Dahlia Figaro Mixed Color - Flower Seeds

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Dahlias make excellent cut flowers

1 packet contains - 50 seeds.

With a multitude of different colours, shapes and sizes, Dahlias bring life and beauty back to your landscape in late summer and into the fall months.

The diversity of the Dahlia allow you to use them in many different aspects of your landscape design, from low growing border plants to stately background plantings that may reach six feet in height! Dahlias make excellent cut flowers, which will typically last about a week in the house.

Seeds Specifications

Seeds per Packet 50
Common Name dahlia
Height Dahlia plants range in height from as low as 12 inches to as tall as 6-8 feet.
Flower Colour Dahlia blooms come in nearly every colour of the rainbow and a range of flower forms -- from daisy-like singles to more alienesque quilled types.
Bloom Time July- October
Difficulty Level Easy

Planting and care

  • To promote a compact, bushy growing habit, with more flowers, pinch back the new growth when your dahlia is about a foot high
  • If your goal is to produce massive sized flowers, remove all of the side buds at the end of each branch throughout the growing season
  • If you want your Dahlia to provide a continuous, extended flower show, you will need to remove the spent buds promptly

Dahlia Figaro Mixed Color care

  • Plant dahlia tubers in spring after all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed
  • Prepare the garden bed by using a garden fork or tiller to loosen the soil to a depth of 12 to 15 inches, then mix in a 2- to 4-inch layer of compost
  • Dig a hole about three times as deep as the diameter of the tuber, usually between 3 and 8 inches
  • Set the tuber horizontally in the hole with the buds facing up, cover it with soil, and press firmly
  • Space tubers 1 to 3 feet apart, depending on the variety, and water thoroughly
  • Stake tall varieties at planting time, being careful not to damage tubers when installing stakes
Sunlight Dahlia plants grow and bloom best in full sun.
Watering Water established Dahlias thoroughly and deeply once a week. Water more frequently if it s very hot.
Soil Dahlias tolerate most soil types, but prefer a sandy, well drained, slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.2- 6.5. If your soil is heavy or clay, adding sand and peat moss will help to lighten it.
Temperature Maintain a temperature in the growing medium of 70-85F until germination which takes from 7-21 days.
Fertilizer Fertilizer (17 : 17 :17 ) application 1 g per litre of water has to be stared ten days after transplanting ( 30 days after sowing in case of direct sown crops).
This can be repeated once in ten days.
Spray 1.5 g of dittany M-45 during rainy season once in 15 days.

Dahlia Figaro Mixed Color uses

Ornamental Use:

  • Some specimens may provide an abundance of cut flowers for the home, while others give you the opportunity to make a bold statement in your landscape by pruning, dis-budding and ultimately forcing the plant to create a few single, gigantic blooms
  • Novice Dahlia growers may want to start by selecting a few plants of varying colours, sizes and types
  • Most Dahlia gardeners will be happy to share their thoughts and experiences with you regarding their successes, failures and favourites
  • They may even be willing to share a few tubers with you
  • Once you ve grown your first crop of these beauties, you will have a much better idea of which types of Dahlias to grow in subsequent years

Medicinal Use:

  • The common garden variety dahlia was once an important root crop and medicinal plant among the pre-Columbian Indians of central Mexico
  • Its roots were valued both for the nutritious inulin stored inside them and for the antibiotic compounds concentrated in the skin of the tubers

Culinary Use:

  • Dahlia yams were once a staple food as important as the avocados, tomatoes and sweetcorn that they were eaten alongside
  • favourite way to eat them is cooked, much like a potato, in soups, stews & rosti
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