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Balcony Garden

Balcony Garden

Result: 40 products.
Result: 40 products. This is modern age gardening. In urban places, where apartments are the new home, balcony gardens are the only place to add some green corners to your lov. . . read more >


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About Balcony Garden

This is modern age gardening. In urban places, where apartments are the new home, balcony gardens are the only place to add some green corners to your loving abode. And with this limited space arrangement, it is quite challenging to fit in all the plants. So, what you need here is to be creative and innovative to make your balcony garden look attractive.

How to take care of plants for Balcony Garden?

Choosing plants for your balcony space is not that difficult. But you must bear some points in mind while selecting balcony garden greens. Ensure that those plants can be planted in pots, and they don't mandatorily require soil to grow. These plants must also be suitable for both direct and indirect sunlight, and they must not need too much water. Else your balcony will become a muddy affair.

What are the best plants for Balcony Garden?

Now, let's move on to some of the best plants for balcony gardens. You can have evergreen plants like pothos, Chinese evergreen, ferns, English Ivy, marigold, Pansy, Aloe vera, snake plant, and others.

What are the uses of Balcony Garden?

Balcony Garden can serve as the major attraction point of your home. Be it with guests or you alone can also spend some quality time there. Not to forget it also purifies the air and acts as a shield to protect against the city’s dust and pollution.

Why Choose plants for balcony Garden from Nursery Live?

A simple solution - just check our website, and we don't need to say any further. Yes, it's that simple. At Nursery Live, you get a vast choice of plants and other accessories under the Balcony Garden section.

Whether you are a fan of flowering plants, air purifier plants, decorative plants, annual plants, beautiful foliage plants, or anything else, we have got that covered for you. We also have a beautiful and innovative green wall which will completely transform your balcony garden like never before.

Benefits of a Balcony Garden

A balcony garden can offer many benefits, from providing a relaxing space to improving air quality. Learn about the benefits of a balcony garden in this article.

Small Balcony Garden Ideas

Even if you have a small balcony, you can still create a beautiful and functional garden. Discover the best small balcony garden ideas in this article.

Vertical Balcony Garden

A vertical balcony garden can maximize your space and add a unique touch to your decor. Find out how to create a vertical balcony garden in this article.

Indoor Balcony Garden

An indoor balcony garden can bring life and beauty to your home while also improving the air quality. Learn about the best indoor balcony garden ideas in this article.

Outdoor Balcony Garden

An outdoor balcony garden can enhance the beauty of your home and provide a relaxing space to unwind. Find out which outdoor balcony garden ideas are the best in this article.

Container Balcony Garden

A container balcony garden can be a practical and beautiful solution for those with limited space or resources. Discover the best container balcony garden ideas in this article.

Edible Balcony Garden

An edible balcony garden can provide fresh herbs and produce for your kitchen while also adding beauty to your space. Find out which edible balcony garden ideas are the best in this article.

Herb Balcony Garden

A herb balcony garden can be a practical and beautiful solution for those who love to cook or enjoy fresh herbs. Learn about the best herb balcony garden ideas in this article.

Flower Balcony Garden

A flower balcony garden can add a pop of color and beauty to your space while also attracting pollinators. Find out which flower balcony garden ideas are the best in this article.

Mediterranean Balcony Garden

A Mediterranean balcony garden can transport you to the shores of the Mediterranean while adding beauty to your space. Discover the best Mediterranean balcony garden ideas in this article.

Japanese Balcony Garden

A Japanese balcony garden can create a serene and peaceful atmosphere while also adding a touch of elegance to your space. Learn about the best Japanese balcony garden ideas in this article.

Modern Balcony Garden

A modern balcony garden can offer a sleek and stylish touch to your decor while also being functional and low-maintenance. Find out which modern balcony garden ideas are the best in this article.

Rustic Balcony Garden

A rustic balcony garden can offer a charming and cozy touch to your space while also being practical and functional. Discover the best rustic balcony garden ideas in this article.

Tropical Balcony Garden

A tropical balcony garden can create a lush and vibrant atmosphere while also offering a unique touch to your space. Learn about the best tropical balcony garden ideas in this article.

Zen Balcony Garden

A Zen balcony garden can create a calming and relaxing atmosphere while also being practical and low-maintenance. Find out which Zen balcony garden ideas are the best in this article.

Minimalist Balcony Garden

A minimalist balcony garden can offer a simple and elegant touch to your decor while also being practical and low-maintenance. Discover the best minimalist balcony garden ideas in this article.

Balcony Garden for Pets

A balcony garden for pets can provide a safe and enjoyable space for your furry friends while also adding beauty to your space. Learn about the best balcony garden for pets ideas in this article.

Balcony Garden for Birds

A balcony garden for birds can attract a variety of birds and add a delightful touch to your space. Find out which balcony garden for birds ideas are the best in this article.

Balcony Garden for Bees

A balcony garden for bees can help support bee populations and contribute to the environment while also adding beauty to your space. Discover the best balcony garden for bees ideas in this article.

Balcony Garden Maintenance

Maintaining a balcony garden can be easy with the right tools and knowledge. Learn about the best balcony garden maintenance tips and tricks in this article.


What is a balcony garden?

A balcony garden is a type of gardening where you grow plants on your balcony or terrace. It is a great way to bring greenery and nature into your home, even if you don't have a backyard.

What types of plants are suitable for a balcony garden?

Plants that are suitable for a balcony garden are those that require minimal space, sunlight, and care. Examples include herbs, succulents, and flowering plants.

How do I start a balcony garden?

Start by assessing the amount of space and sunlight your balcony receives, and then select plants that are suitable for those conditions. Choose the right containers and soil, and make sure to water and fertilize your plants as needed.

Can I grow vegetables in a balcony garden?

Yes, you can grow vegetables in a balcony garden, but it depends on the amount of sunlight and space your balcony receives. Choose vegetables that are suitable for container gardening, such as cherry tomatoes, lettuce, and peppers.

How do I select the right containers for my balcony garden?

Choose containers that are large enough for the plants you want to grow, and have adequate drainage holes. Consider the style and material of the containers, and make sure they are suitable for outdoor use.

How often should I water my balcony garden?

Water your balcony garden as needed, but avoid overwatering. Check the soil moisture level regularly, and water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Can I use my balcony garden for composting?

Yes, you can use your balcony garden for composting by using a composting bin or container. This will help to reduce waste and provide nutrients for your plants.

How do I prevent my balcony garden from attracting pests?

Monitor your balcony garden regularly for signs of pests, and treat any infestations promptly. Keep the area around your plants clean, and avoid overcrowding.

Can I use my balcony garden to grow herbs?

Yes, herbs are a great option for a balcony garden because they require minimal space and care. Choose herbs such as basil, parsley, and thyme.

How do I prevent my balcony garden from drying out?

Water your balcony garden regularly, and provide adequate shade and ventilation to prevent the plants from drying out. Mulching can also help to retain moisture in the soil.

How do I care for my balcony garden during the monsoon season?

During the monsoon season, ensure that the plants do not get waterlogged, and avoid placing them in areas with high humidity. Make sure that they receive adequate light and ventilation.

How do I care for my balcony garden during the winter months?

During the winter months, reduce watering and fertilization, and protect your plants from cold drafts and frost. Choose plants that are suitable for the winter season.

Can I use my balcony garden to create a mini garden?

Yes, a balcony garden can be used to create a mini garden that adds beauty and greenery to your home. Choose plants and containers that match your personal style and preferences.

How do I prevent my balcony garden from getting too hot?

Provide shade for your balcony garden by using umbrellas, shades, or trellises. Choose plants that are suitable for the amount of sunlight your balcony receives.

Can I use my balcony garden to grow flowering plants?

Yes, a balcony garden is a great place to grow flowering plants such as petunias, marigolds, and geraniums. Choose plants that are suitable for the amount of sunlight your balcony receives.

Can I use my balcony garden to grow fruit trees?

Fruit trees are not typically suitable for a balcony garden due to their size and growing requirements. However, dwarf varieties of fruit trees can be grown in large containers with proper care.

How do I prevent my balcony garden from becoming too heavy?

Choose lightweight containers and soil, and avoid overwatering. Consider the weight of the plants and containers when placing them on your balcony.

Can I use my balcony garden to create a herb garden?

Yes, a balcony garden is a great place to grow herbs such as basil, parsley, and thyme. Choose containers that are suitable for the specific herbs you want to grow.

How do I prevent my balcony garden from becoming overcrowded?

Choose plants that are suitable for the amount of space your balcony receives, and avoid overcrowding. Prune your plants regularly to maintain their size and shape.

Can I use my balcony garden for vertical gardening?

Yes, a balcony garden can be used for vertical gardening by using trellises, hanging baskets, or wall-mounted containers. This can help to maximize space and add visual interest to your balcony.

How do I choose the right plants for a shaded balcony?

Choose plants that are suitable for low-light conditions, such as snake plants, ZZ plants, and ferns. Avoid plants that require full sun.

How do I choose the right plants for a sunny balcony?

Choose plants that are suitable for full-sun conditions, such as succulents, cacti, and flowering plants. Avoid plants that require shade.

Can I use my balcony garden to create a butterfly garden?

Yes, a balcony garden can be used to create a butterfly garden by choosing plants that attract butterflies, such as milkweed, butterfly bush, and lavender.

How do I prevent my balcony garden from becoming too dry during the summer months?

Water your balcony garden regularly, and provide shade and ventilation to prevent the plants from drying out. Mulching can also help to retain moisture in the soil.

How do I prevent my balcony garden from becoming too wet during the monsoon season?

Ensure that the plants do not get waterlogged, and avoid placing them in areas with high humidity. Make sure that they receive adequate light and ventilation.

Can I use my balcony garden to create a fairy garden?

Yes, a balcony garden can be used to create a fairy garden by using miniature plants and accessories. This can add a touch of whimsy and charm to your balcony.

How do I prevent my balcony garden from becoming too windy?

Choose sturdy containers and plants that can withstand windy conditions. Provide windbreaks, such as trellises or barriers, to protect your plants.

Can I use my balcony garden to create a herb and vegetable garden?

Yes, a balcony garden can be used to grow herbs and vegetables in containers. Choose vegetables and herbs that are suitable for container gardening, such as cherry tomatoes, lettuce, and peppers.

How do I prevent my balcony garden from becoming too hot during the summer months?

Provide shade for your balcony garden by using umbrellas, shades, or trellises. Choose plants that are suitable for the amount of sunlight your balcony receives.

Can I use my balcony garden to create a Zen garden?

Yes, a balcony garden can be used to create a Zen garden by using rocks, sand, and minimalist plants such as bonsai trees and bamboo. This can create a peaceful and calming atmosphere on your balcony.