Mesembryanthemum, Ice Plant Mixed Color - Flower Seeds

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1 Packet contains 100 seeds of Mesembryanthemum, Ice Plant Mixed - Seeds

Ice Plants have fleshy, succulent foliage and are originally from barren, arid, warm areas of the world such as South Africa. Depending on the variety, they are classified as perennials, sub-shrubs or annuals compatible with many different climate zones.

Ice Plants are easy to grow and can be planted from seeds once gardeners have determined which variety they want in their garden.

Seeds Specifications

Seeds per Packet 50
Common Name Fig Marigold, Icicle Plant, Pebble Plant, Ice plant, Sea Marigold, Sea Fig.
Height 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 cm).
Flower Colour Pink, white, yellow, red. Daisy-like ray and disc florets.
Bloom Time Jul to September
Difficulty Level Easy

Planting and care

  • Always plant these succulents in bright sun and well-drained sandy, sandy loam or even gravelly soil
  • Always avoid clay soils
  • In colder climates, get your Iceplants in the ground by mid-summer
  • That will give them of time to get established before winter arrives
  • In very hot climates (e
  • Southwest US) plant in the autumn
  • Although drought tolerant, remember that every living thing needs some water
  • During the hottest months of the summer, water deeply once a week
  • This will mimic the rain patterns in South Africa where rain comes mostly in the summertime
  • Don, t water your plants in the late autumn and through the winter
  • You don, t want the leaves plump with moisture which make them susceptible to freezing
  • In very cold areas, consider planting a,row crop, to shelter your ice plant from freezing temperatures
  • If you live in areas where snow lingers, cover your plants with a frost blanket during the coldest months
  • ,Mulch, around ice plants with gravel
  • This helps both stems and roots as the gravel holds a correct amount of moisture around the roots but allows good air circulation around the stems
  • If gravel isn, t available for mulch, bark chips of a medium texture will do
  • Pine needles can also be a good choice
  • In mid-autumn, stop watering your plants to help prepare them for winter
  • Without water, they will shrink back and harden to better resist freezing temperatures
  • Don, t worry about fertilizing
  • To enhance your plants, foliage and flowers, fertilize with a natural, organic fertilizer one time in the autumn
  • Fertilizing more may cause plants to die off during the winter due to the moisture freezing in their plump leaves
Sunlight Full sunlight
Watering Occasional watering during prolonged dry spells.
Soil an survive in dry soils,loamy soil,clay soil.It can tolerate nutritionally poor or saline soils.
Temperature 18 to 24 degrees Centigrade.
Fertilizer A liquid fertiliser once the first round of flowering has occurred.
Harvest Season July to september

Mesembryanthemum uses

Ornamental Use:

  • Used for decorations in homes, shops and offices

Medicinal Use:

  • The crushed leaves can be used as a soap substitute and has some medicinal uses
  • It is rarely, if ever, grazed upon by domestic stock

Culinary Use:

  • Once the plant has several leaves and is well established, pick the leaves as desired
  • The slightly acid-flavored, fleshy parts of the leaves are boiled and served like spinach
  • Leaves and stems - raw or cookedSeeds can also be eaten
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