Benefits of eating fresh homegrown vegetables

The Taste of a Home-grown tomato, coriander, lemon, or lettuce is considerably distinct from that of a grocery or store-bought one.

It may have to do with the freshness, use of organic materials, or just a feeling of self-accomplishment.

No matter what cloud be the reason, homegrown vegetables are considerably tastier and have more benefits than store brought ones.

Homegrown vegetables are GMO-free, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or genetically engineered (GE) vegetables whose DNA has been altered in ways that cannot happen in nature or common crossbreeding.

Hence growing your own kitchen garden can help you procure chemical-free food to maintain a perfect mental and physical health in a very economical way.

Improves your intake:

Fresh vegetables are said to be the best way to improve your health according to medical experts. Consuming fresh vegetables has the added benefit that the nutrients present in the vegetables do not increase.

Their vitamin intake is at their highest possible position when you consume them. Nothing beats the flavor and nutrients packed vegetables.

There is also an additional factor of children being more interested in consuming the vegetables when they have grown or lend a hand in growing the vegetables.

Studies show that children who are fed with homegrown produce are twice more likely to eat 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day compared to children who rarely or never ate homegrown veggies.

Plus, as kids are not great fans of green leafy vegetables, this can entice them to eat the dreaded green leafy vegetables.

Mental Wellbeing:

Gardening has been proven to reduce stress according to many scientific studies. Watching your plant grow and blossom is one of the most joyful feelings anyone can experience.

Eating your homegrown fruits and vegetables releases happy chemicals in your brain and nervous system. It will lower your stress level and ultimately reduce your stress-related wellness issues.

What you eat directly affects the structure and function of your brain and, ultimately, your mood. Hence eating chemical-free, fresh food can help tremendously for brain development and reduced diseases.

Set of 10 Best Organic Vegetable, Herb Seeds for Kitchen Garden | View Details

Physical Health:

In this day and age, when most of the work can and is done sitting in one place, there is an immense need to exercise to keep our body healthy.

Most of us who work on a salary basis, tend to spend more than 8 hours sitting in front of a computer and meeting deadlines.

This affects our eyes, skin, spine, and our entire body structure. We tend to become couch potatoes, and we build fat around our gut which affects our waistline as well as clothes and then ultimately our health.

Working in the garden can drastically reduce our weight problems and keeps us active which is very beneficial in the long run.

There is also the added benefit that working under the sun, we absorb vitamin D which is very good for our bodies and helps prevent a lot of health problems, and eating freshly grown vegetables adds to the nutritional value altogether in various ways.

Saves Money:

Growing your food means you do not spend any money in-store brought food. The price of a packet of seeds is almost the same as buying a vegetable for a one-time use.

So with a little hard work and care, you would be able to feed yourself for months on the budget of a single onetime vegetable cost.

Growing tomatoes, chilies, herbs, onions, ginger, garlic can greatly reduce your monthly budget as these vegetables tend to be used extensively in almost every dish that is prepared.

You can also plant several exotic vegetables and garner an interest in them among your family at a fraction of the cost.

Vegetables like Broccoli, asparagus, Chinese Cabbage, etc. can be homegrown and their seed packets do not cost as much as the actual vegetable.


By growing our food, we lessen the burden on our environment. It reduces the amount of pesticides and fertilizers used, the amount of unnecessary water and air pollution, etc.

Ultimately it reduces the vast production method of using artificial fertilizers and reduces the wastage that occurs due to food stores and commercial selling. Also, Long-distance transportation of vegetables relies heavily on fossil fuels.

Growing your food would help reduce the reliance on this transportation that is harming the environment.

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