Agave americana - Succulent Plant

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Agave is a long-leaved succulent plant that naturally forms a rosette shape and produces a flower spire of attractive cup shaped blooms. The plant is drought tolerant and perennial, ideal for the mature arid garden.

Sr Item name
1 Agave americana - Succulent Plant
2 3 inch (8 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)

It is very impressive when big, with its bold structure, and beautiful form. On the rare occasion when it finally blooms, it is a complete show stopper; The stalk bolts to the sky and the showy flowers grace the neighborhood. The average lifespan is around 25 yea

It has a spreading rosette, about 4 m wide, of gray-green leaves up to 6 ft. long, each with a spiny margin and a heavy spike at the tip. It works beautifully as a single large specimen and also when planted amass with other agaves. Tough and particularity indestructible this Native beauty should be in anyone drought tolerant landscape. Works particularly well when planted with ornamental grasses nearby.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Blue Agave, American Aloe, Maguey
Maximum Reachable Height 3 to 6 feet
Flower Colour Greenish yellow
Difficulty Level Easy to Medium

Planting and care

  • Agave that is grown in pots require even more grit in the soil and can actually be planted in a cactus mix.
  • The addition of small rocks or pebbles to the soil increases the drainage capabilities of the container.
  • Agave plants in containers will require more water than those in the ground and will need to be repotted every year or so to replenish the soil and root prune the plant.
  • Agave plant care for container grown plants is otherwise the same and it affords you the ability to bring sensitive forms indoors when temperatures plummet.
  • You can put it outside in summer and spring, with indirect light, but it will need to remain indoors during fall and winter.

    Agave americana care

    Growing agave is easy if you plant the right variety in the right location. Agaves need full sun and gritty soil that percolates easily. They can even do quite well when potted but use an unglazed clay pot that will allow evaporation of excess moisture.

    In spring they benefit from the application of a granulated time release fertilizer that will provide nutrient needs for the season.Many varieties of agave will die after blooming and then produce pups or offshoots from their base to replace themselves.

    On varieties where the parent plant does not die after flowering, it is a good idea to get long handled pruners and remove the spent bloom. After establishment, neglect is actually how to grow agave and produce happy plants.

    Sunlight Bright, south or south-east light. If natural light is not adequate, you can supplement with a nice natural white fluorescent bulb.
  • When the soil is dry it is time to water.
  • Dry climate, outdoors: Water every two to three days when warm and sunny.
  • Humid, cool or indoors: Water every week.
  • During the fall and winter months, the plants should be watered less frequently in order to promote blooming.
  • Soil Use a potting soil mix with a little sand; good drainage.
    Temperature Agave americana likes warm temperatures in summer and cooler in winter with a minimum of 10 degrees C (50 degrees F). Normal room temperature is great for Agave americana during the growth period.
    Plants become more tolerant of cold temperatures as they grow larger.
    Fertilizer Apply standard liquid fertiliser every two weeks during the active growing period. Do not fertilise the plant during the resting period.

    Agave americana special feature

    This plant is known to some as the century plant, because it is thought to flower only once every 100 years; however, this is misleading as it usually flowers after 20-30 years of storing enormous food reserves in its leaves and then dies.

    Agave americana uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • Agave americana is hardy enough for the most exposed courtyard or balcony
    • Agave americana makes a dramatic statement in the landscape and is much favoured for use in rock gardens
    • In many gardens Agave americana is best grown in containers
    • The gigantic leaf-rosettes of these splendid succulents rank them among the most popular accent plants for modern gardens
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