Baptisia tinctoria - Plant

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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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Cottage gardens, prairies, meadows and native plant gardens. Effective in naturalized settings. Best as a specimen or in small groups.

Baptisia tinctoria commonly called wild indigo or yellow wild indigo, is an upright, smooth, shrubby perennial which typically grows 2-3 tall and occurs in open woods and fields from Maine to Florida and west to Minnesota.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name wild indigo, Broom-clover, Baptisia, indigo-weed, horsefly-weed, indigo-broom, shoofly, yellow indigo, American indigo, yellow broom, cloverbroom, rattlebush.
Maximum Reachable Height 2.00 to 3.00 feet
Flower Colour yellow
Bloom Time May to June
Difficulty Level easy to grow

Planting and care

  • Like many prairie plants, Baptisia takes some time to establish its deep root system before taking off, so the first of false indigos growing tips would be to have patience.
  • It can take up to three years for your seeds or seedlings to produce flowe
  • The second of our false indigo growing tips would be to choose your site carefully. Once planted, Baptisia plants don, t like to be moved.

    Baptisia tinctoria care

    Members of the Fabaceae or pea family, false indigo flowers, distinctive pea-like blossoms also come in white (Baptisia alba) and yellow (Baptisia tinctoria) as well as the more widely known blue (Baptisia australis
    There are also several hybrid cultivars on the market today. Advertisement Native to the prairies of southern North America, Baptisia plants grow well in almost any well drained soil in USDA planting zones 5-9

    Sunlight Full sun to part shade
    Watering Dry to medium
    Soil well-drained soil
    Temperature 70F
    Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer

    Baptisia tinctoria special feature

    Cottage gardens, prairies, meadows and native plant gardens. Effective in naturalized settings. Best as a specimen or in small groups.

    Baptisia tinctoria uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • The plant is used for ornamental purpose
    • Genus name comes from the Greek word bapto meaning to dye

    Medicinal Use:

    • It is used in the treatments of colds and flu
    • it can stimulate the immune system, it has been applied as an herbal remedy in the treatment of common colds, sore throats, infections and influenza

    Culinary Use:

    • It can be taken internally as a mouthwash or used externally as an ointment
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