Sausage Tree, Kigelia - Plant

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₹ 1,119
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₹ 1,119
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Kigelia is based on an African name. The genus Kigelia has one species and occurs only in Africa.

The short, squat trunk has light brown, sometimes flaky bark and supports a dense rounded to spreading crown of leathery, slightly glossy foliage (deciduous). The huge, grey-brown fruits, 800 x 120 mm. hang from long stalks, from December to June and weigh anything up to 9 kg.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Sausage Tree
Maximum Reachable Height Over 40 ft.
Flower Colour blood-red
Bloom Time August to November.
Difficulty Level Easy.

Kigelia care

Protect young plants from frost. Plant in full sun, add lots of compost and mulch well.

Sunlight Full Sun
Watering Water moderately.
Soil Soil pH 6.6 to 7.5 (neutral)
Temperature 4C to 40C.
Fertilizer A time released fertilizer 8-3-9 or similar.

Kigelia uses

Ornamental Use:

  • A popular shade and street tree

Medicinal Use:

  • To treat a wide range of skin problems, from fungal infections, boils, psoriasis, and eczema, to the more serious diseases, such as leprosy, syphilis and skin cancer
  • It also has internal applications, including the treatment of dysentery, ringworm, tapeworm, malaria, diabetes, pneumonia and toothache
  • The leaves in a compound applied for a backache
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