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11 Flower Bulbs You Can Grow in Your Winter Garden

11 Flower Bulbs You Can Grow in Your Winter Garden

You may be surprised to know that a bulb garden of cold-hardy spring bulbs like tulips, daffodils, crocus, hyacinth, and others can be planted in pots to bloom indoors in late winter. Gear up to take your bulb planting to the next level and enjoy blossoms indoors all winter.


Buy Daffodil Flower Bulbs | View Details

Daffodils, also known as narcissus in the botanical world, are simple and dependable spring-flowering bulbs. They proliferate quickly and bloom each spring, year after year. They don't care about soil, can grow in full sun or partial shade, and aren't bothered by deer, rabbits, or other pesky critters.

Daffodils are most commonly yellow, but they also come in white, cream, orange, and even pink. Every spring, planting a variety of daffodils will provide you with 4 to 6 weeks of beautiful, carefree flowers.

2. Tulip

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The tulip will live forever! These vibrant jewels should be planted in the fall so that they can brighten our days in early spring. Tulips are a great choice if you live in a cold climate and can't wait for your garden to bloom. Most other plants cannot tolerate cold weather, but tulips require it to thrive.

When it comes to growing, tulip bulbs, also known as modified roots, have their own set of rules. Tulips, unlike other flowers, will only bloom when they are ready, rather than as the days lengthen with the arrival of spring.

3. Rananculus

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Ranunculus blooms almost appear to be too good to be true. Their tissue-thin petals come in a variety of colours, and their rose-like flowers come in cream, pale yellow, apricot, pink, orange, red, and burgundy. Although not typically seen in home gardens, ranunculus flowers are a popular choice for high-end flower shops and bridal bouquets.

Ranunculus are cool-season flowers that grow in temperatures ranging from 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The corms can be planted in containers or in the garden, allowing you to enjoy these beautiful blossoms both indoors and out.

4. Hyacinth

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Exotic bulbs with pleasing scent! Hyacinth are bunches of blue, purple, white, and ombre-patterned flowers, perfect to grow during fall. 

Hyacinths bloom in the middle of spring, showering the yard with a burst of pastel colours just as the rest of it is waking up. Their scent is so alluring that it's been dubbed "nature's perfume." They're easy to grow and come back year after year, just like most perennial bulbs. Hyacinths work well in container gardens as well.

5. Ixia 

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If you want a vibrant addition to a flower bed that gets scorching afternoon sun, Ixia bulbs are a good choice. The plants are also known as wand flowers, cornflowers, or African corn lily plants, and are pronounced Ik-see-uh.

Ixia wand flower flourishes in the garden's hottest and sunniest spots, producing sword-shaped foliage and multitudes of delicate, star-shaped flowers on wiry stems.
You might be shocked to learn that Ixia bulbs, which are actually corms, are shaped like chocolate kisses when you grow them.

6. Gladiolus

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Gladiolus flowers look stunning and are available in a number of colors, including apricot, blue, burgundy, pink, gold, red, orange, and white, as well as multicolored varieties. Gladiolus is a popular perennial with huge, colourful blooms and tall flower spikes.

Gladioli are excellent cutting flowers and look stunning in summer bouquets.  Their blossoms also come in a variety of sizes, from "miniature" flowers that are less than 3 inches across to "giant" flowers that are more than 5 inches across!

7. Crocus

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Crocuses are among one of the most popular of the early spring bloomers. These bulbs are ideal for beginners and want to make a colorful exotic flowering garden. Winter-bound gardeners are traversing their land in February and March, looking for indications of revived plant life.

The crocus is one of the first plants to show signs of life and bloom. Warmer temperatures and the promise of a fruitful season are signalled by their cup-shaped blossoms. Their white, yellow, and purple heads are frequently surrounded by late snow.

8. Freesia

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Love growing bright flowers?? Grow a pack of exotic Freesia bulbs pack! Known for its sweet fragrance and long vase life, Freesia are brightly colored flowers perfect to grow in containers.

Pretty, fragrant freesia flowers that can add color and fragrance to your tropical garden with such ease.

9. Iris

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The delicate blossoms of dwarf iris appear in very early spring. The petals have interesting frills, while the grass-like foliage is pretty even after the flowers fade. Plant it in rock gardens or the front of borders.

Create a winter garden color with stunning Iris flowers. Iris flowers are known for their beautiful flower shape, mostly grown as ornamental plants.

10. Allium

Buy Alium Cowan Bulbs | View Details

Onions belong to the family of alliums. These globe-shaped flowers have a royal and charming appearance in the garden.

A cluster of individual florets makes up an allium flower head. The flower colour can be white, yellow, pink, purple, or blue, and the overall shape can be round, oval, or cascading. Each type of allium gives the garden its own individual style and personality.

The majority of alliums bloom in late spring and early summer, bridging the gap between spring bulbs and summer perennials.


Buy Sparaxis Bulbs | View Details

Sparaxis harlequin flowers (Sparaxis tricolour) bloom when the weather is chilly in the spring. These plants, unlike many other cool-season flower bulbs, are susceptible to frost.  Sparaxis harlequin flowers are highly decorative, ranging in hue from white to yellow and pink, and are classified a wildflower in their natural region. Under perfect growing conditions, many people discover that the plant may also swiftly and easily naturalise.

Have a look at these wonderful spring-flowering bulbs to plant in the fall here. You would be glad that you decided to grow these pretty flower bulbs. Happy growing!

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Harminder Singh - December 20, 2021


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