Cnicus benedictus - Plant

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₹ 249
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Cnicus benedictus is a ANNUAL growing to 0.6 m (2ft).

Cnicus benedictus, is a thistle-like plant in the family Asteraceae, native to the Mediterranean region, from Portugal north to southern France and east to Iran. It is hardy to zone (UK) 8. It is in flower from May to September, and the seeds ripen from Jul to October.

The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects.Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It cannot grow in the shade. It prefers dry or moist soil.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Blessed Thistle, Cnicus microcephalus. Cnicus pseudo-benedictus. Epitrachys microcephala
Maximum Reachable Height 3.00 to 5.00 feet
Flower Colour red-yellowish
Bloom Time July to August
Difficulty Level easy to grow

Planting and care

plant care is not difficult but does require vigilance. The vines need to be trained early when they are young. You may use plant ties or just weave them through trellis sections. Fertilize the plant in spring just before new growth appea Pinch off the tips of the vines in the second year to promote branching which will fill the trellis with bushy growth.

Cnicus benedictus care

Plant where they will receive a minimum of 5 to 6 hours of full sun per day. Plants grown in weak sun may not die at once, but they weaken gradually. Give them plenty of organic matter when planting and dont crowd them.Wear sturdy gloves to protect your hands from prickly thorns.

Sunlight Full sun
Watering Medium
Soil well-drained soil
Temperature 70F
Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer

Cnicus benedictus special feature

Milk thistle has very attractive white-veined dark green leaves and purple flowers, but its biennial growth pattern and inclination to spread aggressively make it difficult for placement in gardens. Collection and disposal of spiny stems and leaves from plants that have died can be time-consuming.

Cnicus benedictus uses

Ornamental Use:

  • The plant is used for ornamental purpose
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