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Gardening for Kids – Six values that are reinforced when taking care of a ‘Plant Buddy’ (1/3) - Nurserylive

6 Values that Gardening Can Teach Your Kids

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Every parent wants their children to succeed and live a comfortable life. Our parents make sacrifices every single day to prepare us for the world and provide the best education, learning opportunities, nutrition, skills, life lessons and experiences as possible.

As a child, I was fortunate enough to grow up in a house with plenty of plants – from age 8 onwards, I was given charge of watering the plants every 2 days. My parents wanted to instill a sense of discipline in me.

As I look back fondly at those times, I am reminded of all the important lessons I took away from this experience.

Here are SIX values that are reinforced when kids learn to take care of plants in the house: -

1. Patience – “Rome wasn’t built in a day”

We live in a world where mobile phones and the internet are all around us. While we had to struggle to access internet on dial-up connections, the current generation is able to access high-speed internet at the click of a button.

This convenience has led to an expectation for “instant gratification” – on-demand food, TV, movies, games, etc.

Plants, however, are old-school – they take time to grow and blossom into bigger, more beautiful versions of themselves. Allowing your kids to follow the plants on this journey can teach them the rewards of patience in a powerful manner.

2. Planning – “Look before you leap”

Plants are relatively simple and straightforward to take care – they require light, ambient temperatures, adequate water and space to grow.

Giving a young child these responsibilities enables them to keep track of when the plants need to be watered, whether they need to be moved indoors in case of heavy rains, etc.

Children can even research online to better take care of their plants. This keeps them engaged and active – more than you would expect when taking care of simpler pets like goldfish at home.

3. Ownership – “Necessity is the mother of invention”

Once children are told the plants are their responsibility, they begin to feel a sense of ownership. Giving each ‘Plant Buddy’ a name will help them view each plant with more responsibility.

This makes them notice if the plant is facing any issues, i.e. leaves fading due to too much sunlight, plants drooping due to excessive water, etc.

Their strong desire to protect the plant will enable them to spot any signs of illness and question their parents on what can be done to fix the issue.

The loyalty and pro activeness displayed are important skills that will hold them steady for years to come.

Watch out for more life lessons that can be learned from taking care of plants in the second part of our series.

Until then, what’s a good name for a ‘Plant Buddy’? Tell us in the comments below

About nurserylive

nurserylive is a one-stop-shop for all gardening related requirements. nurserylive has more than 6000 products available online for delivery across India saving you numerous messy trips to various nurseries.

We cater to all kinds of gardening needs ranging from plants, pots, tools, to curated plant-scaping solutions. Our ever-growing platform integrates nurseries with over 1 million happy plant parents across India and counting.

“The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith” – Billy Graham

In Part 1 of this series, we spoke about three important values that can be learnt when kids take care of plants – Patience, Planning and Ownership. Each of these forms the cornerstones of a strong and successful personality at adulthood.

Here are THREE more values that are reinforced when kids learn to take care of plants in the house: -

4. Composure – “The best intentions will not always lead to success”


Life is a roller coaster – full of ups and downs. Mistakes and errors are a part of life and help us learn quicker. Even if a child were to make a mistake over watering a plant or letting it receive too much sunlight, it can be fixed by properly caring for the plant.

This creates an environment where a child can learn from their mistakes without causing a lot of harm, unlike if they were taking care of a pet such as a dog or cat. And the ability to learn from their mistakes will be stepping stones to future success.

5. Hard work – “You reap what you sow”

As Prime Minister Modi famously said, “Hard work is more powerful than Harvard”. Similarly, there is merit to letting your child experience the joy of planting a sapling and taking care of it.

The feeling of tasting a fruit or vegetable grown in their own home is unparalleled and will make them appreciate the labor that goes into creating a healthy meal for them to enjoy everyday.

6. Empathy – “Contentment with our lot is an element of happiness”

Plants are not able to communicate with us the way other human beings or even pets can. They are silent guardians in your house, purifying your air and bringing joy with their dense, colorful foliage.

Teaching your kids to love your house plants and take care of them by providing water in timely internals is a small, but significant gesture.

It instills in your kids the value of nurturing and caring for someone outside themselves, without prompting. And the compassion and thoughtfulness this practice generates leads to mature, well-adjusted individuals.

In the third and final part of our series, we will cover a list of plants that your children will be delighted to take care of.

When will you be bringing a ‘Plant Buddy’ home to your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews? Tell us in the comments below 

About nurserylive

nurserylive is a one-stop-shop for all gardening related requirements. nurserylive has more than 6000 products available online for delivery across India saving you numerous messy trips to various nurseries.

We cater to all kinds of gardening needs ranging from plants, pots, tools, to curated plant-scaping solutions. Our ever-growing platform integrates nurseries with over 1 million happy plant parents across India and counting.

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