11 Recipe Ideas To Eat Microgreen Everyday

Are you feeling run down and are struggling for healthy food? How about starting your day with a blend of rich minerals and Vitamins?

We are talking about microgreens that are readily available for you to add the punch of nutrition and flavour to your daily meal.

No matter what taste you are looking for, there is a microgreen that you can add zing to a recipe. These baby plants are super versatile food and with them you can prepare fresh dishes with great taste.

There is no doubting the fact that we have plenty of things available at one click, some professing to be a blend of nutrition, some vowing to be a pack of organic eatables. But do they really resonate with our expectations and listed interests?

Microgreens/sprouts can be used to add colour and nutrients in almost any dish, from spreading on pizza topping, hot soups, curries, omelets, pasta, to salads.

Microgreens taste somewhat more intense version of their full-sized vegetable forms. Most of them are sweet, nutty, sour, earthy, bitter, and spicy.

These are mostly found in vibrant colors of red, yellow, purple, green. Here are some dishes delicious enough to try any time of day!

1. Spring Salad

2. Pea Shoot Savory Pancakes:

3.Pea Pesto:

4. Microgreens Salad with Roasted Chickpeas:

5. Strawberry Microgreens Salad:

6.Burger With Microgreens:

7. Vegan Salad:

8. Tomato Avocado Toast with Pea Shoots:

9. Pizza with microgreens toppings:

10. Mushroom Omelet with Chives:

11. Pasta With Arugula Microgreens:

Buy Easy to Grow Healthy Microgreens | View Details

So now since you have some cool recipe ideas, it's time to google and fish out the different version of recipes and let your inner chef take the centre stage.

Happy Cooking, you lovely people.

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