Lactuca scariola - Plant

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Prickly Lettuce is an annual or biennial plant, slightly foetid, that is commonly considered a weed of orchards, roadsides and field crops.

This name is a synonym of Lactuca serriola L. Lactuca serriola, also called prickly lettuce, is an annual or biennial plant in the dandelion tribe within the daisy family. The leaves grow along a spiny stem and get progressively smaller as they reach its top. They emit latex when cut.

Many flowers are produced and usually appear in the upper part of the plant. It has a hairless reddish stem, containing a milky latex. The achenes are grey, bristly tipped. The pappus is white with equal length hai

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Prickly Lettuce, compass plant, bankahoo, kaahu, saaleet
Maximum Reachable Height 2 to 6 feet
Flower Colour Pale yellow, often tinged purple
Bloom Time July to September
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

  • Start with pruning shears for smaller growth.
  • Use loppers, which look like giant, long-handle shears, for growth that is more than half an inch thick.
  • A small pruning saw is handy, as it cuts on both the push and the pull.

    Lactuca scariola care

    This is a weed throughout temperate regions. It can hwoever be harvested and eaten, although it is somewhat bitter.Enjoys a full sun or partial sun position in your garden. Keep in mind when planting that Prickly Lettuce is thought of as hardy, so this plant will survive close to or on freezing temperatures.

    Sunlight Full Sun to Partial Shade
    Watering Medium
    Soil Light sandy loam well-drained soil
    Temperature 30 degrees C
    Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer

    Lactuca scariola special feature

    Prefers a light sandy loam in a sunny position. The wild lettuce is cultivated for the oil in its seed in Egypt. A compass plant, the top leaves align north-south.

    Lactuca scariola uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • The plant is used for an ornamental purpose

    Culinary Use:

    • Lactuca serriola can be eaten as a salad, although it has something of a bitter taste
    • Young leaves can be eaten raw or cooked
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