Thorli Gunj - Plant

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₹ 349
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₹ 349
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Red Bead Tree (Adenanthera pavonina) is a timber tree. This plant is found in the wild in India.

Leaves are compound bipinnate, green when young, turning yellow when old. The small, yellowish flower grows in dense drooping rat-tail flower heads, almost like cat-tail flower-heads.Fruits are curved, hanging, green pods that turn brown, coil up and split open as they ripen to reveal small bright red seeds.

Plant grow in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in part shade to full shade.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Red Sandalwood, Coral-wood, Peacock flower fence, Red bead tree, Rakt chandan, Thorla goonj
Maximum Reachable Height 0.75 to 1.50 feet
Flower Colour Yellowish
Bloom Time May
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

  • Deadhead religiously and keep beds clean. Every leaf has a growth bud, so removing old flower blossoms encourages the plant to make more flowers instead of using the energy to make seeds.
  • Clean away from around the base of the rose bushes any trimmed debris that can harbor disease and insects.
  • Prefers moist, humusy soils in part shade. Avoid poorly-drained, wet soils, particularly in winter. Slow and difficult to grow from seed.

    Thorli Gunj care

    The vining varieties require a support structure as some can get 15 feet tall. All plants prefer sun to light shade sites with well-draining and moderately fertile soil. Install the plant in the ground at the same level it was growing in the nursery pot. Most plants are grafted onto the common rootstock because of its superior hardiness.

    Sunlight Part shade to full shade
    Watering Medium
    Soil Well-drained soil
    Temperature 64 degrees P to 76 degrees C
    Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer

    Thorli Gunj special feature

    Best grown in shady areas in a native plant or wildflower garden, woodland garden, rock garden or naturalized area.

    Thorli Gunj uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • The plant is used for ornamental purpose

    Medicinal Use:

    • Ancient Indian medicine, the ground seeds are used to treat boils and inflammations
    • A decoction of the leaves is used to treat gout and rheumatism
    • Please consult with your health expert

    Culinary Use:

    • The young leaves can be cooked and eaten
    • the wood is extremely hard and used in boat-building and making furniture
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