Peperomia dolabriformis, Prayer Pepper - Succulent Plant

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Peperomia dolabriformis is a shrubby succulent Peperomia plant with purse-shaped foliage and woody stems.

  • Peperomia dolabriformis, Prayer Pepper - Succulent Plant-1
  • 3 inch (8 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)- 1
  • 3.3 inch (8 cm) Square Plastic Planter with Rounded Edges (Red)- 1

Peperomia dolabriformis has thick, green succulent foliage. The shape of the foliage resembles pea pods or small purses. They are lime green and appear folded in half. The top of each leaf has a dark green translucent stripe along the fold, helping the foliage absorb more light. The leaves measure about 3 inches long and half an inch thick.The leaves may form a rosette or a loose branch. Over time, the Prayer Pepper develops a dense cluster of the purse-like leaves, reaching 12 inches tall.

Plant Specifications

Plant Height 3 inch (8 cm)
Plant Spread 3 inch (8 cm)
*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Prayer Pepper and Prayer Peperomia.
Maximum Reachable Height Up to 24 inches
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

  • Once established, sedums require little care.
  • Check your plants regularly to make sure they are not dry and water when needed.
  • After flowering, cut back the plants to maintain their shape.
  • Remember to divide your plants in the spring or fall to control their spread.
  • Throughout the summer, divisions and cuttings root readily.
  • Keep away from heat or air-conditioning vents

    Peperomia dolabriformis, Prayer Pepper care

    Plant sedum seeds in early spring in well-drained, average to rich soil in full sun. Space the plants between 6 inches and 2 feet apart, depending on the type. Low-growing and vigorous species will tolerate partial shade.

    You can also plant divisions or cuttings instead of seeds. Dig a hole so that the top of the root ball is level with the surface, then place the plant in the hole and fill it in.

    Sunlight Full sun
    Watering Dry to medium
    Soil Dry, Average, Well Draining
    Temperature 20 to 30 degrees C
    Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer

    Peperomia dolabriformis, Prayer Pepper special feature

    The Prayer Pepper plant thrives in containers and pots and remains relatively small, making it a simple houseplant to cultivate.

    Peperomia dolabriformis, Prayer Pepper uses

    Ornamental Use:

    • The leaves are the main ornamental interest of this cultivar
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