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Top 10 Shrubs To Include In Your Plant Collection

Top 10 Shrubs To Include In Your Plant Collection

Shrubs make for a great addition to any home. These plants are usually low-maintenance and add a natural look to any living space.

We have listed the top 10 shrubs you can add for an instant pop of colour and greenery to your home. These are no-fuss and easy to maintain and perfect for nature-lovers who don’t have time to tend to their plants.

1. Aralia Black

Buy Aralia Black

Aralia black has beautiful serrated leaves and deep foliage. These plants are fairly easy to grow and care for. They require moderate humidity. The plant can reach anywhere between 7 to 12 feet. Overwatering can easily kill the plant. Bugs and insects are quite visible and can be handpicked and thrown away. Trimming the tips of the leaves will promote growth.

2. Croton Plant

Buy Croton Plants

Croton plants come in many different varieties. Some of these varieties are Codiaeum variegatum in Petra, Zanzibar, Maroon, Captain Kidd, Duck Foot, etc. Duck Foot has gorgeous colourful foliage and pumps energy into any room. This plant is called Duck Foot because the leaves are shaped like a duck’s foot. These plants bloom in summer with beautiful cream-coloured flowers.

3. Black Kodia

Buy Black Kodia

Black Kodia loves water and humus during summer. It is a low-maintenance plant and requires less pruning compared to other shrubs. The leaves develop an intense black colour in full sunlight, and the colour fades as the light becomes less intense. The plant blooms in the rainy season and has white flowers.

4. Ixora Dwarf (Yellow)

Buy Ixora Dwarf

The Ixora plant looks gorgeous when it blooms in summer. The plant has clusters of star-shaped flowers that occur in different colours, but yellow looks the brightest. Once the flowers bloom, it takes time for the plant to bloom again. The leaves have a leathery texture, and it is also known as West Indian Jasmine. These plants are also great choices for bonsai.

5. Schefflera

Buy Schefflera

This plant is also known as the umbrella plant because its leaves form an umbrella shape in clusters. The leaves are dark green and golden and add beauty to any room in the house.

Caring for the plant is very easy, and the plant keeps growing with minimal care for years. A sign that the plant is dying is that the leaves will start dropping very fast.

Even if all the leaves fall out, moving the plant outside in spring weather and giving it plenty of water will enable it to grow new leaves.

6. Tagar Variegated

Buy Tagar Variegated

Tagar is a beautiful flowering plant whose flowers have a lovely smell. Any room can be elevated by adding a tagar plant. The plant has white flowers and is also called crepe jasmine.

The plant is relatively easy to grow, but you must be mindful that the soil is not wet in winter. This can be fatal to the plant. The soil needs to be well-drained. Once the plant blooms, it can be shown off.

7. Duranta Golden

Buy Duranta Golden

This tropical shrub is known for its dense foliage. The plant can grow quite tall, sometimes even reaching up to 15 feet. The plant has beautiful flowers that can bloom in spring and summer. The flowers can vary in colour from blue, violet, and white. Duranta is known by many names, such as nilkanta, mana arangba, golden dewdrop, etc.

8. Gardenia Ananta

Buy Gardenia Ananta

Gardenia surprisingly belongs to the coffee family! The leaves are waxy, and the flowers are cream in colour and quite large. It is one of the most attractive shrubs to keep in your home. A low-maintenance plant, it thrives on windowsills, near doors and patios.

Gardenias bloom from March to June, and the white flowers are aesthetic and pleasing. The plant is also known as gandharaj because of its beautiful aroma.

9. Morpankhi

Buy Morpankhi

Morpankhi is also known as oriental thuja. It is an evergreen plant with reddish-brown bark. The trees can be anywhere between 10 to 200 feet tall! The leaves are long, like in ferns. The plant blooms in November and December. The resultant flowers are a combination of violet and white. The plant should be watered in the morning and only when the soil feels dry to the touch.

10. Peacock Plant

Buy Peacock Plant

Also called the Persian Shield, this one has very intense foliage. The leaves are dark green but appear violet because they have a violet overtone. The plant blooms in fall or winter and has purple flowers. However, the flowers are small, and the leaves steal the show. This plant grows best outdoors in humidity and warm temperature.

These are some of the best shrubs you can bring home to add a touch of nature. Find these shrubs and more plants on NurseryLive, which is home to hundreds of varieties of plants. They deliver to all major towns and cities in India. Think no further, and order today!

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