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Plants Packs For Office Desk

Plants Packs For Office Desk

Result: 21 products.
Result: 21 products. Plants are known to have many positive effects and benefits. Whether for the entire office space, a cubicle, or your desk alone, they work wonders. Some l. . . read more >


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About Plants Packs For Office Desk

Plants are known to have many positive effects and benefits. Whether for the entire office space, a cubicle, or your desk alone, they work wonders. Some lush office greenery can transform your workspace.

They can elevate it from being dull and serious into something warmer and more welcoming. Plant packs for office desks are very popular with millennials.

In an office or work environment, plants serve as a stress reliever. They also act as a mood booster, increase humidity, and act as a natural air purifier. The benefits of having some greenery and plant packs for office desks and around the workspace thus go beyond beauty alone.

The most common plant packs for office desks include small plant varieties. These varieties take up little space, are very easy to care for, and would require much effort to let them wither and die. Imagine a workspace brightened up with some cute plant pots in one corner. Wouldn’t that be lovely?

If you are new to plant caring, fret not. If you would like to explore the varieties out there, starting small with plant packs for the office desk can be a wise choice.

  • Amidst a busy work routine, these plants will help you incorporate healthy habits. They will create an eco-friendly workspace.
  • Popular plant types sold for workstations include money plant, jade plant, areca palms, peace lily, and several succulents.
  • These plants are capable of surviving in enclosed spaces. They survive without needing much sunlight or water.
  • Since office spaces are enclosed spaces with lesser possibility of receiving ample sunlight and natural air. Plant packs for office desks are of varieties that can survive under such conditions.

What Extra NurseryLive Provides along with Plants Packs for Office Desk

NurseryLive serves as a one-stop shop for all kinds of plant needs offering a wide range of small and big home plants and plants for gardening. Plant packs for office desks from NurseryLive comprise of 4-5 different varieties of plants as well as other accessories. These include fancy planters, soil and fertilizer, pebbles, gardening tools and much more.

Indoor Plants

Indoor plants are a great way to bring the outdoors inside and add some greenery to your office desk. They are not only aesthetically pleasing but also have many benefits, such as improving air quality and reducing stress. So, if you want to create a healthier and more inviting workspace, consider getting some indoor plants for your desk.


Succulents are a popular choice for office desks because they are low maintenance and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are also great for small spaces as they don't require a lot of room to grow. So, if you want to add some cute and quirky plants to your desk, succulents are a great option.


Cacti are another low maintenance plant option for office desks. They come in a range of sizes and shapes and require very little water or attention. Plus, they can add some unique character to your workspace.

Air Plants

Air plants are a great option for people who want plants on their desk but don't have a lot of natural light. They can survive with very little water and can be hung or placed in a small container. Plus, they are easy to care for and can be a conversation starter with your colleagues.

Herb Gardens

Herb gardens are a great way to add some greenery to your office desk while also providing fresh herbs for cooking. You can grow herbs like basil, parsley, and mint in small containers on your desk and enjoy the benefits of fresh herbs all year round.

Miniature Trees

Miniature trees, like bonsai or dwarf citrus trees, are a great way to add some height and drama to your office desk. They require some maintenance and attention, but the end result is a beautiful and unique addition to your workspace.


Terrariums are small, self-contained ecosystems that are perfect for office desks. They can be made in a variety of shapes and sizes and can include different plants and even small animals like insects or snails. They require minimal care and can be a great way to bring some nature into your workspace.

Flowering Plants

Flowering plants, like orchids or peace lilies, are a great way to add some color and fragrance to your office desk. They require some attention and care, but the end result is a beautiful and inviting workspace that can improve your mood and productivity.

Edible Plants

Edible plants, like cherry tomatoes or peppers, are a great way to add some fresh produce to your workspace. They require some maintenance and attention, but the end result is a healthier and more sustainable workspace.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a popular plant choice for office desks because it has many health benefits. It can help improve air quality, reduce stress, and even soothe minor burns or cuts. Plus, it requires very little attention or maintenance.

Snake Plants

Snake plants are a great choice for people who want low maintenance plants that can survive in a variety of conditions. They are also great for improving air quality and reducing stress in the workplace.


Pothos is a popular plant choice for office desks because it is easy to care for and can grow in low light conditions. It is also a great air purifier and can improve the overall air quality in your workspace.

Spider Plants

Spider plants are a great way to add some visual interest to your office desk. They have long, narrow leaves that can grow up to a foot long and are great for improving air quality in the workplace.

Jade Plants

Jade plants are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office desk while also attracting good luck and prosperity. They are easy to care for and can survive in low light conditions, making them a great option for busy professionals.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle leaf fig trees are a popular choice for office desks because of their large, attractive leaves and ability to grow up to six feet tall. They do require a bit more attention and care than some other plants on this list, but the end result is a stunning addition to your workspace.


Bamboo is a great way to add some natural beauty to your office desk while also promoting good luck and prosperity. It is easy to care for and can grow in low light conditions, making it a great option for busy professionals.

English Ivy

English ivy is a great way to add some greenery to your office desk while also improving air quality and reducing stress. It is easy to care for and can grow in a variety of conditions, making it a great option for any workspace.

ZZ Plant

ZZ plants are a great way to add some visual interest to your office desk while also improving air quality and reducing stress. They have attractive, glossy leaves and are very low maintenance, making them a great option for busy professionals.

Money Tree

Money trees are a popular choice for office desks because they are believed to bring good luck and prosperity. They are easy to care for and can grow in low light conditions, making them a great option for busy professionals.


Philodendrons are a great way to add some natural beauty to your office desk while also improving air quality and reducing stress. They have large, attractive leaves and are very low maintenance, making them a great option for busy professionals.


What are Plant Packs for Office Desk?

Plant Packs for Office Desk are a collection of small plants that are specially curated to suit office spaces. These packs contain a variety of low-maintenance plants that can thrive in indoor conditions.

Why are Plant Packs for Office Desk important?

Plant Packs for Office Desk are important as they help improve the air quality in the office, reduce stress levels, and increase productivity. They also add a touch of greenery to the workspace, making it more inviting and refreshing.

Which plants are included in Plant Packs for Office Desk?

Plant Packs for Office Desk usually include small and low-maintenance plants such as succulents, cacti, air-purifying plants, and herbs. Some common plants included in these packs are snake plant, peace lily, spider plant, pothos, and aloe vera.

What are the benefits of having plants on an office desk?

Plants on an office desk can have numerous benefits, such as reducing stress levels, improving air quality, increasing productivity, boosting creativity, and enhancing the overall well-being of employees.

How often should plants in Plant Packs for Office Desk be watered?

Plants in Plant Packs for Office Desk should be watered once a week, or when the soil feels dry to the touch. Overwatering can be harmful to the plants, so it is important to maintain a balance and not water them too frequently.

Can Plant Packs for Office Desk be customized?

Yes, Plant Packs for Office Desk can be customized based on the specific needs and preferences of the office. Nurserylive offers a wide range of plant options to choose from, and customers can select the ones they like to create a personalized pack.

Do plants in Plant Packs for Office Desk require sunlight?

Yes, plants in Plant Packs for Office Desk require some amount of sunlight to thrive. However, they can also survive in low-light conditions, making them ideal for indoor office spaces.

How do plants in Plant Packs for Office Desk improve air quality?

Plants in Plant Packs for Office Desk have the ability to absorb harmful toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. They also release oxygen, which can improve the overall air quality in the office.

How do plants in Plant Packs for Office Desk reduce stress levels?

Studies have shown that having plants in the workspace can help reduce stress levels and improve mental well-being. The presence of plants can create a calming and soothing environment, which can help employees relax and feel more at ease.

Can Plant Packs for Office Desk be used for gifting?

Yes, Plant Packs for Office Desk make great gifts for colleagues, clients, and business partners. They are a thoughtful and eco-friendly way to show appreciation and add a touch of greenery to their workspace.

How do I care for plants in Plant Packs for Office Desk?

Plants in Plant Packs for Office Desk require minimal care and maintenance. They should be watered once a week, placed in an area with some natural light, and occasionally fertilized. Nurserylive provides detailed care instructions for each plant in the pack.

Can I purchase Plant Packs for Office Desk online?

Yes, Nurserylive offers Plant Packs for Office Desk online, which can be purchased and delivered to your doorstep. The website also provides detailed information about each plant in the pack, making it easy to choose the right one for your office.

What is the cost of Plant Packs for Office Desk?

The cost of Plant Packs for Office Desk varies depending on the number and type of plants included in the pack. Nurserylive offers a range of packs starting from INR 499.

How do I choose the right Plant Pack for my office?

Choosing the right Plant Pack for your office depends on various factors such as the amount of natural light available, the size of your workspace, and the overall aesthetic of your office. Nurserylive offers a variety of packs that cater to different preferences and needs, and their customer service team can assist you in choosing the right pack for your specific requirements.

Can Plant Packs for Office Desk be used in small offices or cubicles?

Yes, Plant Packs for Office Desk are ideal for small offices or cubicles as they require minimal space and can add a touch of greenery to even the smallest of workspaces.

How do I know if a plant in the pack is not doing well?

Plants in the pack should be checked regularly for any signs of wilting, yellowing leaves, or pests. If a plant is not doing well, it should be removed from the pack and taken care of separately.

How do I dispose of plants from Plant Packs for Office Desk?

Plants from Plant Packs for Office Desk should be disposed of responsibly. They can be composted, recycled, or donated to community gardens or plant exchange programs.

Can I repot plants from Plant Packs for Office Desk?

Yes, plants from Plant Packs for Office Desk can be repotted if they outgrow their current container. It is important to choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one and to use the right type of soil.

How long do plants from Plant Packs for Office Desk last?

Plants from Plant Packs for Office Desk can last for several years with proper care and maintenance. However, some plants may require more frequent replacements or repotting.

Are Plant Packs for Office Desk eco-friendly?

Yes, Plant Packs for Office Desk are eco-friendly as they promote the use of natural and sustainable materials, and help improve the overall air quality and well-being of the workspace.