Polyscias balfouriana - Plant

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₹ 249
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₹ 249
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Polyscias fruticosa, or Ming aralia, is a perennial dicot evergreen shrub or dwarf tree native to India.

Polyscias fruticosa, or Ming aralia, is a perennial dicot evergreen shrub or dwarf tree native to India. The plant grows fairly slowly but can reach up to 1 to 2 meters in height.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name Ming aralia
Maximum Reachable Height 6.00 to 8.00 feet
Flower Colour Pale yellow to white
Bloom Time Seasonal bloomer
Difficulty Level Easy to grow

Planting and care

Keep your aralia in very bright light. Some direct sun is best. Full afternoon sun may be too much. They can be pruned to shape. They do not mind being fairly root bound for long periods of time.A good shower to clean the leaves from time to time either outdoors or in your bathtub is very helpful. Fertilize regularly.

Polyscias balfouriana care

One important thing to keep in mind when growing Ming Aralia indoors is that it must be kept constantly moist. Even in the winter, when most houseplants need a reduction in the amount of water they receive, this plant, s soil should still be kept consistently moist (but not wet).

Sunlight Full Sun to Partial Shade
Watering Medium
Soil well-drained soil
Temperature 16-29 degrees C
Fertilizer Apply any organic fertilizer

Polyscias balfouriana special feature

Tropical specimen/accent or hedge for frost free areas. Where not winter hardy, plants may be grown indoors in containe

Polyscias balfouriana uses

Ornamental Use:

  • The plant is used for ornamental purpose
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