Tree of Chandigarh, Mango - Plant

136 Reviews
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₹ 499
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₹ 499
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₹ 594
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The juicy, ripe mango fruit has a rich, tropical aroma and flavor that summons thoughts of sunny climates and sultry breezes.


  • You will get a fruiting indigenous plant.
  • The Mango tree is hardy in nature and requires comparatively low maintenance costs.
  • Mango fruit tastes delicious and have excellent flavor and attractive fragrance.
  • Fruits are rich in vitamin A and C.
  • Combo constituents

    SrNo Item name Qty
    1 Mango Tree (Grown through seeds) - Plant 1

    Special Feature

    The mango tree is a prolific producer of edible tasty fruit. Mango is the leading fruit crop of India and considered to be the king of fruits. Aside from their value as a fruit tree, mango trees can be used in the landscape as shade trees.
    The leaves of the mango tree are used on all auspicious occasions. It is just because the air that comes through these leaves purifies the area and keeps free of any germs and bacteria.

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