4 Immunity Building Herbs For Monsoons

Most of us can be found sniffing and coughing as the monsoon approaches. As we move away from the hot summer heat and into a season of light breeze and chilled evenings, our body usually takes some time to adjust to this change in temperature.

Therefore, during this period of seasonal change, it is considered that our immunity is lower than normal, and we are at a higher risk of catching viral infections.

On the other hand, the moisture in the air gives an ideal environment for bacteria and microorganisms to grow and that gets us more vulnerable. Your eating habits can play an important role in keeping you healthy from within and defending you from any monsoon illness.

Here are few easy to grow herbs that you must include in your daily food during monsoons for healthier immunity and strength.


The holy basil leaves act as natural antibiotics and known for excellent immunity boosters. 2-3 leaves of Tulsi every morning can help immensely to keep you healthy.


Coriander leaves help detoxification and have a cooling effect on the body. Using coriander in your diet can protect you against inflammatory conditions.


Consisting of one of the highest concentrations of myricetin per 100 grams, and rich in Vitamin C, A and B9, parsley works brilliantly as anti-oxidants to boost immunity.


This wonder herb helps in boosting immunity, relieving the signs of abdominal gas and bloating. Boiling few peppermint leaves in water or drinking peppermint herbal tea with a drop of honey can help to cure monsoon infections.

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