Costus erythrophyl - Plant

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₹ 249
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Costus erythrophyllus is a tropical rhizomatous perennial.

Costus erythrophyllus is a tropical rhizomatous perennial native to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and northern Brazil, which was first described in 1929.

The most common form in cultivation grows to about 1 meter in height, with waxy leaves that are dark green on top, and deep purple underneathThey range throughout the tropical world and grow with large, fleshy leaves that are arranged in whorls around the stem. The flowers emerge from the center of the plant in a small cone with ruffled, crinkled flowe

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Fiery Costus or Spiral Flag
Maximum Reachable Height Upto 1 meter.
Flower Colour White and pink.
Difficulty Level Easy.

Planting and care

If your plant starts to suffer from brown leaf margins, it most likely is being underwatered or exposed to cold drafts. Try to raise the humidity and increase the water.

Costus erythrophyl care

Sunlight Partial sun to partial shade.
Watering Water regularly to keep the soil moist even in winte Do not, however, let them sit in waterlogged soil or the rhizome could rot.
Soil A light, fast-draining potting soil is perfect.
Temperature Plant dies temperature below 20 degrees F.
Fertilizer Feed weekly with a weak liquid fertilizer that includes micronutrients. They are heavy feeders, especially during the growing season.

Costus erythrophyl uses

Medicinal Use:

  • Costus is an herb
  • The root and oil from the root are used to make medicine
  • Costus root is used for treating worm infections
  • Costus oil is used for asthma, cough, gas, and severe intestinal diseases such as dysentery and cholera
  • It is also used as a tonic and to stimulate digestion
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