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DescriptionAcacia Farnesiana grows well in low care and maintenance. Sweet acacia is a medium-sized plant; grows up to 20 ft. in height and approx....
View full detailsDescriptionS. scabra is a summer-growing perennial with some strains possessing slight frost tolerance, giving them a long growing season. A tall (...
View full detailsDescriptionIt is known as the Kamala or Red Kamala or Kumkum tree.Seeds Specifications Seeds per Packet 1500 Mallotus philippensis uses
DescriptionCommon names include palo verde, Mexican palo verde, Parkinsonia, Jerusalem thorn, and jelly bean tree.Seeds Specifications Seeds per Pa...
View full detailsDescriptionSeeds SpecificationsEucalyptus Urograndis uses
DescriptionAlso known as : Hindi, , (Kirayat), Punjabi Chooraita, Marathi kadu kirayata, Oli-kiryata, Bengali-K, lmegh (, , ), Sanskrit: K, lamegha...
View full detailsDescriptionCasuarina junghuhniana, cassowary, kasuari, rhu, Savukku maramSeeds Specifications Seeds per Packet 20000 Casuarina junghuhniana uses
DescriptionAcacia Crassicarpa, northern wattle, thick-podded salwood, brown salwood, Papua New Guinea red wattle, red wattleSeeds SpecificationsAca...
View full detailsDescriptionMalus pumila, commonly and erroneously called Malus domesticaSeeds Specifications Seeds per Packet 10000 Crab Apple uses
DescriptionAcacia planifromis, Umbrella babulSeeds SpecificationsAcacia Planifrons uses
DescriptionCelastrus paniculatus is a woody liana commonly known as black oil plant, climbing staff tree, and intellect tree (Sanskrit: jyotishmati...
View full detailsDescriptionKigelia africana K. Pinnata, common names sausage tree and cucumber tree, In Hindi Balam Kheera.Seeds Specifications Seeds per Packet 20...
View full detailsDescriptionSenegalia polyacantha, also known as White Thorn, Acacia suma, SumaSeeds SpecificationsAcacia Suma uses
Description Safeda, flooded gum or rose gumSeeds SpecificationsEucalyptus Grandis uses
DescriptionCommon name: Indian Elm, entire-leaved elm tree, jungle cork tree, south Indian elm tree,Hindi:, , ,? chilbil, , ,kanju, , papri,Marathi...
View full detailsDescriptionBadminton Ball Tree, African locust tree, Gong-Stick Tree, Chendul-Ka-jhar, , , , Chendu phul, , , ? Seeds SpecificationsParkia Biglandu...
View full detailsDescriptionCommon Name : Thuja, Morpankhi, Morpankh, Gol.Seeds Specifications Seeds per Packet 5000 Thuja compacta uses
DescriptionBroussonetia Papyrifera can grow well in minimum maintenance. Broussonetia papyrifera is a deciduous shrub or small tree. It usually gro...
View full detailsDescriptionRauvolfia serpentina, or Indian snakeroot or sarpagandha.Common English names : Devil-pepper, Snake-root.English: serpentine wood Bengal...
View full detailsDescriptionDillenia indica, elephant apple, chulta/chalta or ouuSeeds Specifications Seeds per Packet 3000 Dillenia indica uses
DescriptionDwarf pomegranateDwarf pomegranate needs full sun and a well-drained soil mix. Use a soil mix consisting of one part peat moss to one pa...
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