Football Lily, Haemanthus Multiflorus, Blood Lily - Bulbs (set of 5)

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₹ 229
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₹ 229
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₹ 229
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Flowers are arranged in umbel so it is called as football lily and color suggests a name - blood lily.

Scadoxus multiflorus is the scientific name of football lily. This perennial grows from a rhizomatous bulb. It has a false stem as leaves are wrapped together. Leaves may appear after flowering or with them. A false stem can grow up to 60 cm.

Up to 100 individual flowers are produced in an umbel inflorescence.
Common Name Football lily, blood lily, ball lily, blood flower, Katherine-wheel, oxtongue lily, poison root and powderpuff lily
Height Up to 18 inches
Flower Colour Pink and red shades
Bloom Time Summer to early autumn
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

  • Give at least 2 to 3 hours of sunlight for indoors
  • Apply balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer each month during the growing phase
  • Reduce watering in late summer
  • Remove the spent flowers unless you are collecting the seed

Football Lily care

  • It can be planted in containers or in the ground and indoor or outdoor
  • Propagation is possible by seed
  • Plant the bulbs in spring with equal parts of loam or sandy soil and manure
  • Keep spacing of up to 10 inches
  • Re-pot occasionally in spring or early summer
Sunlight Bright light
Watering Medium
Soil Well-drained growing medium, largely organic in nature
Temperature 10 to 30 degrees C
Fertilizer Use any organic fertilizer.
Harvest Season Summer

Football Lily special feature


Football Lily uses

Ornamental Use:

  • It is grown as an ornamental plant for its brilliantly colored flowers

Culinary Use:

  • Harmful after intake
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