Water Lily ( White) - Plant

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This species of water lily has lily pads which float on the water, and blossoms which rise above the water.

Lotus is a beautiful aquatic plant for India home gardens. Flowers twice a year. Is available in shallow planter.It grows in various parts of East Africa and Southeast Asia. The Nymphaea lotus var.

thermalis is a tertiary relict variety, endemic to the thermal waters of Europe, for example the Peta River in Romania in Hungary .It is a perennial, grows to 45 cm in height. The color of the flower is white and sometimes tinged with pink.It is found in ponds, and prefers clear, warm, still and slightly acidic wate It can be found in association with other aquatic plant species such as Utricularia stellaris.Nymphaea lotus is often used as a freshwater aquarium plant. In ornamental garden pools and in greenhouse culture it is grown for its flowers, which do not normally appear under aquarium conditions: aquarists prefer to trim the floating lily pads, and just maintain the underwater foliage. Strong light is required for deep reddish color in the red forms.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Lotus,Water lily,Nymphaea lotus, the white Egyptian lotus, tiger lotus, white lotus or Egyptian white water-lily, is a flowering plant of the family Nymphaeaceae.
Flower Colour White
Difficulty Level easy

Planting and care

Your lotus will do best in good quality soil, though they will grow in pure sand or gravel. Some garden centers sell water plant potting mix. Gravel at the bottom of your pot will help sink the planting container and one-inch gravel at the top will keep foraging koi out. Be sure your pot or soil has no insecticide/herbicide residues.

Water Lily care

Spent lotus flower heads form unusual, attractive seed cones filled with large brown seeds with hard seed coats. Collect the seeds when the cones have dried, but don t wait too long or the wind will shake the seeds out of the cones. File the hard seeds slightly to expose the white inside, but don t damage the seed or it won t be able to sprout.
Another way to deal with the hard seed coat for better germination is by soaking the seeds in warm water for a couple of days, then removing the outer seed coat.

Sunlight Full Sun to Partial Shade
Watering Medium
Soil well-drained soil
Temperature 80 degree Fahrenheit
Fertilizer organic

Water Lily special feature

Growing Lotus plants is believed sacred in India and other Asian countries as it is believed that proper positioning Lotus plants brings prosperity, peace and sereneness to the house.

Water Lily uses

Ornamental Use:

  • The plant is used for ornamental purpose
  • Its generally kep outdoor and in terrac area
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