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Did you know why these Bamboo are considered lucky? - Nurserylive

Here's Why You Should Be Gifting Lucky Bamboos To Your Loved Ones !

Lucky Bamboo is one of the most popular feng shui cures. You can see feng shui lucky bamboo in most floral shops nowadays. These cute little arrangements in their exotic containers are stalks of Dracaena sanderiana, a plant native to the equatorial West African region.

And these are sold to you as a sign of prosperity, health, wealth and happiness.

What is lucky bamboo?

So, why is it called the lucky bamboo? Most likely, because cuttings of the Dracaena look like the bamboo and the Chinese have for centuries associated the bamboo with good fortune, fortitude, and resilience.

The lucky bamboo arrangement is a perfect coming together of the five essential elements of Feng Shui - earth, wood, water, metal, and fire.

  • The rocks or pebbles in the plant container symbolize earth.
  • The vertical stalks symbolize wood.
  • The bamboo stalks are generally placed in water.
  • Metal is found as small ornaments or coins in the container.
  • And fire is any color of red, pink, burgundy, or maroon that can be added.

Considered ideal as small gifts, it is very essential to understand what a lucky bamboo represents owing to the number of stalks they bear.

What does lucky bamboo mean?

According to Chinese tradition, the meaning of lucky bamboo is tied with the number of stalks and associated arrangements of those. You can also customize your lucky bamboo arrangement to bring different kinds of luck to your life.

  • Two stalks represent love
  • Three stalks represent Fu (happiness), Lu (wealth), and Soh (long life).
  • Five stalks represent the areas of life that represent wealth (e.g., spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and intuitive)
  • Six stalks represent good luck and wealth.
  • Seven stalks represent good health.
  • Eight stalks represent growth.
  • Nine stalks represent great luck.
  • Ten stalks represent perfection
  • Twenty-one stalks represent a powerful blessing.


Why we should not gift 4 layer bamboo?

Lucky bamboo plants are never arranged in four stalks. In Chinese, the word "four" is close to the word for death, so a gift of four bamboo stalks would be considered very rude, as if you had wished death on the recipient!

Where to put lucky bamboo in the home?

Place this lucky bamboo arrangement in any spot in your house or office to enhance the good energy, to revitalize the bad, and to bring growth into your life.

How Much Care Does Lucky Bamboo Need?

Keep water fresh by changing it every week, and always keep water levels at approximately an inch from the base of the canes. Lucky Bamboo prefers plenty of indirect sunlight and room temperatures at 65-70o.

Although opinions differ on feeding, your Lucky Bamboo is a living organism, so it makes sense to occasionally add a mild solution to the water. Since growth can be controlled by feeding, small amounts of fertilizer will keep the plant at a manageable size.

Even though easy to care for and a very tolerant plant, feng shui bamboo still needs your love and attention, and it likes to look good, just like you do! Do not be afraid to touch it and take good care of it.

So why is Lucky Bamboo considered lucky in feng shui? 

Bamboo in itself is an amazing plant with very peaceful and wise energy. It teaches the ultimate wisdom: how to be flexible and hollow (open) on the inside so that the spirit can freely flow and heal your Being.

So next time you plan to give someone your love and bamboos, do tell them what is significance of this splendid plant and choose your stalks according to the blessings you want to shower on your loved ones.

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Shanmugam - May 22, 2021

Need lucky bamboo for resale

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