Brunfelsia americana - Plant

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₹ 249
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Brunfelsia americana is an evergreen shrub or small tree; it can grow up to 5 metres tall.
The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine. It is often grown as an ornamental in gardens.

Open, evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves. Bearing clusters of white, salverform on tubes, flowers that turn honey yellow with age. Fragrant blooms, more fragrant at night. Part sun, bright filtered light, said to do well in shade also. Seasonally moist/dry, in humus rich, well drained neutral soil.

Plant Specifications

*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name lady-of-the-night
Maximum Reachable Height 12-20 / 3.7m - 6.1m
Flower Colour First a clear, crisp white or ivory in color, the blossoms fade to creamy light yellow and then beige
Bloom Time Early Spring, Spring, Late Spring, Fall, Late Fall, Early Winter

Planting and care

Be prepared to water during prolonged sunny, windy, dry spells even in the winter.

Brunfelsia americana care

Grows best in a position with partial shade - when growing in full sun the foliage may scorch and drop. Prefers a loamy, fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil.

Sunlight Full Sun, Partial Sun
Soil Seasonally moist/dry, in humus rich, well drained neutral soil.
Loam, Sand.

Most plants need a regular diet of all-purpose plant food, either specialty (labeled for your specific plant type) or a generic N-P-K (nitrogen - phosphorus - potassium)

Fertilize early in the plants growing cycle - spring for summer plants, fall for winter plants.

For leafy plants, use a fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content (first number) For flowering or fruiting plants, use a fertilizer higher in phosphorous content (middle number)If using a water soluble fertilizer:

1.Mix as directed on container according to directions 2.Wet the leaves and drench soil 3.Repeat
If using a granulated fertilizer:
Scatter a small amount of all-purpose fertilizer lightly under plants from the stem to beyond the outer spread of branches or foliage.
2.Water slowly and deeply.
NOTE: Never over fertilize! You will see lots of weak, leafy growth and few flowers
Harvest Season Spring, Fall

Brunfelsia americana uses

Ornamental Use:

  • It is often grown as an ornamental in gardens

Medicinal Use:

  • The fruit is astringent
  • It has been used as a tonic to cure chronic diarrhoea and stomach problems

Culinary Use:

  • perfume
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