Ruellia rosea - Plant

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₹ 249
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Ruellias or wild petunias

This plant thrives in moist, fertile, humusy but well-drained soils. It is a versatile plant that tolerates an extremely wide range of growing conditions. It thrives as a marginal water plant and in boggy soils.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Ruellias or wild petunias
Maximum Reachable Height 0.50 to 0.75 feet
Flower Colour Purple
Bloom Time June to September
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

Every leaf has a growth bud, so removing old flower blossoms encourages the plant to make more flowers instead of using the energy to make seeds. Clean away from around the base of the rosebushes any trimmed debris that can harbor disease and insects.Late in the season, stop deadheading rugosas so that hips will form on the plants.

Ruellia rosea care

Have a hose or bucket of water and all your planting tools nearby. Keep your bare-root rose in water until you are ready to place it in the ground.Plants can be cut back and moved in either spring or fall, but not in midsummer, as they might suffer and die in the heat.

Sunlight Full sun to part shade
Watering Medium to wet
Soil Well drained soil
Temperature 60 degrees
Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer

Ruellia rosea special feature

Excellent annual flowering plant for areas where it is not winter hardy (MBG Plant of Merit). For USDA Zones 8-10, it may be effectively grown in bog gardens, as a pond marginal, and in beds and borders, but can be significantly invasive in areas such as the State of Florida where it is has been declared to be a Category 1 invasive species.

Ruellia rosea uses

Ornamental Use:

  • The plant is used for ornamental purpose
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