It is a medicinal small tree used in Ayurveda. Useful as Nervine tonic, brain tonic, demulcent, anti-acidic, expectorant, antipyretic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, carminative.
It is a shrub or small trees, with branchlets coarsely gray-brown hairy. Leaf stalks are 2-3 mm long, tomentose. Leaves are lance-shaped, leathery, black-brown when dried, velvety.
Lateral basal veins are as long as leaf blade, lateral veins 4-5 pairs, base narrow, shallowly heart-shaped, margin toothed, tip long pointed or rarely blunt. White flowers are borne in cymes. Stalk of the cyme is 3-7 mm, velvety. The flower stalk is 3-5 mm, velvety. Bracts are lance-shaped, 3-4 mm. Sepals are narrowly lance-shaped. Petals are narrowly ovate. The style is longer than stamens, stigma 4-lobed. A drupe is globose or 2-lobed, sparsely coarsely hairy. Flowering from June to July. Useful as Nervine tonic, brain tonic, demulcent, anti-acidic, expectorant, antipyretic, diuretic, aphrodisiac, carminative. used for heart disease, cough, wounds, and dyspnoea in diarrhea and dysentery heart disease, fever.Plant Specifications
*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Grewia hirsuta care