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Result: 26 products. If you love to live a minimalist’s life, then Nurserylive’s exquisite terrariums are perfect. They are simple yet modern decorative items for your house.T. . . read more >


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About Terrariums

If you love to live a minimalist’s life, then Nurserylive’s exquisite terrariums are perfect. They are simple yet modern decorative items for your house.

These miniature gardens replicate the extraordinariness of life-size gardens. They are living ecosystems fitted inside a sealable glass container.

It is for the city-dwellers living in urban jungles. Most of them want to be closer to nature. They are self-motivated to curate a natural environment inside the four walls of their house.

Terrariums are ideal for folks who live in tiny places or simply enjoy gardening. They are low-maintenance, space-saving, and aesthetically pleasing. One of the most appealing aspects of terrariums is how simple they are to maintain.

The best part about these small-size gardens is that they are self-sustaining. The plants inside them will water themselves. They use the methods of transpiration and condensation. Science! Right?

Terrariums have a number of advantages. They assist in the growth of plants that would otherwise be difficult to grow in dry air.

With Nurserylive, you can buy terrariums along with your favourite flowers carefully placed inside glass jars. They are available in different styles such as wine glasses, bowls, square wooden cabinets, pentagonal and hanging ones.

They are multipurpose. Besides acting as a miniature garden; they can also be used as a showpiece for your house. This feature also makes them a perfect gifting option.

Artificial light, such as LED or fluorescent, can be used quite well in terrariums.

You can also check out our range of succulent plants that will pair well with these terrariums. They boast a low-maintenance character, and the plant categories are divided into sun-loving and shade-loving flora. So, you have something for your indoors as well as outdoors.

Nurserylive has a remarkable collection of pre-made terrariums boasting properties like low-maintenance and durability while elevating the feel of your space. Check them out now!

Closed terrariums

Looking to create a low-maintenance indoor garden? Closed terrariums may be just what you need. These miniature ecosystems are perfect for plant enthusiasts who want to add a touch of green to their living spaces without the hassle of frequent watering and maintenance.

Open terrariums

If you prefer a more hands-on approach to indoor gardening, open terrariums are a great option. These glass containers offer a versatile and creative way to display your favorite plants while giving them plenty of room to grow.

Air plants terrariums

Air plants are a popular choice for terrarium enthusiasts due to their unique and low-maintenance nature. They can thrive in a range of conditions and require minimal watering and care, making them the perfect addition to any terrarium setup.

Succulent terrariums

Succulents are a great option for those looking for a low-maintenance and visually appealing terrarium setup. These water-efficient plants come in a variety of shapes and colors, making them a popular choice for indoor gardens.

Hanging terrariums

Want to add some greenery to your walls or ceiling? Hanging terrariums are a great way to create a unique and eye-catching indoor garden. These compact and versatile terrariums come in a variety of shapes and sizes, making them perfect for any space.

DIY terrariums

Feeling crafty? Create your own unique terrarium with our DIY kits and supplies. These kits include everything you need to create a beautiful and personalized terrarium, from the container to the soil and plants.

Miniature terrariums

Looking for a small and compact indoor garden? Miniature terrariums are a great option. These tiny ecosystems can fit in the palm of your hand and are perfect for adding a touch of green to small spaces like desks and shelves.

Terrarium containers

The container is an important part of any terrarium setup. At NurseryLive, we offer a range of terrarium containers in various sizes and shapes, from classic glass vessels to modern geometric designs.

Moss terrariums

Moss terrariums are a unique and visually appealing option for those looking to create a natural and calming indoor garden. These simple setups can be created with just a few materials and can be customized to fit any aesthetic.

Fairy garden terrariums

Bring a touch of whimsy to your indoor garden with a fairy garden terrarium. These imaginative setups include miniature figurines, houses, and other decorations, creating a tiny world that's sure to spark your imagination.

Aquatic terrariums

Looking for a unique and visually stunning indoor garden? Aquatic terrariums are a great option. These setups include water plants and aquatic animals, creating a mini underwater world that's sure to impress.

Desert terrariums

Create a desert oasis in your home with a desert terrarium. These setups include succulents, cacti, and other desert plants, creating a low-maintenance and visually stunning indoor garden.

Terrarium care

Proper care is essential for the health and longevity of your terrarium. From watering to pruning, there are a few key things you need to know to keep your terrarium thriving.

Terrarium soil

The right soil is crucial for the health of your terrarium plants. At NurseryLive, we offer a range of soil options for various terrarium setups, including sand, gravel, and specialized terrarium soil mixes.

Terrarium lighting

Lighting is an important factor in the growth and health of your terrarium plants. Depending on the type of plants in your terrarium, you may need to provide.

Terrarium containers

The containers used for terrariums are just as important as the plants inside. From glass jars to hanging orbs, the right container can make all the difference in creating a stunning terrarium display.

Closed terrarium

A closed terrarium is a type of terrarium that is completely sealed, creating a mini-ecosystem that can sustain itself. They require minimal care and are a great option for those who want to bring a touch of green into their homes but don't have a lot of time to devote to plant care.

Open terrarium

An open terrarium is a type of terrarium that is not sealed, allowing air to circulate freely. This type of terrarium requires more maintenance and attention than a closed terrarium, but allows for a wider range of plants to be used.

Succulent terrarium

Succulent terrariums are a popular choice for those who love the look of terrariums but want a low-maintenance option. Succulents are hardy plants that require minimal watering and care, making them a great choice for those who are new to terrarium gardening.

Air plant terrarium

Air plants, also known as Tillandsias, are a unique type of plant that can thrive in a terrarium without soil. Air plant terrariums are a great option for those who want to create a unique and low-maintenance terrarium display.


What is a terrarium?

A terrarium is a container that holds plants and creates a miniature ecosystem. It is typically made of glass or plastic and can be open or closed.

How do I care for my terrarium?

Caring for a terrarium depends on the type of plants used and whether it is open or closed. Generally, terrariums require minimal maintenance and should be kept in indirect sunlight.

What type of plants can I use in my terrarium?

There are many plants that can be used in a terrarium, including ferns, mosses, succulents, and air plants. It is important to choose plants that have similar care requirements and will not outgrow the container.

Can I use soil in my terrarium?

Yes, soil can be used in a terrarium. However, it is important to use a well-draining soil and avoid over-watering to prevent the growth of mold or fungus.

How often do I need to water my terrarium?

The frequency of watering depends on the type of plants used and whether the terrarium is open or closed. Generally, terrariums should be watered sparingly to avoid over-saturation.

Can I use fertilizers in my terrarium?

Yes, fertilizers can be used in a terrarium to promote plant growth. However, it is important to use a fertilizer that is appropriate for the type of plants used and to avoid over-fertilizing.

How do I clean my terrarium?

To clean a terrarium, remove any dead plant material and wipe down the container with a damp cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can scratch or damage the glass.

Can I use artificial plants in my terrarium?

Yes, artificial plants can be used in a terrarium. However, they do not contribute to the mini-ecosystem and may not have the same visual appeal as live plants.

Can I use a terrarium as a centerpiece?

Yes, terrariums make great centerpieces for weddings, parties, or other events. They can be customized to match any theme or color scheme.

How do I create a closed terrarium?

To create a closed terrarium, start by adding a layer of gravel or rocks to the bottom of the container. Next, add a layer of activated charcoal to help absorb excess moisture. Finally, add a layer of soil and your chosen plants, and seal the container.

How do I create an open terrarium?

To create an open terrarium, follow the same steps as for a closed terrarium but leave the container open to allow air to circulate.

How do I prevent mold in my terrarium?

To prevent mold in your terrarium, avoid over-watering and ensure that the container has adequate ventilation. You can also add a layer of sand or decorative stones to the top of the soil to help absorb excess moisture.

Can I use a spray bottle to water my terrarium?

Yes, a spray bottle can be used to water a terrarium. However, it is important to avoid over-saturating the soil or plants.

How do I choose the right container for my terrarium?

The container for your terrarium should be large enough to accommodate the plants and provide adequate ventilation. It should also be made of clear glass or plastic to allow for maximum light exposure.

Can I create a terrarium with succulents?

Yes, succulents are a great choice for a terrarium as they require minimal watering and care. Be sure to use a well-draining soil and avoid over-watering.

How often do I need to water my terrarium?

Terrariums are a low-maintenance plant arrangement, and overwatering is one of the most common mistakes people make when caring for them. Generally, you should water your terrarium only when the soil looks dry or when the plants show signs of wilting. It's best to use a spray bottle or a watering can with a fine spout to avoid overwatering. The frequency of watering depends on the size of your terrarium, the type of plants inside it, and the climate of your location. As a general rule, small closed terrariums need to be watered every three to four weeks, while open terrariums require more frequent watering, about once a week.

Can I keep my terrarium in direct sunlight?

Most terrarium plants prefer bright but indirect light, so placing your terrarium in direct sunlight can damage the plants. However, some succulents and cacti can thrive in direct sunlight. It's best to research the specific needs of the plants in your terrarium to determine the amount and type of light they require.

Can I make my own terrarium at home?

Yes, making your own terrarium can be a fun and rewarding DIY project. You can purchase all the necessary materials, such as a glass container, potting soil, rocks, and plants, from a gardening or home improvement store. Follow a step-by-step guide or watch online tutorials to ensure that you create a healthy and visually appealing terrarium.

Can I add live moss to my terrarium?

Yes, live moss can be a great addition to your terrarium. Mosses are hardy and easy to care for, and they can add a lush and natural look to your terrarium. You can place the moss on top of the soil or use it to cover the rocks at the bottom of your terrarium. Just make sure to mist the moss regularly to keep it moist and healthy.

How do I clean my terrarium?

To clean your terrarium, remove any dead leaves or debris from the soil and wipe down the glass with a soft cloth or paper towel. You can also use a mild soap and water solution to clean the glass if needed. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can scratch or damage the glass. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help keep your terrarium healthy and beautiful for years to come.