Combretum Fruticosum, Fire Flower - Plant

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₹ 349
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₹ 349
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₹ 349
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The orange flame vine is a liana that reaches up to 3 metres in height without a support and up to 11 metres with a support. The branches are cylindrical and striated.

Combretum fruticosum, known as orange flame vine or chameleon vine, is a species of bushwillow that occurs from Mexico to northern Argentina.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Orange flame vine,Pyrostegia venusta
Maximum Reachable Height 6 to 12 feet
Flower Colour Orange aging to red
Bloom Time June to October
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

Mexican flame flower is easily started in the garden from seed in spring. An herbaceous perennial or evergreen in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 and above, Mexican flame flower grows as an annual in lower zones. Rapid growth allows for development of foliage and flowers before the plant faces die back from frost.

Combretum Fruticosum care

Sunlight Full sun
Watering Medium
Soil Well-drained soil
Temperature 10 degrees F
Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer

Combretum Fruticosum special feature

Ornamental vine cultivated for its attractive flowe Best grown on a structure such as a chain link fence, trellis, arch or upright post. Drape from hanging baskets. Where not winter hardy, it may be grown as an annual.

Combretum Fruticosum uses

Ornamental Use:

  • The plant is used for ornamental purpose
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