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Top 10 Must-have Plants For Your Flower Bed Garden

Top 10 Must-have Plants For Your Flower Bed Garden

A tastefully designed flower bed will make your garden feel like spring throughout the year. A smattering of flowers and plants with a pop of colours is enough to shake away the dullness outside the home.

Every gardener comes up with gorgeous and creative ideas to showcase their personality through their gardens. Planting a pretty flower bed with gorgeous floral layouts and unique planters is a dream everyone cherishes.

If you desire the same, then it’s the right time to make your dream come true.

Here are the top 10 plants to transform your Flower Bed Garden.

Orange Shevanti or Chrysanthemum

Buy Orange Shevanti

It is important to pick perennial plants for your garden that provide a pop of bright colour throughout the year. For this, a flower bed of orange Shevanti plants that will blossom in your yard is perfect.

The flowers of the Shevanti plant grow densely, which will give a perfect cluster of flowers look. The short and long ring of orange petals look beautiful and is commonly known as a daisy of florists. For your yard, consider an orange bed with a border dominated by white begonias.

The mixture of orange and white with green leaves will give the garden a fascinating wave of colours.

Vinca F1 Nana Rose

Buy Vinca Flower Seeds

There are several different colours of Vinca flower plants available. The bright pop of red in your yard with the mishmash of all the other colours will be a unique concept to make your garden look alluring.

Vinca F1 Nana Rose is an excellent pick for blooming your gardens throughout the year. Its petals are delicate with a glossy texture and a short petiole. The flowers exude a milky juice when broken.

The harmonious pink, red, black-purple vinca arrangement will help you create the perfect look for your dream garden. For your backyard, this stunning red highlighted look is the perfect way to show the world your gardening skills.

Dianthus Chinensis

Buy Dianthus Flower Seeds

Have a small garden space? Don’t get upset. You can create a stunning flower bed in your side yard with these little beauties! You can plant contrasting white-pink Dianthus around the edge of the house walls to utilize the space you have at your disposal while giving it a magnificent look.

These flower plants grow in the form of bush and produce flowers in single or very small clusters. The little flower size helps in growing the plants in smaller lanes. Dianthus Chinensis is also known as China Pink. It is a great herbaceous plant with good botanical and medicinal value.

You can find a mind-blowing range of Dianthus plants at These types of plants look great in raised flower bed styles.

Aster Formula Mixed colour

Buy Aster Formula Mixed Colors Flower Seeds

Why not have an assorted and colourful flower bed in your backyard? Bright, multi-hued flowers in purple, white, pink, blue, and magenta, Aster plant will add a lovely accent to your garden.

To magnify the beauty of the outside walls of the house, plant undulating lines of these colourful Aster at the wall’s edge and make your home look enticing. Make sure to keep the plants trimmed and tidy for a perennially beautiful look.

Zinnia Peach

Buy Zinnia Plant

To take your flower bed look to the next level, the peach colour Zinnia plants are the perfect fit for every space. Zinnia plants bloom seasonally. The bright color and single flower on each stem gives it a perfect daisy flower plant look.

The plant can grow upto 3 feet. Design and line the front of your house with this mesmerizing peach beauty, or mix-match with different colours to enhance the overall look of the space.

The Zinnia beds delight the eyes of the viewer, and goes extremely well with the soft green of the leaves and herbs.

Salvia Splendens White

Buy White Salvia Splendens Plant

The white fresh colored flowers are perfect for giving a chilling feel in summers. Salvia Splendens White Plant grows up to 10 to 12 inches. It is a good nectar plant that is also available in bicolour combinations with white tips.

The thick, white colour bed can be used to create a diversified look. Plant some ornamental grasses all around, and combine with a few other colour flowers to make the white flowers pop and look more refreshing.

Give a unique ambiance to your garden by decorating your flower bed with white color. A raised bed made of white Salvia will be a fantastic idea to make your garden look eclectic and divine.

Zephyranthes Grandiflora - The Rain Lily Plant

Buy Pink Rain Lily

Another great option for plants for a flower bed is the Zephyranthes Grandiflora, Rain Lily Plant. The beautiful open-faced pink flowers have white throats and look floppy with golden anthers. The flowers open up entirely in midday and close in the afternoon, giving the garden an attractive look.

The gardener has many colour options to choose from with this variety. The plant size separates the bed from the yard and brightens the colour of the other plants nearby. The dark green medium-sized bushes do exceptionally well with this scheme.

Gazania Plant

Buy Gazania Plant - Any Color 

The Gazania plant is also known as an African daisy. It can grow from 6 to 18 inches. For a mesmerizing garden flower bed look, plant gorgeous Gazania plants in a variety of colours for creating the perfect outdoor look.

These stunning flowers create an immediate eye-catching impact and elevate the look of every space. Planting a wide range of colourful Gazania in a row will make it even more aesthetically pleasing.

If you are thinking of creating a garden with a sunny annual bloom, then go for the attractive Gazania plants.

Canna Plants

Buy Canna

Another idea for an aesthetically pleasing flower bed for your garden is to plant Canna. These beautiful yellow flower plants are enough to add warmth to the house gardens in the colder areas.

Canna plants are summer bulbs with ruffled spikes and refined buds. The paddle-shaped leaves stand tall on their stems with flashy blooms. Adding small plants to form a boundary will make the yellow colour pop up even more.

Purchase these yellow flower plants to add a sense of vibrancy and joy to your garden.

Heliconia Rostrata Plant

Buy Heliconia Rostrata

The divine symmetry of colours is incredible to the human eye, and this amazingly stunning Heliconia Rostrata Plant is perfect to create a fabulous look for your garden. The flower beds of Heliconia are famous for looking like the treasures of the surrounding landscape.

Your visitors and friends are sure to adore the bed of flowers made with lovely heliconia plants. And for perfectionists, the flawless artistic presentation of the flowers will be a wonderful sight.

It is always a rewarding feeling to plant these plants, build a bed of flowers, and create your own dream garden. We hope these ideas helped you out. If you implement any of these, then do share with us your experience.

For more creative and gorgeous flower bed decorating ideas, check out our flower bulbs and miniature toys collection. They will indeed give you the motivation you need to start.

Read and learn more about planting and gardening with us to motivate and appraise the gardener in you. Happy Gardening!

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    Paul Ponniah - May 15, 2021

    Your selection is only some of the captivating designs and colours that strick the heart with wonder, giving life to the splendor of the Handiwork of a designer who also give life in abundance and sustains it for a period of time, all praise and honour be to Him, the creator.
    I have small piece of farm at Kolar district of about 6 acres, wish to lease it if required by the growers of these beautiful flowers.

    Paul Ponniah - May 15, 2021

    Your selection is only some of the captivating designs and colours that strick the heart with wonder, giving life to the splendor of the Handiwork of a designer who also give life in abundance and sustains it for a period of time, all praise and honour be to Him, the creator.
    I have small piece of farm at Kolar district of about 6 acres, wish to lease it if required by the growers of these beautiful flowers.

    Ruma Gupta - May 14, 2021

    I have a roof top so can do only container garden. Also I need to be careful about how much weight I can put on the roof. So I have to judge carefully what I should plant.

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