Hollyhock Malva - Flower Seeds

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1 packet contains Hollyhock - 40 Seeds. It is a vigorously healthy plant with showy flowers of bright mauve-purple, with dark veins.

It may be considered a perennial or biennial. Upper leaf lobes have a more triangular shape. Long stalked, with 5 petals, bright rose-purple flowers with darker stripes along the petals bloom singly or in 3 to 5 flowered axillary cluste

Seeds Specifications

Seeds per Packet 50
Common Name Hollyhocks, common mallow, cheeses, high mallow and tall mallow
Height Some varieties grow 2 to 3 feet, while others grow as high as 6 feet.
Flower Colour Pink, purple, deep red and white
Bloom Time Summer. A few varieties will bloom well into fall.
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

  • After the growing season is over, Hollyhock should be cut back to ground level
  • To assure that the plant does not get killed out completely, cover the area with mulch, in case the winter is real harsh
  • Look for an insect attack and can be treated with insecticides and insecticidal soaps

Hollyhock Malva care

  • Planting hollyhock may be done in spring or fall
  • Select a sunny location sheltered from the wind
  • Spring plantings will be safer in areas where winters are severe
  • Plant as soon as nursery stock is received
  • If plantings must be delayed, place the hollyhock in a cool, shaded area and keep the roots moist
  • Hollyhock seedlings are grown in a special planting mixture to promote fast growth
  • Do not pull this material away from the roots, but set the top of the planting material level with the soil line
  • Firm the soil around the plants and roots by pressing the soil with your hands
  • Water well to eliminate air pockets that may form around the roots
Sunlight Full sun (Can tolerate partial shade for sometime)
Watering Water as needed to keep the soil moist at all times.
Soil Rich, well drained soil
Temperature 16 to 28 degrees C
Fertilizer Adding a general purpose fertilizer once a month will result in bigger, fuller blooms.
Harvest Season August

Hollyhock Malva special feature

Hollyhocks grow heart-shaped leaves that clump up into a mound below the flower stalks.

Hollyhock Malva uses

Ornamental Use:

  • The showy blossoms on hollyhocks make great cut flowers for bouquets
  • They add a traditional look to cottage gardens
  • Use these flowers as border plants, mass plantings and showcase plants
  • Hollyhocks are visually appealing when placed along a fence or a wall

Culinary Use:

  • Leaves are used as an edible in Europe
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