Lupin Pixie Dwarf Mixed Color - Flower Seeds

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1 packet contains Lupin Pixie Dwarf Mix Colors - 50 is scented flowe

Quite dwarf with short flower spikes suited admirably for the smaller garden and comes in a range of pastel colou As desirable as any Lupin could be.

Lupins are easy to grow, but care should be taken to avoid the disease, and be warned, slugs love them! Allowing Lupins to set seed will weaken the plant for successive years so cut down flowering stems once the blooms fade.

Seeds Specifications

Seeds per Packet 50
Common Name Dwarf Lupine Mix, Pixie Delight
Height 12 to 18 inches.
Flower Colour Annual lupines come in lots of colors, and add wonderful quick bloom to flower gardens and meadows. This mixture was produced by crossing two native species with different colors, resulting in an almost endless variety of multi-colored blooms.
Bloom Time June - October
Difficulty Level Easy

Planting and care

  • Lupins are generally divided into tall types, which are typically sown in the summer and overwintered, and the shorter types, which can flower in the first year from an early sowing
  • Tree Lupins form a shrubby bush up to 1
  • 5 metres in height
  • Sow Lupin seeds in late winter or early Spring, or in Late summer to early Autumn
  • Germination normally takes 14, 21 days at 65-70F
  • Keep the germinating seedlings moist at all times
  • Prick out seedlings when two true leaves have developed and transplant into individual 3 inch pots
  • Grow on cooler, 15-18oC is ideal, and transplant into the garden when the pots are full of roots
  • Overwintered Lupins should be kept on the dry side, under protection, such as a well-ventilated polytunnel, greenhouse or cold-frame
  • Once planted out, Lupins prefer a sunny position

Lupin Pixie Dwarf Mixed Color care

  • Dwarf lupin grows as a Perennial and is a Flower
  • Being a Perennial, it tends to grow best over several years (approx 3 years and greater)
  • dwarf lupin is known for growing to a height of approximately 60
  • 0 cm (1
  • 95 feet)
  • This variety tends to bloom in late spring
  • Dwarf Lupin is normally fairly low maintenance and quite easy to grow, as long as a level of basic care is provided throughout the year
  • Being aware of the basic soil, sun and water preferences will result in a happier and healthier plant
Sunlight Full Sun
Watering Keep soil moist throughout the growing season.
Soil Dry, Average, Well Draining soil.
Temperature 60f t00 70f
Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilzer.

Lupin Pixie Dwarf Mixed Color special feature

The flowers of Pixie Delight Lupine will attract an array of beneficial insects to the garden including bumblebees, honeybees & butterflies as has special fragrance.

Lupin Pixie Dwarf Mixed Color uses

Ornamental Use:

  • it is used for gardening
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