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Result: 1 products. Did you know that adding the right accessories to your garden can make a big difference in its overall look and feel?That's why at Nurserylive, we offer a. . . read more >


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About Addons

Did you know that adding the right accessories to your garden can make a big difference in its overall look and feel?

That's why at Nurserylive, we offer a wide variety of Addons to help you personalize and enhance your garden. From decorative stones and figurines to bird feeders and watering cans, our collection includes a diverse selection of Addons to choose from.

One of the benefits of using Addons in your garden is their ability to add character and personality to your outdoor space. They can also help to create a specific theme or atmosphere, such as a rustic garden or a modern landscape.

Our Addons collection includes a variety of products, from practical tools like garden gloves and pruners to decorative items like wind chimes and garden statues. We also offer a variety of bird feeders and houses to attract and support local bird populations.

In addition to their aesthetic and practical benefits, Addons can also have a positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

Studies have shown that spending time in nature and engaging in gardening activities can help reduce stress and anxiety, and promote feelings of relaxation and mindfulness.

One of the benefits of shopping with Nurserylive is our commitment to quality and customer service. We understand that choosing the right Addons for your garden can be a daunting task, which is why we offer a variety of resources and information to help you make an informed decision.

Our website features detailed descriptions and care instructions for each type of Addon, as well as tips and advice on how to use them effectively in your garden. We also offer tutorials and videos to help you get started.

So why wait? Start exploring our Addons collection today and add a touch of personality and functionality to your garden. With our commitment to quality and customer service, you can trust that you're getting the best Addons for your needs and preferences.

In conclusion, at Nurserylive, we offer a wide variety of Addons to help you personalize and enhance your garden.

Addons can add character and personality to your outdoor space, and also have practical benefits such as attracting local wildlife and promoting relaxation and mindfulness.

With our commitment to quality and customer service, you can trust that you're getting the best Addons for your needs and preferences.

So why wait? Start shopping our Addons collection today and start enjoying the benefits of a personalized and functional garden.

Plant Accessories

Add some personality to your plants with accessories like plant stands, watering cans, and decorative pots. These accessories not only enhance the beauty of your plants but also make your gardening experience more fun.

Soil Mixes

Different plants require different soil types, and having the right soil mix can make all the difference in the health and growth of your plants. Consider adding a soil mix to your cart to ensure your plants have the right foundation.


Fertilizers provide essential nutrients to plants to help them grow and thrive. Choose a fertilizer that suits the needs of your plants, whether it's a slow-release option or a liquid fertilizer.


Seeds are a great way to start your own garden from scratch. Choose from a variety of vegetable, fruit, and flower seeds to create your own unique garden.

Plant Care Tools

Having the right tools on hand can make plant care much easier. Consider adding tools like pruners, shears, and gloves to your cart for a more efficient gardening experience.

Watering Tools

Proper watering is essential for plant health, and having the right tools can make watering much easier. Consider adding a watering can or hose attachment to your cart for a more efficient watering experience.

Pest Control

Dealing with pests can be a headache, but adding a pest control solution to your cart can help prevent and eliminate pest problems.

Plant Lights

Plants require adequate light to grow and thrive, and adding a plant light can help supplement natural light in areas where it's lacking.

Plant Books

Expand your knowledge on gardening and plant care with a helpful plant book. Choose from a variety of options ranging from beginner's guides to advanced plant care techniques.

Plant Subscription Boxes

Take the guesswork out of plant care by subscribing to a plant box service. Each month, you'll receive a curated selection of plants and accessories to help you build your own green oasis.

Decorative Pebbles

Add some texture and style to your plants with decorative pebbles. These small accents can elevate the look of your plants and add a unique touch to your decor.

Plant Hangers

Plant hangers are a stylish way to display your plants, whether indoors or outdoors. Choose from a variety of options, including macrame and wooden hangers, to suit your style.

Humidity Trays

Humidity trays can help maintain the ideal moisture levels for your plants, especially in dry environments. Add a tray to your cart for a healthier and happier plant.

Plant Markers

Keep track of your plants with decorative plant markers. These markers not only serve a practical purpose but can also add a pop of color to your garden.

Air Purifying Plants

Indoor air quality can be improved with the addition of air-purifying plants. Choose from a variety of options, including spider plants and snake plants, to help clean the air in your home.

Drip Trays

Drip trays are a great way to catch excess water and prevent water damage to your furniture. Add a tray to your cart for a cleaner and more organized gardening experience.

Propagation Tools

Propagation is a fun and cost-effective way to grow your plant collection. Add propagation tools like rooting hormone and plant clips to your cart to get started.

Plant Stakes

Stakes can provide support for tall or climbing plants, helping them grow upright and strong. Choose from a variety of options, including bamboo and metal stakes, to suit your plants' needs.

Plant Sprayers

Plant sprayers can make watering and misting your plants much easier. Choose from handheld or pump sprayers to make plant care a breeze.

Garden Decor

Add some personality and charm to your garden with decorative items like garden gnomes, wind chimes, and garden flags. These small touches can make your garden feel more welcoming and enjoyable.


What type of fertilizer should I use for my plants?

The type of fertilizer you use depends on the needs of your plants. For example, vegetable plants require a different type of fertilizer than flowering plants. Consider choosing a slow-release fertilizer for long-term nutrition or a liquid fertilizer for quick results.

How often should I water my plants?

The frequency of watering your plants depends on the type of plant, the size of the container, and the environment. As a general rule, most plants should be watered when the top inch of soil is dry. However, make sure to research the specific watering needs of your plants for best results.

Do I need special tools for plant care?

While you can get by with basic tools like a watering can and pruning shears, having the right tools for specific tasks can make plant care much easier. Consider adding tools like a moisture meter, soil pH tester, and pruning saw to your collection for more efficient plant care.

How do I choose the right soil mix for my plants?

Choosing the right soil mix depends on the needs of your plants. For example, succulents require well-draining soil, while African violets prefer soil that retains moisture. Consider researching the soil needs of your specific plants and choose a mix that meets those needs.

How can I keep pests away from my plants?

Preventing pests can be achieved through a combination of strategies, including proper plant care, natural pest control options, and physical barriers like netting. Consider using natural pest control options like neem oil or introducing pest-eating insects like ladybugs to your garden.

Can I grow plants indoors without natural sunlight?

While natural sunlight is ideal for most plants, there are options for growing plants indoors without it. Consider using artificial plant lights or choosing plants that can thrive in low-light environments, like pothos or snake plants.

Are air-purifying plants effective at cleaning the air in my home?

Air-purifying plants can help improve indoor air quality, but they should not be relied upon as the sole method of air purification. Consider using them in conjunction with other air-cleaning methods, like air filters or natural ventilation.

What are some popular plant subscription boxes?

There are many plant subscription boxes available, ranging from monthly deliveries of houseplants to quarterly boxes of seeds and gardening tools. Some popular options include The Sill, Bloomscape, and House Plant Box.

How can I display my plants in a small space?

Small spaces can be challenging for plant lovers, but there are many creative options for displaying plants. Consider using hanging planters, wall-mounted shelves, or tiered plant stands to maximize your space.

What are some common plant accessories?

Common plant accessories include plant stands, decorative pots, watering cans, and plant labels. These accessories can add style and personality to your plants while also making plant care more efficient.

What is the best way to repot a plant?

The best way to repot a plant is to choose a new container that is only slightly larger than the current container, loosen the roots gently, and add fresh soil. Be careful not to damage the roots and avoid disturbing the plant too much.

Can I grow plants in containers without drainage holes?

While it is possible to grow plants in containers without drainage holes, it is not recommended. Without proper drainage, excess water can build up and lead to root rot or other issues. Consider drilling drainage holes or using a separate inner pot with drainage holes for best results.

What are some easy-to-care-for houseplants?

Some easy-to-care-for houseplants include pothos, spider plants, and snake plants. These plants are known for their resilience and can thrive in a variety of light and moisture conditions.

What are some common plant diseases and how can I prevent them?

Common plant diseases include powdery mildew, root rot, and bacterial leaf spot. To prevent these diseases, make sure to provide proper plant care, avoid overwatering, and keep an eye out for signs of disease. Consider using natural treatments like neem oil or copper fungicide to control outbreaks.

How do I know if my plants are getting enough light?

If your plants are not getting enough light, they may start to wilt or droop, lose their color, or develop spindly stems. Consider researching the specific light needs of your plants and provide them with the recommended amount of light for best results.

Can I grow plants in recycled containers like old shoes or tin cans?

While it is possible to grow plants in recycled containers, it is important to make sure they are clean and have proper drainage. Consider drilling drainage holes and lining the container with a layer of rocks or pebbles to promote drainage.

What are some popular edible plants to grow at home?

Some popular edible plants to grow at home include herbs like basil, parsley, and thyme, as well as vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce. Consider choosing plants that are well-suited to your climate and growing conditions.

Can I grow plants from kitchen scraps?

Yes, many common kitchen scraps like carrot tops, avocado pits, and onion bottoms can be regrown into plants. Consider researching which scraps can be regrown and follow specific instructions for best results.

How can I propagate my plants?

Propagating plants can be achieved through several methods, including stem cuttings, division, and layering. Consider researching the specific propagation method for your plant and follow specific instructions for best results.

How can I make my own compost?

Composting is a great way to recycle kitchen and yard waste into nutrient-rich soil for your plants. To make your own compost, collect organic matter like vegetable scraps and leaves, add them to a compost bin or pile, and let them decompose over time. Consider turning the compost occasionally to speed up the process.