Why microgreens are the new superfood?

Creating and keeping healthy eating habits does not have to be difficult. If you begin by fusing these superfoods into your daily habits, you can make a big impact on your eating pattern and create lasting, healthy eating habits.

There is a pack of little nutrient-dense SUPERFOOD you should pay attention to. We are talking about microgreens, the baby versions of vegetables and herbs such as radish, beet greens, cilantro, parsley, etc.

Though these are tiny greens, they are packed with nine times more nutrients than their mature versions. These are usual greens that are harvested within two weeks of sowing, when they are full of nutrients, flavor, and freshness.

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Microgreens are highly nutritious that can be affordably, and easily grown in your Kitchen!

Here is a list of amazing benefits that make these microgreens a superfood-

  1. Microgreens have large amounts of enzymes and nutrition than fully grown fruits and vegetables that we consume. These help in circulating body functions and digestion. They also support breakdown and release vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids from the food you are eating.
  2. Microgreens are also a source of vitamins including A, B1, B2, B6, C, K, and minerals such as copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium. They also add up to alkalinity, which directly helps the human body to avoid chronic diseases.
  3. Along with high levels of vitamin and minerals, microgreens are rich in protein and fiber content too. Fiber essentially leads fat and toxins out of the body. This is an important process for not only weight loss but for detoxification as well.
  4. Several researches show that microgreens have higher concentrations of vitamins and carotenoids than the mature plants. They are bountiful in antioxidants that are essential for fighting radical damage and keeping the immune system healthy.
  5. Bonus point is when you grow microgreens yourself, you reduce exposure to pesticides, food additives, and other harmful chemicals that can hinder weight loss and have an ill effect on health.

Harvested early in their growth cycle, they are very tenderly and flavorful stems which are a superb addition to your salad bowls, sandwiches, or even your smoothies.

What are you waiting for? Start sowing your microgreens now.

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