Durana White Clover - 0.5 kg Seeds

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Durana White Clover is a herbaceous perennial plant in the bean family Fabaceae.

The term white clover is applied to the species in general. Trifolium repens is a herbaceous, perennial plant. It is low growing, with heads of whitish flowers, often with a tinge of pink or cream that may come on with the aging of the plant.

The leaves are trifoliolate, smooth, elliptic to egg-shaped and long-petioled. The stems function as stolons, so white clover often forms mats with the stems creeping as much as 18 cm a year, and rooting at the nodes.Durana is highly persistent under grazing and is best used to enrich existing, unimproved cool or warm season grass pasture, especially if riding a pasture of toxic fescue is not an option. Excellent for grazing fall through early summer. Durana increases the attractiveness and nutritional value of wildlife food plots, alone or in a mixture.

Seeds Specifications

Seeds per Packet 10000
Common Name White clover, Dutch clover, Ladino clover
Height 10 to 30 cm
Flower Colour White
Bloom Time May-October
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

  • For White Clover to prosper, the soil should be well drained, kept moist and grown in full to moderate sun
  • They should be grown in trays or flower boxes that will allow the tips to make contact with the soil to produce the runners
  • If grown indoors, they must be in a sunny location or the stems will stretch and the plant will become leggy with small leaves

Durana White Clover care

  • Wet areas along roadsides
Sunlight Full sun
Watering Average
Soil Moist, well-drained, clay, loamy
Fertilizer Any organic fertilizer

Durana White Clover uses

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