Coptis teeta is an evergreen Perennial growing herb. it is an important medicinal plant used for various diseases.
Rhizome oblique to horizontal with persistent fibrousroots, bitter, yellowish brown externally, golden-yellowinternally. Leaves 5 t0 6 cm long, lamina 3-lobed,pinnatifid, glabrous; petioles very long, Inflorescence panicled. flowers small, 1 few-flowered, white or yellowish. Fruit a follicle, many seeded. Seeds are black. Flowering from February - April.
Parts used commercially - Rhizomes, used in Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani medicine. Paste- It is used in the application in eyes and on the inflammation. It is also used in application on the skin problems.Plant Specifications
*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Coptis teeta care