Parijat Tree, Parijatak, Night Flowering Jasmine - Plant

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Have you ever stumbled upon a tree that made you stop and stare?

A tree that seemed to possess a beauty so rare that it made you question whether it was real or a figment of your imagination.

If so, then you may have encountered the wondrous Parijat tree, also known as the Night-Flowering Jasmine.

Night Flowering Jasmine, Harshringar or Parijat is West Bengal state flower. It produces adorable and sweetly fragrant flowers which open at night.

Parijat is one of the beautiful and mysterious plants whose flowers fall on the ground after blooming. The flowers bloom at night and drop down from the branches at the first rays of light. These fragrant flowers spread fragrance in the surrounding area with an intensely sweet floral aroma.

What makes it special:

  • Pleasant fragrant flowering plant.
  • One of the best attractive flowering plants.
  • Perfect plant for outdoor garden and sunny balcony.
  • One of the night-blooming flowering plant.

Parijat belongs to the Oleaceae family. also called as night-flowering jasmine and Coral Jasmine worldwide. Flowers have four to eight petals arranged above a vibrant orange tube in a pinwheel pattern. The tree is sometimes called the tree of sorrow because the flowers lose their brightness during daytime.

These flowers blossom between August to December. Beautiful and mysterious plants whose flowers fall on the ground after blooming.

Plant Specifications

Plant Height 19 inch (48 cm)
Plant Spread 6 inch (15 cm)
*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Parijat, Paarijaata, Night-flowering Jasmine, Coral Jasmine.
Maximum Reachable Height Up to 10 meters
Flower Colour White.
Bloom Time August to December.
Difficulty Level Easy.

Planting and care


More than 6 hours of sunlight or 3-6 hours of sunlight with natural bright light for rest of the day.


The soil should be well drained and fertile, rich in organic content.


  • Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
  • Apply 4 cup (Approx. 200 ml) water when the top soil (1-2 inch) in pot feels dry to touch.
  • Apply water probably morning or evening time.
  • Do not overwater the plant.
  • As a rule of thumb, water the plant thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.

Application of Fertilizer

  • Before the application of fertilizer loosen the topsoil without disturbing the roots of the plant so it can uptake the nutrients and moisture.
  • During the main growing season feed the plant with organic fertilizer once a month.
  • Apply water immediately after application of fertilizer.

Plant Protection

  • Remove dead, infected or damaged plant parts and discard them away from the plants.
  • For any insect attack or disease, you can use Neem oil, Eucalyptus oil or Citrus oil spray for primary treatment.


  • Do not over water the plant especially when pot does not have drainage holes.
  • Avoid applying water on flowers and leaves it may cause fungus infection.

Parijat Tree care

Initial care for 1-2 weeks after receiving plant at your location:

  • Keep the plant in Natural indirect bright Light.
  • Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
  • apply 4 cup (Approx. 200 ml) water when top soil (1-2 inches) feels dry to touch.
  • Do not re-pot for min. 2 weeks after receiving it.

Key requirements to keep plant healthy:

Sunlight More than 6 hours of sunlight or 3-6 hours of sunlight with natural bright light for rest of the day
Watering Apply 4 cups (Approx. 200 ml) water when the topsoil (1-2 inch) in pot feels dry to touch.
Soil Soil should be well-drained and fertile, rich in organic content.
Temperature 16 to 32 Degree Celsius
Fertilizer Apply organic fertilizer once a month.

The plant is used for ornamental purposes

Here are 7 reasons why the Parijat tree is one of the most fascinating trees out there:

It blooms only at night

Yes, you read that right. The Parijat tree's flowers bloom only at night and by morning, they have fallen to the ground. Talk about a party animal!

According to a research study, the tree is believed to have evolved this nocturnal blooming habit as a way to attract moths and bats for pollination.

It's shrouded in mythology

In Hindu mythology, the Parijat tree is believed to have originated from the churning of the cosmic ocean during the Samudra Manthan.

It is said that Lord Krishna brought the tree to Earth as a gift for his wife, Satyabhama. Today, the tree is considered a sacred symbol of love and devotion.

It has medicinal properties

Not only is the Parijat tree aesthetically pleasing, but it also possesses medicinal properties. According to a research article published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, the tree's leaves and flowers have been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including arthritis, skin diseases, and respiratory issues.

It's a survivor

Despite its delicate appearance, the Parijat tree is a tough cookie. It can withstand harsh weather conditions, including drought and extreme heat.

A research study suggests that the tree's resilience may be due to its ability to conserve water and adjust its photosynthetic activity.

It has global appeal

Although the Parijat tree is native to India and Southeast Asia, it has gained a following across the world. In fact, the tree is now grown in various parts of Africa, the Caribbean, and South America.

A research article suggests that the tree's popularity is due to its unique beauty and cultural significance.

It's a symbol of hope

In Nepal, the Parijat tree is a symbol of hope and resilience. After the devastating earthquake in 2015, a group of locals planted Parijat trees in the rubble as a sign of new beginnings.

A research article notes that the tree's ability to bloom even in difficult circumstances has made it a powerful symbol of hope and regeneration.

It's a source of inspiration

From poets to painters, the Parijat tree has inspired countless artists over the yeaÃÃ†à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ ¢ÃƒÆ’ƒÆ’ ¢ÃƒÆ’Æ’ ¢ÃƒÆ’ ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ ¬Ãƒâ€¦ ¡ ¬ÃƒÆ’Æ’Ã ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ ¦ ¡ ¹ The tree's delicate flowers and rich mythology have been the subject of many creative works, including poems, songs, and paintings.

The tree's enduring beauty and cultural significance make it a timeless source of inspiration.

The Parijat tree is truly a marvel of nature. Its unique blooming habit, rich mythology, medicinal properties, resilience, global appeal, symbolism, and inspiration have captured the hearts and minds of people across the world.

So the next time you come across a Parijat tree, take a moment to appreciate its wonder and let it inspire you too!

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