Prickly Chaff Flower, Apamarga - Plant

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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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It is an annual or perennial herb.

In India Prickly Chaff Flower, is available throughout the tropical and subtropical regions, under altitude of 4100 mete This plant grows throughout the tropical and warmer regions of the world.

It was found to be the most prevalent herb in Shivbari sacred grove of Himachal Pradesh and an exotic medicinal plant of district Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name chaff-flower, prickly chaff flower, devils horsewhip
Maximum Reachable Height 0.5 to 3ft
Flower Colour Pink
Bloom Time March to October
Difficulty Level easy to grow

Planting and care

  • Start with pruning shears for smaller growth. Use loppers, which look like giant, long-handle shears, for growth that is more than half an inch thick.
  • A small pruning saw is handy, as it cuts on both the push and the pull.

    Prickly Chaff Flower care

    An accurate soil test will tell you where your pH currently stands. Acidic (sour) soil is counteracted by applying finely ground limestone, and alkaline (sweet) soil is treated with ground sulfur.If you order roses from a mail-order company, order early, in January or February (March at the latest). They are usually shipped in the spring as bare roots when plants are fully dormant, well before they have leafed out

    Sunlight Full Sun to Partial Shade
    Watering Medium
    Soil well-drained soil
    Temperature 38-40 C.
    Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer

    Prickly Chaff Flower special feature

    From the head of the demon sprung the herb Apamarga, with the assistance of which Indra was able to kill all demons. Hence this plant has the reputation of being a powerful talisman, and is now popularly supposed to act as a safeguard against scorpions and snakes by paralysing them.

    Prickly Chaff Flower uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • The plant is used for ornamental purpose

    Medicinal Use:

    • It is used to treat various diseases such as leprosy, asthma, fistula, piles, arthritis, wound, insect and snake bite, renal and cardiac dropsy, kidney stone, diabetes, skin disorders, gynaecological disorders, gonorrhoea, malaria, pneumonia, fever, cough, pyorrhoea, dysentery, rabies, hysteria, toothache etc
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