Lycopus virginicus is a species of flowering plant in the mint family known by many common names.
Lycopus virginicus is a species of flowering plant in the mint family. This perennial wildflower more or less erect with an unbranched stem. The stem is light green, 4-angled, and slightly pubescent. Leaves are medium green, lanceolate-ovate to ovate, and serrated along their margins.
Dense clusters of numerous flowers occur in the axils of the leaves. Each flower is consisting of a light green calyx that is short-tubular with 4-5 teeth, a white corolla that is short-tubular with 4-5 tiny lobes, 2 stamens, and a pistil. The rather broad teeth of the calyx are triangular ovate. The stamens are more or less included with the corolla.Plant Specifications
Common Name | Virginia Bugleweed, Virginia water horehound, American water hoarhound, sweet bugleweed, water bugle, herb of carpenter, green archangel, purple archangel, betony of Paul, woodbetony, wolf foot |
Maximum Reachable Height | 10 to 20 inches |
Flower Colour | White |
Bloom Time | Midsummer |
Difficulty Level | Easy to grow |
Planting and care
Lycopus virginicus care
This species adapts to many kinds of wetlands, whether they are in a degraded or high-quality state. Virginia Bugleweed will thrive in full sun to light shade, wet to consistently moist conditions, and any soil containing significant amounts of organic matter. Standing water is tolerated for short to intermediate periods of time.
Sunlight | Full Sun |
Watering | Medium |
Soil | Well-drained soil |
Fertilizer | Apply any organic fertilizer |
Lycopus virginicus special feature
The whole herb is used. It is slightly aromatic, with a mint-like odour and is used, fresh, when in flower, for the preparation of a tincture and a fluid extract, until recent years official in the United States Pharmacopoeia. It is also used dried for making an infusion.
Lycopus virginicus uses
Ornamental Use:
- The plant is used for an ornamental purpose
Medicinal Use:
- Sedative, astringent and mildly narcotic
- Used in coughs, bleeding from the lungs and consumption
- The infusion made from 1 OZ
- of the dried herb to 1 pint of boiling water is taken in wineglassful doses, frequently, the fluid extract in doses of 10 to 30 drops, and the dry extract, Lycopin, in doses of 1 to 4 grains
- Note: Please consult your health expert