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Top 10 Plants to Grow in Clay Soil

Top 10 Plants to Grow in Clay Soil

Clay soil might not be the preferred soil type for many gardeners. Many believe it is one of the hardest soil to work with, but it is one of the most nutritious and moisture-retentive soil. It can work wonders for some plants when it comes to gardening.

By growing plants that thrive better in clay will save a lot of your time in changing the soil or watering them. Read about Top 10 Plants to Grow in Clay Soil offered by Nurserylive.

1.The Aster Plant - Stars of the Garden

Buy Aster Plants

The Aster plant does not require a good drainage capacity and can easily survive in clay soil. They are available in different colours ranging from blue, purple, pink, red, white, and violet.

The mixed compost and loaminess of the clay soil is well suited for these star-like flower plants. Asters are moisture-sensitive and do not like sandy soil. Planting a raised bed of Aster (violet) for flowering your gardens would be a delight in late summers and autumn.

2. Rudbeckia - The Most Popular Garden Plant

Rudbeckia is a colourful daisy-like flower plant. These perennial flower plants survive and grow better when sown indoors in warmth.

Rudbeckia plant tolerates a range of soil including clay soil as it is highly moist. Clay soil is highly fertile and enriched with lots of organic matter. These plants are so adaptable and low in maintenance that it can bloom for years to come.

3. Hemerocallis - A Fluffy Addition

Buy Hemerocallis

The Daylily - Hemerocallis look impressive as a part of the garden border. Their sweet fragrance and fluffy foliage remain attractive throughout all seasons. Daylilies are very much suitable for moist and water-logged soil. This is possibly the safest perennial plant for clay.

They are easy to maintain plants. They grow short grass in moist soil. Its edible flowers can even survive the hot summers. Plant them out in spring and take in the refreshing view of an array of white colour blossoms outside your house throughout the season.

4. Phlox Blooming for Spring to Fall

Buy Phlox Mixed Color Flower Seeds

These red beauties carry an ethereal charm. The flowers of the phlox plant bloom throughout the season. These plants can be easily used to cover your garden with a bed of fragrant blossoms and they will attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

It grows well in the clay soil, suiting the water requirement as per the moisture available in the clayey soils. Ensure a well-drained clay for better growth.

5. Hosta - The Most Distinctive Plant

Buy Hosta Plant

Hosta plant leaves have a thick lining of two colour shades that can make anyone feel happy looking at them. This admirable plant is ideal for growing in clay soil. The roots of this plant require full-time moisture and nourishment. The loaminess in the clay soil helps in soaking and absorbing the moisture for a longer time.

There are many varieties of Hostas available in different texture and green colour patterns. They are an extremely low-maintenance and perennial plant variety. Luckily, you can grow these distinctive plants in clay soil in any season to uplift your garden space.

6.The Ever-Glowing Geranium Plants

Buy Geranium

The geranium plant is one of the most long-lasting perennials you can find. The beautiful summer pink colour geranium plant grows well in pots and garden beds.

The clay soil with a good drainage capacity, crumbly texture, and enriched in organic matter is best for the pink Geranium plant. The plant grows well in soil with a pH level of more than 6. The clayey soil prevents nutrients drainage and creates compost for the plant roots.

7. Hydrangea - Sky at Your Feet

Buy Hydrangea

Hydrangea has bubbly looking blossoms that are hard to resist. Some of the varieties of the Hydrangea can survive the moisture level present in the clay soil. Dig the clay soil very deeply and add organic matter to the soil, it will make the plant all-ready to spruce up your garden.

Hydrangeas show the best growth in fertilised damp areas. It is important to keep the hydrangea in a soil type which provides the required moisture level and has a slow drainage capacity. Undoubtedly, these plants can be trusted with heavier soil types like clay. Other options which can be used are sandy soil as well.

8. Multicolour Hemerocallis - For an Effervescent Vibe

Buy Hemerocallis Hybrid Bulbs

The multicolour Hemerocallis plant has thick foliage that looks pretty in blush pinks, fairy whites, summer yellows, and tangerine orange colours.

The Hemerocallis plant is a hard-pressed bloom that survives and grows in soil types that can prevent nutrient drainage. The roots of the Hemerocallis plant requires moisture retention and fertile clay soil to grow fully.

Before planting, loosen the tight clay soil to help them grow faster. These will be a great addition to your flora collection. Such perky colour types also make them a perfect choice for making a flower bouquet.

9. Honeysuckle Plant - The Sweetheart

Buy Honey Suckle

Honeysuckle plants are prominent in the gardening community for their long-lasting fragrance. These deciduous plants require an average amount of soil moisture. They grow well in organic-rich loamy-clayey soil.

Adding natural fertilisers to your clay soil can improve their fertility. They can adjust to the sogginess in the soil after a rain. If a gardener loosens the soil with a small plougher, it will improve the water drainage capacity.

10. Heuchera Plant - The Exotic Beauty

Buy Heuchera

The extremely beautiful dark-hued Heuchera can be a distinctive feature of your garden. The Heuchera plant is commonly known as coral bells. The dark-coloured burgundy heuchera can thrive in soil with high pH levels.

Fully nutritious clay soil makes the Heuchera plants happier. A large quantity of compost in the clay soil will be beneficial for its growth. Enrich the soil with organic matter before plantation. Pick this plant to add an unusual colour and unique element to your garden space.

To achieve the best out of such soil types, it is important to learn about the different plant requirements. There is a huge range of plants that grow well in clay soil.

So, are you excited seeing the options of plants available for clay soil?

We hope these NurseryLive plant recommendations helped you in choosing your favourites. Read more about the plants and their specifications for the best pick. Stay tuned for more details!

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Gayatri Mishra - July 8, 2021

I need seeds of flowers to grow in clay soil.

ANILKUMAR NAIR - July 1, 2021


GVK Rao - July 1, 2021

These plants are ment for indoor or out door.
What’s the price of all ten plants, are these plants provided with flower pots.

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