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Ever wondered why Money Plant is called 'Money plant'?

Ever wondered why Money Plant is called 'Money plant'?

As per popular belief, a Money Plant is a money-making machine! By placing a money plant at home, one can gain good luck, wealth and prosperity.

The belief is that while it thrives, one would never be short of money. It is also called a friendship plant, as it is easy to propagate.

Story of Money Plant:

There is a popular story of a poor man from Taiwan, who prayed to God for relief from his financial burdens.

One day he found a plant in his field, perceived by him as a solution to all problems. Resulting directly from his prayers, his loving care and nurturing of this plant yielded seeds, nuts and more plants. He sold these plants which brought an end to his money troubles.

Thus, it is given as a gift in the hopes of bringing prosperity to our near and dear ones.


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What do Feng Shui experts say about money plant?

Feng Shui experts recommend keeping one plant near each computer, television, or WiFi router. Placing a money plant in front of a sharp corner or angle reduces anxiety and stress. It also helps avoid arguments and sleep disorders.

 Money plant and Vastu

Vastu experts say plants activate positive energy in our day-to-day lives. They recommend planting money plants inside the house as they bring good luck. They do not recommend growing them outside in the garden, however.

Vastu experts recommend planting money plants inside the house because they bring good luck. They, however, do not recommend growing them outside in the garden. Since dry leaves make the plant less attractive, dried leaves should be plucked off from the wine to increase your luck.

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Where money plant should be kept at the home?

Money plants are mainly used as indoor plants because of the foliage and rapid growth. They are known for their rounded, coin-like, seed pods.

These hardy plants will thrive with the minimum of fuss apart from giving the green hue to the interiors and the garden. They can also be grown as climbers on walls, trellis and trees or in hanging baskets.

 Does money plant purify the air?

Yes, a money plant freshens your home by filtering air and increasing oxygen inflow. It is also approved by NASA for it air-purifying capabilities.


To summarize, yes by keeping a money plant one can gain good luck, wealth, and prosperity.

Studies have also proven that indoor plants improve concentration and productivity, reduce stress levels, and boost your mood — making them perfect for not just your home but your workspace, too.

After all, sentiments and moods play a great role in energizing people and encouraging them to work relentlessly to achieve goals.


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Selvakumar KMC - June 23, 2021

True too

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