common type found in cultivation here in the US. It is the easiest to grow, following standard basil culture, and it is a big attractor of bees.

Cultivation methods

  • Tulsi seeds germinate easily.
  • The seeds are mainly sown in the spring season.
  • They are watered from time to time and germinated in one to two weeks.
  • Tulsi prefers rich soil for its growth.
  • It requires full sunlight.
  • It is mainly grown in the temperate climate.

Medicinal uses

  • Tulsi is taken as herbal tea.
  • The oil extracted from the Karpoora Tulsi is mostly used in herbal toiletries. Its oil is also used against insects and bacteria.
  • The Rama Tulsi is an effective remedy for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Juice of its leaves gives relief in cold, fever, bronchitis, and cough.
  • Tulsi oil is also used as an ear drop.
  • Tulsi helps in curing malaria.
  • It is very effective against indigestion, headache, hysteria, insomnia, and cholera.
  • The fresh leaves of Tulsi are taken by millions of people every day.

Tulsi has great medicinal value. For centuries, Tulsi (the queen of herbs) has been known for its remarkable healing properties.

Other uses

Many people wear Tulsi beads, which are said to have certain physical and medicinal properties. Its wood is considered more powerful than any other gem and helps protect one from negative influences. One can also buy several handicraft jewelry items made of Tulsi wood.

Cultural Importance

Tulsi is the sacred plant dear to Lord Vishnu. Tulsi symbolizes purity and is considered as a holy plant in the Indian subcontinent. Tulsi got its name from Tulasi Devi, who was one of Lord Krishna's eternal consorts.

In India, people grow Tulsi as a religious plant and worship it. Its leaves are used in temples for worship purposes and also on several occasions such as marriage.

A Hindu house is considered incomplete without the Tulsi plant in the courtyard. Tulsi is believed to promote longevity and lifelong happiness. Hindus perform special Tulsi puja in the Kartik month, which starts after Sharad Poornima.

It is the time of the Tulsi vivah (marriage) when Tulsi is decorated and colored as a bride.

Even today, people in India maintain a potted Tulsi plant. The women water the plant, light up the diya near it, and worship it daily. The stems, leaves, seeds, and even the soil are considered holy.

According to ancient texts, Tulsi is glorified as the one who helps in bringing people closer to the divine.

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bandana m - February 1, 2022

can I get all the varieties of Tulsi plants

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